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ento Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:04 pm

Ok I have what i was told to be a stock 73 thing exhaust. it has to flange on the sides for the exhaust tips. I cant find the correct ones anywhere. The flanges are very small and the ones I have found are slip ons. Can anyone help me?

wbrown45 Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:24 pm

Bugpack used to make 1 3/8" flanges that should work. I think I saw them on Cip1's site also. Are the tips smaller than that?

ento Sat Oct 16, 2010 4:56 am

Not sure of the size but the ones on cip1 are just slip ons. Ill check bugpack and ill measure the flanges.

DougD Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:41 pm

That’s weird... you would think that after reading every single one of those threads at least twice that I would know which exhaust I want. Too many choices.

GI Joe Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:15 pm

OK, I am too annoyed with this "tri mill" style muffler. It's got a unique sound, but it's just too loud for me. I am looking for a system like the S&S(out of business now??) with the split "quiet pack" style mufflers. I need the dual muffler setup to keep my OCD in check. I cannot run a muffler on one side only... not gonna happen.

So, I see TTS has their new split stainless system, and it seems fairly priced and well built.(They recommend it for 1700cc and Smaller) I've spoken with TTS and the tubing is 1 1/2".

SO, anyone have any fresh info on a system that may fit my needs? Most of the links in this thread are dead and the info is OLD..... let's get some fresh stuff in here!

Rev. Scott Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:04 pm

i have an older TTS split system and am considering the tri-mil. id'e have gone the s&s rout long ago (superior tuning/extraction) but it interferes with my trailor hitch. the bane of the thing owners existence.

Captain Spalding Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:56 pm

The S&S system isn't exactly what you'd call "whisper quiet".

Busdriver79 Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:03 pm

I removed a stock beetle peashooter muffler and installed a glasspack system that exits through the stock holes in the bumper...sweet sounding and I can feel it makes a bit more power...the bad thing is that it began to peel the paint and get rusty...looked I painted the entire exhaust with POR-15 and a dried hard as a rock and hasn't burned off yet...this turned out better than the high temp exhaust paint that was originally put on it.

Semper_Dad Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:24 pm

mschiffel wrote: I removed a stock beetle peashooter muffler and installed a glasspack system that exits through the stock holes in the bumper...sweet sounding and I can feel it makes a bit more power...the bad thing is that it began to peel the paint and get rusty...looked I painted the entire exhaust with POR-15 and a dried hard as a rock and hasn't burned off yet...this turned out better than the high temp exhaust paint that was originally put on it.

Cool, just don't inhale :lol:

euromog Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:56 am

I recently installed an A1 header and muffler on my '74 Thing. I have been playing with air cooled VW's for over 35 years. The A1 exhaust is by far the highest quality, best fitting system I have ever seen and installed. Nicer than the old Fourtuned and Berg systems. Is quiet and sounds great as well. I got the system for without heater boxes. Makes more power than the merged dual QP Berg system I had on this engine in my bug. Now I get to enjoy the induction sound of the 48IDA's even more :)

A1 Muffler
Santa Ana, CA
[email protected] (site currently down)

sxuxrxf Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:18 pm

Why is everyone so stingy with the pictures?? Show us! :evil:

sjhotz Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:46 pm

I have a Trimill as well and love the power but it's soo damn loud, found this today while searching...

Has anyone tried this?

Am I restricting flow by installing and thereby reducing power?

Any opinions are welcome!

DougD Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:14 am

sjhotz wrote: I have a Trimill as well and love the power but it's soo damn loud, found this today while searching...

Has anyone tried this?

Am I restricting flow by installing and thereby reducing power?

Any opinions are welcome!

I would think yes although I didn't notice any added power to begin with when I installed the tri-mil on mine. Some mufflers come with a sound reducing plug similar to that one that you can install/remove depending on your mood.

Schwing Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:08 am

Anyone have any experience with this one from Appletree?

Is it loud? Or does it sound stock?

they had a free shipping and a discount running a couple of weeks back so I got it for $134 shipped. I figured it would hold me over for a bit while I figured it all out. I am just hoping its not too loud like the Tri-Mil


Yarkle Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:40 pm

it looks just like the tri-mill, and id imagine its at least as loud, if not louder

DougD Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:06 am

Not sure that I would go with that one. It looks identical to the trimil except its painted black which they state will burn off and leave the raw metal exposed. The in-between period while it burns off may not look too good and then you will have raw metal which will rust. Why would they coat it black for protection? Seems like they figured out their coatings burn off and so now they are calling it a "feature".

[email protected] Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:56 pm

that's an EMPI "Hotdog", copy of the Tri-Mil.

Our testing with them resulted in them blowing the fiberglass out in under 500 miles in both the Thing and Type 1 versions, and getting a LOT louder once that happened. You get what you pay for, no shortcuts ever work out as planned.

Schwing wrote: Anyone have any experience with this one from Appletree?

Is it loud? Or does it sound stock?

they had a free shipping and a discount running a couple of weeks back so I got it for $134 shipped. I figured it would hold me over for a bit while I figured it all out. I am just hoping its not too loud like the Tri-Mil


FV195 Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:15 pm

so I was at a formula vee race last weekend, and got talking to the guy that builds SS exaust for the race cars. he has been shopping for a thing. I asked him about building a performance SS exaust for the thing. he said he can do it. I said wanted it to look like stock type out the bumper. so would probably be a merged header that feeds into a trimill looking muffler, made out of stainless. he is not real far from me, so probably take my car for him to build the first one on. you can see his work at dyno tests have shown equal length pipes. stepping up in size every so often.
I just need to make the trip to see him, so he can build one, make the jigs and start mass produce them at a reasonable cost.
will keep everyone posted

DougD Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:05 pm

Did you ever have him build you one FV195?

FV195 Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:28 pm

never got any interest, so my cost to build one, would have been quite high. and I just moved to PA. could still be done if enough people wanted one.
and my exaust is only 2 years old, looks brand new

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