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vwwestyman Sun Nov 06, 2016 11:36 am

Found some Beetle front seat backs for sale.

What years can bolt to the Thing seat bases? Anything beyond the 71-72 seats?

Yarkle Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:27 pm

No...BUT. sometimes you can just bolt the highbacks onto the lowback not sure which years do though

vwwestyman Sun Nov 06, 2016 4:01 pm

Yarkle wrote: No...BUT. sometimes you can just bolt the highbacks onto the lowback not sure which years do though

That's what I'm asking. Can the Beetle highbacks bolt on to the Thing lowback bottom?

Yarkle Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:06 pm

Ok, found it..pre 1971 should fit (so i THINK any 1970 down with highbacks, but im not 100% sure it will work)

I remember goign down to Curts house and we were grousign abotu how only 2 years would fit, as he had already bought some 70 (?) ones (youll have to look at my previous post in this trhead that shows the different contours) and he had them both sitign side by side and i wa slike..YOu know, it looks liek you can just swap them.

Well, he tried, he did, and it worked.

el_safari Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:09 pm

Only highback bug 1968 1969 with large headrest
and highback bug 1970 to 1972 with smaller headrest
bolt directely onto thing seat bottom 8)

vwwestyman Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:32 pm

el_safari wrote: Hi
Only highback bug 1968 1969 with large headrest
and highback bug 1970 to 1972 with smaller headrest
bolt directely onto thing seat bottom 8)

Perfect, thanks! Hopefully that seller will get back to me with the year his seat backs came from.

My seats sorely need recovering. I'm tired of sitting on springs! I'm thinking about having them done in marine vinyl, as it is a little thicker and does well with sun and water exposure.

Also planning to install seat heaters. I love seat heaters!

vwwestyman Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:38 pm

The seller sent me this pic of the seat backs. He is just selling Beetle seat backs, so I'm curious if they will fit the Thing seat base. Can any of you tell for sure from this pic?

Looks like to me they will. Seller isn't sure what year the seats came from.

Yarkle Mon Nov 14, 2016 4:21 pm

do you have a picture of the entire back? Like the , i dunno, front view?

vwwestyman Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:30 pm

From the ad:

el_safari Tue Nov 15, 2016 5:27 am

Hi Dave
For me it is OK: highback bug 1970 to 1972 . 8)

BJT Mon Apr 08, 2019 12:25 pm

el_safari wrote: Hi
Only highback bug 1968 1969 with large headrest
and highback bug 1970 to 1972 with smaller headrest
bolt directely onto thing seat bottom 8)

So, I’m about to purchase 71 or 72 seat backs, I just want to verify these will bolt directly to the Thing stock bottoms, that is correct, right? I don’t want to be stuck with Beetle seatbacks I can’t use....

vwwestyman Tue Apr 09, 2019 6:54 am

Ha ha, I've had the seatbacks in my shed for a couple years now! Still need to actually decide if I want to use high or low seats for me Thing.

volkybus Tue Mar 01, 2022 7:03 pm

Well here's my two cents.. High back seats are much safer if u get rear ended. I changed mine on all my cars after it happened to me. I got serious whiplash. In my 92 Subbie. A old guy rain into the back in the blinding Sunset and I'd be cripple if I didn't have highbacks
I put them on my 73 Bus and my 73 thing as well
.I used the original bottoms and the tops from a 68 up. It looks stock and I feel much safer. The bus was easier I only had to add the incerts in the top from a newer bus.. Both vehicles are prone to rearending. Both slow.. Believe being cool in a wheelchair when u can help it is not cool.
Good luck Bill in PR

sportin-wood Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:05 am

I've noticed that most of these posts are seat related, so here's my .02 cents:

I just picked up a '73 Thing project that sat for 10+ years in direct Texas weather without a top. The back seats are toast, and it has high back front seats.

Here's my question: Were high back seats an option for Things? I like the low back seat look better but wonder if it'll be worth looking for, being they're most likely hard to find, and expensive if I do find some...

el_safari Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:53 am

Lowback for all things/181s.
Just the passenger seat from the military version has a totaly reclinable back.
I was told that is was for accommodate a stretcher. 8)

Heiferman Fri Aug 23, 2024 10:19 pm

1971 and 1972 Beetle/Super Beetle are the ONLY stock VW seats which are a "Bolt in" interchange.


el_safari wrote:
Only highback bug 1968 1969 with large headrest
and highback bug 1970 to 1972 with smaller headrest
bolt directely onto thing seat bottom 8)

Above is one of the only two useful bits of info in this thread. I will mod this post if there is anything else.

Thing pans are like Ghias. No seat rails. They have to be added at replacement.
Game changer.

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