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kielbasa Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:14 pm

You got something odd going on with front fenders. Buff job looks good though

johndl58 Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:46 pm

Yeah. Sometime before I got it, someone thought it a good idea to fit some early model fenders on it and franken the surrounding area to make it work. Unless you "know" its not that brutal. But we "know". Haha. I just didn't have the energy to open that can of worms to fix it 100%. I figured if it looked bad enough I would chop the nose and Baja it. I'm gonna roll it like this for a while. See how it feels.

buguy Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:47 pm

Looks good. But yeah...whats up with the fenders? What are the big slits on the horn grill holes about?

johndl58 Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:09 pm

Its where the 1970 bumpers slide through. Doesn't everyone do it like this??

wcfvw69 Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:30 pm

johndl58 wrote: Its where the 1970 bumpers slide through. Doesn't everyone do it like this??

Those are not 1970 fenders. They look early 60's. Someone slotted them to fit the 68 and later front bumper brackets.

wcfvw69 Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:35 pm

Here's what your fenders and lights should look like.

johndl58 Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:32 am

Thanks WC. I wish it looked like that. In one of my previous posts I wrote that some genius, before I got it, decided it would be a good idea to put early model fenders on it. While I'm not opposed to the look, I like the early style, I am opposed to how they did it. I just didn't have the energy or skills to fix it 100%.

Q-Dog Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:56 am

johndl58 wrote: Thanks WC. I wish it looked like that. In one of my previous posts I wrote that some genius, before I got it, decided it would be a good idea to put early model fenders on it. While I'm not opposed to the look, I like the early style, I am opposed to how they did it. I just didn't have the energy or skills to fix it 100%.

If you can paint, you have the skills to unbolt the current fenders and bolt on the correct ones.

wcfvw69 Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:21 pm

Q-Dog wrote: johndl58 wrote: Thanks WC. I wish it looked like that. In one of my previous posts I wrote that some genius, before I got it, decided it would be a good idea to put early model fenders on it. While I'm not opposed to the look, I like the early style, I am opposed to how they did it. I just didn't have the energy or skills to fix it 100%.

If you can paint, you have the skills to unbolt the current fenders and bolt on the correct ones.


Find some ORIGINAL, VW fenders for your year bug. Body work them and paint them to match your car. It will look SSOO much better than those early fenders. The aftermarket fenders don't fit for shit and the headlight retainers brackets are not know to be welded in the right spots. Ask me how I know. Another source could be Mexican VW factory fenders. They are good quality as well. There are several big vendors selling them. You're looking for 67 thru 71 fenders. The only difference is the turn signal holes are different sizes due to the turn signals getting bigger and bigger as the years progressed.

johndl58 Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:13 pm

If I thought it was that easy I definitely would've done that. Unfortunately there was some bondo work done to the front apron/nose area to make these fenders fit since they don't just "bolt on" to this year bug. I just didn't feel it was 1-worth it to try and fix it, and 2-it doesn't bother me enough to want to fix it. If this was some cherry specimen of a beetle I would've gone the extra mile, but for my first foray into the bug world, its all good. I just want to finally drive the damn thing. Haha.

buguy Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:03 pm

Oh I see now! Hell with it. Rock it as is man!
So whats next? Put er back together?

Q-Dog Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:10 am

Except for Super beetles, the fenders are a direct bolt-on. Really. There is no difference in the mating surface ... the only difference is in the bumper mounts. VW changed the aprons and the hoods and the bumpers, but the fender mounting is one of the areas on bugs that didn't change. If there is bondo on your apron, it is probably to fix crash damage (which is common, and could also explain the fender swap).

So, get the car on the road and enjoy it. One day you will come across a deal on a set of correct fenders and you'll be able to take your time prepping and painting them. Then bolting them on would be a one day deal.

The paint looks nice. Good job. What's next?

johndl58 Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:34 pm

I thought the early years were different than later years in all aspects. Either way there are other "forces at work" as far as replacements go. Definitely some bad bondo work/repairs done at some point for some reason. I'm OK with the way it is for now. I will say that I snapped a few necks yesterday on its maiden journey post makeover. Felt pretty good.

far rider Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:54 am

Getting ready to sand/polish. Little concerned about dash (which is completely free of gauges glove box door and radio)board with all the openings.
Using the buffer here is probably a little tricky to avoid burn through. Any experience and tips?

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