  View original topic: New pans installed over parts of the old?!
silentwitness33 Mon Sep 16, 2024 9:49 am

I just had the chassis of my '65 Beetle sandblasted. When I flipped the chassis over I saw that the previous owner had installed new pans over remnants of the old pan. The picture shows it quite clearly. Rather than chiseling away the old pan from the tunnel lip, he just cut out the vast majority of the old pan and installed the new ones over top. I bought the car with the body apart from the chassis so I don't know how well the two marry up. But even from a future rust perspective, I see this as a problem. Has anyone else seen this done before? This is my first project and would like some feedback on if this finding alone would prompt removal of the pan(s) and installation of new ones. Thanks, guys.

Dusty1 Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:38 am

Pretty common, actually.

It's a hack that preserves the original mating surface, original pan edge to original heater channel.

The standard for restoration is

"Good as new'"

If it's not restored to original appearance and function make it so.


silentwitness33 Mon Sep 16, 2024 12:07 pm

Interesting that this is common. Seems a shame to me that they went through the effort and got it 90% done but didn't see it through. Thanks for the response, Dusty1.

Dusty1 wrote: Pretty common, actually.

It's a hack that preserves the original mating surface, original pan edge to original heater channel.

The standard for restoration is

"Good as new'"

If it's not restored to original appearance and function make it so.


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