Celthing |
Mon Oct 21, 2024 1:09 pm |
I'm wondering if there is a better gas sending unit than the stock toilet float? Anyone know if some other model that functions better will fit? I just ran out of gas for the second time, second sending unit, and it was a second DRAG! |
Thing7 |
Mon Oct 21, 2024 2:16 pm |
Did you take the time to calibrate it by bending the rod and doing tests to see if it was accurate at both full and empty? |
mondshine |
Tue Oct 22, 2024 6:59 am |
Here is something to look at, but this is only for people that are completely nuts...
https://www.thesamba.com/vw/forum/viewtopic.php?p=10023947 |
Heiferman |
Wed Oct 23, 2024 8:39 pm |
mondshine wrote: Here is something to look at, but this is only for people that are completely nuts...
And yet most of your advice is so good :lol: |
emersonbiggins |
Sat Nov 09, 2024 5:44 pm |
Will a split bus sending unit work? It is a cylinder type |
doublecanister |
Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:53 pm |
hey Celthing, just curious but what's up with what you're running?
You said you ran out of gas twice, is the current fuel sending unit just need tweaking for full to be full, empty to be empty, or is the needle moving around on you on the gauge?? any details?
I just this week had to pull mine out and redo the sending unit gasket to tank as I was getting a leak when tank was full and pretty strong gas fumes.
I guess the last time I pulled the sender working on the electric fuel pump (June this year) probably caused that.
I ordered a seal kit from CB's as they had one with the gasket, screws, flat washers and plastic washers, lot of kit's had some but not all the parts.
After replacing (I ended up using my original screws, the flat metal washers and plastic washers) on all 5 screws and got a good ground for the gauge to work without adding any extra wires.
Prior to the leak my gauge was acting strange, on fill up it wouldn't immediately go to full (does now) and back when I first bought the Thing, the gauge float was found to be cracked and had filled with fuel
and sunk so it was always on "empty" and would slosh around.
As a last thing to try, on a whim I used black plastic zip ties and plastic welded the thing and sealed it, been working for almost 12+ yrs?
I later had to replace the fuel tank as well, used all same gaskets and screws - not sure how I got away with that but finally it was time to replace that gasket, so far seems to be fixed and working better now.
Was just curious as you never know it could be something simple (bad ground) cracked float, bent arm or all the above, or whatever...
I had a similar issue on my 66' Mustang years ago and on my 51' F1 truck, the sending unit arm was rusted in place, had to work on that to un-stick it, so far I've not encountered a bad gauge just the float issue or a bad/stuck sending unit.
Hope you can sort this out and fix, just make sure you do this in a well ventilated area, geez I got a little too much of 'sniffing gas' myself,
the tank was so full just me leaning over pressing on it to pull the screws was causing fuel to well up and leak - I had to air out the garage and myself!
One other mention that I found on mine... the "cover" for the sending unit wire, mine had the wrong nut in place, my thread checker says it's a
M4 - 0.7 threaded stud, of which I need to find one, dug around and I got M3 and M5 but no M4's go figure!
Well, let us know how goes and good luck.
T |
Olli from NJ |
Sun Dec 01, 2024 8:21 am |
OP, have you checked the strainer/sock inside the tank? If the bottom portion of it is clogged you will "run out of gas" even though the fuel gauge is indicating that you have some. Just a thought, as it is something that I need to check on my Thing as well.
Olli |
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