  View original topic: White roof/luggage rack?
daveblank Mon Nov 11, 2024 5:22 pm

I'm thinking about putting a roof/luggage rack on my 63. Would anyone happen to know if any stores sell a white one? I know I could get a silver one and have it powder coated, but this way would be easier.

vwuberalles Tue Nov 12, 2024 8:14 am

I'm not aware of any racks in white, but I've also never really looked for one. Have you thought about keeping the rack silver? It'd look better imho, and the color would match the wheels and other trim.

daveblank Thu Nov 14, 2024 11:37 am

vwuberalles wrote: I'm not aware of any racks in white, but I've also never really looked for one. Have you thought about keeping the rack silver? It'd look better imho, and the color would match the wheels and other trim.

I was thinking of a white rack & painting the wood slats turquoise to match the car. The issue I have with silver is that everyone has silver, I want to be a little different.

my59 Thu Nov 14, 2024 3:05 pm

I've a white rack, for the bus.
I can see a white rack over the turquoise, but painting the slats turquoise vs leaving them wood says the rack is strictly for looks.
You do realize the rack will slow you down, and can be noisy.

slave1pilot Thu Nov 14, 2024 3:32 pm

You can always paint one white.
And I think the Turquoise is too much
The light colored slats would be good.

daveblank Thu Nov 14, 2024 6:17 pm

my59 wrote: I've a white rack, for the bus.
I can see a white rack over the turquoise, but painting the slats turquoise vs leaving them wood says the rack is strictly for looks.
You do realize the rack will slow you down, and can be noisy.

It won't be for looks. It will be used. As far as slowing me down, it's not a race car.

daveblank Thu Nov 14, 2024 6:19 pm

my59 wrote: I've a white rack, for the bus.
I can see a white rack over the turquoise, but painting the slats turquoise vs leaving them wood says the rack is strictly for looks.
You do realize the rack will slow you down, and can be noisy.

It won't be for looks. It will be used.

daveblank Thu Nov 14, 2024 6:21 pm

slave1pilot wrote: You can always paint one white.
And I think the Turquoise is too much
The light colored slats would be good.

I'm aware that I can paint/powder coat one but if I find one that's already white it saves me some hassle.

OldSchoolVW's Thu Nov 14, 2024 7:47 pm

You could post a WTB ad in the Samba classifieds. Maybe Avery's has one ... doesn't hurt to contact them to see.

I noticed most, if not all, of the new ones are powder coated ... probably for durability. I don't think powder coat can be painted over, so a used one may be your best option.

BTW, I think the the white/turquoise color scheme will look great. Since you're planning to use this rack, maybe clear coat the slats after painting? Spar varnish would be pretty bullet proof, but it has a bit of a yellowish tinge.

daveblank Thu Nov 14, 2024 9:30 pm

OldSchoolVW's wrote: You could post a WTB ad in the Samba classifieds. Maybe Avery's has one ... doesn't hurt to contact them to see.

I noticed most, if not all, of the new ones are powder coated ... probably for durability. I don't think powder coat can be painted over, so a used one may be your best option.

BTW, I think the the white/turquoise color scheme will look great. Since you're planning to use this rack, maybe clear coat the slats after painting? Spar varnish would be pretty bullet proof, but it has a bit of a yellowish tinge.

Powder coat can be painted over, it's just tougher to gets good scuff on it. Or strip it off & re powder coat it. Thanks for the link.

my3bugs Tue Nov 26, 2024 4:47 pm

one just popped up in the classifieds here

67rustavenger Tue Nov 26, 2024 7:35 pm

my59 wrote: I've a white rack, for the bus.
I can see a white rack over the turquoise, but painting the slats turquoise vs leaving them wood says the rack is strictly for looks.
You do realize the rack will slow you down, and can be noisy.
To quiet down the roof rack noise. I wrapped a bungy cord around the upper front and rear rack bars.
A night and day difference in the noise the roof rack made before the bungy cord application. :D

hitest Sat Nov 30, 2024 2:11 pm

Sounds like matching your white color isn't important. But if it is- you'll have to paint match any rack you find. May as well buy an Empi and get the right paint to match mixed.

hitest Sat Nov 30, 2024 2:12 pm

my3bugs wrote: one just popped up in the classifieds here

Someone just got a $600 Bekowa rack for a hellluva deal.

daveblank Mon Dec 02, 2024 11:57 am

hitest wrote: Sounds like matching your white color isn't important. But if it is- you'll have to paint match any rack you find. May as well buy an Empi and get the right paint to match mixed.

They would be far enough apart that a slight color difference wouldn't be noticeable to most people.

KTPhil Mon Dec 02, 2024 12:02 pm

67rustavenger wrote: my59 wrote: You do realize the rack will slow you down, and can be noisy.
To quiet down the roof rack noise. I wrapped a bungy cord around the upper front and rear rack bars.
A night and day difference in the noise the roof rack made before the bungy cord application. :D

Interesting... I was considering a solid vinyl panel stretched across the front of my Fastback rack. Holding my hands in that area through the sunroof disturbs the airflow and makes it much quieter, like the deflectors/spoilers some screw into the roof, or that are build into other racks. I'll try a long bungie cord zig-zagged across those front bars... it might do the trick in the near-term. Thanks!

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