  View original topic: Carpet, Jute, Deadeners, and Glues
electronictofu Wed Oct 23, 2024 1:24 pm

Hey all,

My Squareback floors are all covered in a dynamat/off-brand sound deadener. I ordered a TMI carpet kit from Jegs and that arrives this week. I understand their kits are not jute or padding backed? Can someone confirm? Id like to get all my stuff arriving around the same time 8)

My plan is to test fit the kit first, and possibly order some jute-like auto padding of under carpet, perhaps that's overkill? I know it'll add more mass to the floor, and want to make sure the carpet will still fit, the jute isn't crazy thick, I dont think it'll be an issue.

I am digging this option:

I've used DAP rubber cement for carpet kits in the past and never had any issues. I don't go heavy, I just use glue on certain spot areas these days, I used to glop it on every inch which seems overkill especially on areas that are flat in a carpet kit. Anyways.

This is primarily for sound, secondarily for weather, not so much a concern as it'll be a good weather driving car only.

jitbba Thu Oct 24, 2024 7:13 am

TMI carpet is just that...carpet. Be careful stacking up jute and sound dampeners, as my experience led to poor fitment of the floor carpet (especially over the shifter tunnel). I have a thread about it somewhere

Puppy67 Thu Oct 24, 2024 8:50 am

Jute/foam/the stuff you linked works best to absorb sound already in the car, but it's not great at blocking sound from coming in. It's a great heat insulator though if that's what you're after.
As the carpet itself will do a good job at reducing reflected sound already in the car, and you already have a dampener layer, I would suggest either just fitting the carpet, or using a layer of mass loaded vinyl underneath. Mass loaded vinyl is pretty heavy for the amount you use, but does an excellent job of blocking sound, just like the original tarboard used on the firewall/floor pans, but better. In fact, 2 - 3mm (3/32) is plenty to make a big difference.

electronictofu Thu Oct 24, 2024 12:35 pm

Both good posts, thanks guys.
Yeah I would use it only on not curved areas, like under the seat and around the feet. I think too much would, like you said, make the carpet harder to install and not fit as well.

Good info on keeping sound in on that particular product. I'll take that into account. I have a small section of Jute, I will probably just use the last of that where my speaker will be and maybe under the seat cut a couple squares, but after reading and sleeping on it I dont think I'll order anything else.

Thanks 8)

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