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79SuperVert Mon Jul 22, 2002 5:29 am

Anybody have experience with Hagerty's for "classic" car insurance? I asked on another forum and got no answers and I'm surprised. I thought this is a "hot topic" for old car owners. Does anybody use Hagerty? How are they at paying claims?

Trayle D. the real oggfk Mon Jul 22, 2002 4:09 pm

My freind Quintin Dailey just got a quote from them on his 1961 show car. They said for $13,000 coveraqe it would be $235.00 a year. Car must be garaged and there are milage limitations also. Also the $235.00 is payed anually not monthly.

79SuperVert Tue Jul 23, 2002 4:56 am

They give me a similar low quote. Additional limitation is that every licensed driver in your household must have a car, so that the "classic" is not anybody's daily driver. On the plus side, they don't require that you only drive the car to and from shows.

ovalmadness Tue Jul 30, 2002 11:37 am

I have Hagerty Ins. right now on my 1956 bug and a 1970 squareback. I also had it on my 1970 Bug. I set the car value at $10,000 and when a minivan pulled out in front of me and totaled my bug, they paid every penny. Of coarse it took a little time to get the money because they are an insurance company, but it was not longer than a month. They also never asked if I was driving my bug to a car show or questioned where I was going when the accident happened. I hope this helps.

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