54bugn |
Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:53 am |
Thanks for the comments folks. I had a chance to work on the oil change access that was also on the original Schwimmwagens. I had my friend Dave at OXwerkz cut out the inner and outer circular rings that will sandwich either side of the fiberglass hull, and the cover plate out of 1/4” and 3/8” steel plate. Once I had them in my possession, I started drilling, countersinking and tapping certain holes.
What it looked like with everything drilled and the screws all installed.
Once all sealed with marine adhesive inside and out and bolted together above and below the fiberglass hull.
From the inside all installed and cover plate attached.
And finally from the outside all painted. Still have to cut a gasket for the cover plate but have to buy some flat gasket material big enough.
That’s it for now, back to work see you in a few weeks.
Mike |
VW_Jimbo |
Sun Sep 15, 2024 11:49 am |
That came out really nice! |
Bruce |
Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:30 pm |
Then a smaller one for the trans. |
cyberdyne systems 101 |
Mon Sep 16, 2024 4:53 am |
Very nice detail. |
54bugn |
Tue Oct 15, 2024 12:22 pm |
Hello folks and once again thanks for the comments. Sorry for taking so long to move on but I was busy with work and once home my wife had quite a list for me to finish first so I only got a bit of work started on the Schwimmwagen.
One of the items that has been on my mind considering that this body is an approximate copy and as you have seen I have had to make a few changes to the way the body was molded, and the one that was still outstanding was the location of the propeller mount. So I broke out some of the components I have and started assembling them on the rear end. All the pieces I have are supposed to be exact reproductions of the originals but some have more finishing to do on them so this was just a rough fitting to test the placement.
With it folded up:
And with it down:
The result was that the lowest spigot is currently 5” off the floor. With the expected 2 1/2 - 3” of compression of the rear suspension once the engine, accessories and remaining structure and sheet metal are installed it should still have 2” of clearance at least which is perfect.
A lot more work to go but a small update for you. Back to work ….damn.
Mike |
54bugn |
Mon Dec 09, 2024 12:52 pm |
For anyone following I apologize for the delay in updates, I have a lot going on at home and there is more of that coming. So in the meantime I have been trying to take care of small items and accessories in what spare time I have.
First up I have a machinist friend making me two matching drive cogs for the propeller drive in his shop. Thanks Jay. They should come out looking close to these pics:
Next I have been painting small pieces that are part of the engine assembly and propeller assembly in the proper final colour.
Next I spent some time detailing, painting white crosses and then intentionally damaging the finish on a Jerry can that will sit in the back seat. White cross meant it had water in it.
I also made a starter fuel valve that fit over top of the carburetor. Still need to add the chain but looks pretty close.
I also took the time to add a cork seal to the oil change access plate on the belly of the schwimmwagen. Thanks Peter.
Lastly I built and detailed a wooden crate that will be used to represent the schwimmwagen special tool kit and will sit in the back seat. It will look something like the following real Kübelwagen tool box.
I will post a pic of my version when it is done.
Take care and hope everyone has a Merry Christmas or Happy holidays or both.
Mike |
obieoberstar |
Mon Dec 09, 2024 10:14 pm |
That fuel can came out nice. Looking forward to the propeller assembly.
You're getting close. |
cyberdyne systems 101 |
Mon Dec 09, 2024 11:43 pm |
Looks like you've made some good progress there, the extra accessories will add something to the overall look. Keep them coming.. |
Two Glove Boxes |
Tue Dec 10, 2024 11:58 am |
54bugn wrote: For anyone following I apologize for the delay in updates, I have a lot going on at home and there is more of that coming. So in the meantime I have been trying to take care of small items and accessories in what spare time I have.
First up I have a machinist friend making me two matching drive cogs for the propeller drive in his shop. Thanks Jay. They should come out looking close to these pics:
Next I have been painting small pieces that are part of the engine assembly and propeller assembly in the proper final colour.
Next I spent some time detailing, painting white crosses and then intentionally damaging the finish on a Jerry can that will sit in the back seat. White cross meant it had water in it.
I also made a starter fuel valve that fit over top of the carburetor. Still need to add the chain but looks pretty close.
I also took the time to add a cork seal to the oil change access plate on the belly of the schwimmwagen. Thanks Peter.
Lastly I built and detailed a wooden crate that will be used to represent the schwimmwagen special tool kit and will sit in the back seat. It will look something like the following real Kübelwagen tool box.
I will post a pic of my version when it is done.
Take care and hope everyone has a Merry Christmas or Happy holidays or both.
Merry Christmas to you as well! Damn the work and progress you're making is awesome! =D> =D> =D> =D> |
finster |
Tue Dec 10, 2024 12:16 pm |
looking good 8) but is it going to fit in the decklid recess with the prop raised?
54bugn |
Wed Dec 11, 2024 1:02 pm |
Hey guys thanks for the reply’s glad you’re still enjoying the build.
Finster yes it fits, I just have it pulled up higher then normal with a bungy cord while I was working on the plate below.
Hope everyone has a great Christmas time and happy holidays. Talk again soon.
Mike |
54bugn |
Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:13 pm |
Hello all, one quick update. My machinest friend Jay sent me a few photos of the couplings he made for the propeller drive. I attach a couple he sent. I get my hands on them on the 24th, thanks Jay.
I also attach a picture of my incomplete toolbox I am making, it’s smaller than an original but when finished will look similar.
Take care and Merry Christmas,
Mike |
54bugn |
Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:47 pm |
Hello and Happy New Year 2025 to all.
Managed to get a few things done while home this time. Including a somewhat complicated rear support crossover brace.
But first up I finished my schwimmwagen special tools box including a vintage lock.
I can’t remember who asked me, will have to look back, but when I was attaching the body at the rear with the fibreglass mounts, if I was going to add more support for the body. I said to stand by for a cage I was building in the rear end. So it starts this past couple of weeks. I took a 2 inch square steel tubing, cut bent and rewelded the curved upper portion that matches and is bonded into the rear upper Fiberglass body. It carries on down to the top of the wheel well arches then moves inwards to be welded to mounts bolted to the upper shock mounts. Sound confusing well it was to make. Maybe easier to see in the pics:
Currently it is being bonded to the fibreglass body. I will keep the clamps on and weld it to the horizontal square tubing from the front on both sides and also weld the vertical portions to the bolt on shock mounts. But that will be next time home.
Stay tuned for more.
Cheers, Mike |
finster |
Tue Jan 07, 2025 8:21 am |
54bugn wrote: I can’t remember who asked me, will have to look back, but when I was attaching the body at the rear with the fibreglass mounts, if I was going to add more support for the body. I said to stand by for a cage I was building in the rear end.
twas I, on page 4. that looks sturdy, I'm happy with that! :D |
54bugn |
Tue Jan 07, 2025 5:59 pm |
Thanks Finster glad it meets your approval lol. And thanks for clearing up who said that. Still more cage to go so stand by.
Cheers, Mike |
54bugn |
Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:25 pm |
Hello all, just a quick update. My friend Jay finished making the drive cogs for the propeller drive thanks buddy. Then I spent some time while away at work shaping them, painting and then filing off the wear spots as per an original cog. You can see the results below compared to an original schwimmwagen.
I look forward to mounting these on the car in thr near future.
Mike |
cyberdyne systems 101 |
Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:00 pm |
Excellent job by the both of you. |
54bugn |
Wed Feb 05, 2025 1:25 pm |
Thanks cyberdyne systems 101. Made a little more progress this last time home. I have had to give up my garage space for the time being, working out of a storage unit currently so bear with me.
I made two rear upper shock mounts to weld to the frame I made last time home.
I then was able (using my generator to power my welder) to weld the spots where the frame attached to the horizontal steel tubes along the sides of the body, the former upper shock mounts with adapters that bolt on and weld the two new upper shock mounts in place.
Shows a bit of the lunacy of my brains designs lol.
Next up was to start bending and cutting the rear horizontal 2” square steel structural tube that runs around the back of the engine compartment.
And I managed to get it fit in place. It will weld to the previous structure I installed as well as to the two rear tow hook plates I previously installed.
Next time home I will weld it in place and weld the cuts I made to bend it. After that I need to finish the rear cage with two tubes that run up from under the gearbox to the last square tube, and a cross brace. So stay tuned.
Mike |
VW_Jimbo |
Wed Feb 05, 2025 2:12 pm |
Looking great! I cannot believe that you are tackling this level of fabrication at a storage facility! My storage place does not allow any type of work to be done. Plus there is no power or water. My hats off to you! |
54bugn |
Wed Feb 05, 2025 5:04 pm |
Thanks VW_Jimbo, shhhh don’t tell anyone. Doing it after closing hours, it’s temporary.
Mike |
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