  View original topic: Importing a vehicle from Canada to the USA
EverettB Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:52 pm

I am starting this topic for all discussions related to importing a vehicle from Canada to the USA.

Please post any information or experiences you have in performing this task.

This topic will be used for all discussions on this topic to keep things centralized.

treetopflyer Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:20 pm

What, nobody has any info on imorting from Canada to the US? Bummer, I found a VW up there that I'm interested in and the U.S. reg sites are all legalise...anyone...Bueller
P.S the rig is over 25 years old so I can check block #1 on the "HS-7" declaration form, but what about a "REGISTERED IMPORTER NAME AND NHTSA REGISTRATION NUMBER"

I want to go up there and pick it up myself, not ship it.

utahphil Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:33 pm

Start here: I found this very helpful.

mr white Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:31 pm

I imported a 55 VW truck from Canada awhile back. You need a broker for customs,a shipper (Sea Rail) is a decent one,and patience. Pm me for any specific questions.

limerence Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:28 am

Hello All,

I am looking into potentially purchasing a vehicle (1969 MY) from Ontario, Canada and having it transported to me in San Jose, CA. With that said, I wanted to see if there was any advice folks could give me on this process, and how cumbersome it might be.

I have contacted the following groups:
- California DMV: They told me I need:
1) Original registration (this might be in combination with insurance)
2) Customs clearance letter
3) US Safety Label (usually found inside driver door)
4) US Emissions Label (usually found under hood)
5) If do not have #3 or #4 and vehicle is 1966 or newer, letter from VW on VW letterhead stating that vehicle is within safety and emissions standards (aka Letter of Compliance)
6) Bill of Sale
7) VIN Verification to be done at CA DMV office

- Customs and Border Patrol: They told me I need:
1) Bill of Sale
2) Registration

1) Proof of Ownership Form
2) Bill of Sale
3) EPA Declaration Form 3520-1
4) Dept of Transportation Form HS-7

Through the conversations, it sounds like so long as I fill out the proper forms and pay the necessary fees and taxes, I should be ok. However, in reaching out to a car transporter for transport from MI to CA, he stated that I could run into alot of issues. He has had customers buy cars from Canada and then run into issues trying to register it in the States. He stated that since final assembly of these cars was in Canada, once they come in, they will be treated like they were a 2014 car and will need to meet 2014 standards, which they will not. Can someone confirm?

Also, if I have all of the above, is there a need for a broker? If so, are there any reputable and reasonably priced brokers that anyone knows of?

Thanks you in advance,

Trevor P Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:59 pm

Who on earth told you they were assembled in Canada?? VW has never assembled an air cooled car in Canada.

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