shanered |
Thu Nov 14, 2024 8:57 am |
About a year ago I made a VERY bad decision and bought a dual circuit master cylinder from AUTOZONE.... Without any warning I had a symptom, intermittent front circuit resulting in loss of pedal pressure losing 90 percent of my brakes compacity. THE CULPRUIT STILL TO BE INVESTIGATED, I will share my result here on samba. Im ok, me and the dog were hurt but recovering, my best buddy got the worst of it, hit the dash. I got the windshield, much softer..
Ill update with new pictures from after the wreck, video of the intermittent pedal symptom and the processof finding the cause and solution. I am wondering if anyone else out there has a similar ordeal caused by cheap brake parts? |
slave1pilot |
Thu Nov 14, 2024 10:34 am |
I'm not understanding
How does a "front circuit" failure cause 90% brake capacity
A single circuit failure (which would cause you to lose one front and the opposite rear) would cause a 50% loss at most.
I could be wrong on how a VW dual circuit works though. |
OldSchoolVW's |
Thu Nov 14, 2024 10:55 am |
slave1pilot wrote: I'm not understanding
How does a "front circuit" failure cause 90% brake capacity
A single circuit failure (which would cause you to lose one front and the opposite rear) would cause a 50% loss at most.
I could be wrong on how a VW dual circuit works though.
Dual circuit mc on a bug has fronts on one circuit and rears on the other. Fronts generally do the lion's share of the braking, especially if a front disc conversion has been done. From the photos, it doesn't look like shanered has done this conversion, so maybe 90% is a bit of an exaggeration ... then again, maybe not if it has been forever since the rears were adjusted. [-X
As a hard rule, I buy the best quality brake components I can find ... not just for my safety, but for the safety of my passenger(s), and anyone or anything in my path. I can't think of a system on any vehicle that needs to be more reliable and effective all the time. |
Root_Werks |
Thu Nov 14, 2024 11:22 am |
Ouch! At least everyone walked away. Be very curios what you discover on the brake failure side.
Good reminder to also ensure your E-Brake is functional and adjusted.
-Dan |
shanered |
Thu Nov 14, 2024 2:40 pm |
Thanks for the kind replies, and yes 90 percent of your braking compacity comes from the front due to the tip forward you get when brakes are applied and yes this is only acurate at speed and when agressively stopping. I think static proportioning is 70/30. |
zerotofifty |
Thu Nov 14, 2024 3:24 pm |
I think it is a bit early to blame an AutoZone master cylinder for this. Install error, other component failure perhaps? The problem can well be something else. Furthermore if one experiences an intermittent 90% degradation of braking and ignores it, golly it is really tough to not blame pilot error. Dont mean to be harsh to someone personally in a time of tragedy, but golly.
I wish for rapid full recovery for you, the dog and the car.
Best wishes. |
Cusser |
Thu Nov 14, 2024 4:44 pm |
zerotofifty wrote: I think it is a bit early to blame an AutoZone master cylinder for this.
I tend to agree. I ran a rebuilt Autozone master cylinder for over 2 decades in my 1971, and a few years ago it failed, and I installed a warranty replacement unit.
I'm sure whatever company rebuilds or manufactures brake cylinders for Autozone also markets them to a multitude of other vendors as well. |
shanered |
Thu Nov 14, 2024 5:03 pm |
Thanks for the perspective on blame and I agree. There is a bit more to the scenerio but I am going to piece by piece disect the brake system and we WILL find the problem.
1st priority: check the pushrod adjustment (been locked in same spot for over a decade), and check pedals for brake return spring fatigue.
2, check all hydraulics for leaks
3 remove and inspect all plungers seals and return springs, also checking resivior for debri/restrictions because its not a stock setup on the resivoir, but same for over a decade, almost two.
All brake componenents were new, WolfsburgWest 180k ago. I only changed the master last year because I realized the mileage and was trying to be pro active because of the steep grades I regular.
More pictures soon.
shanered |
Thu Nov 14, 2024 5:19 pm |
The problem was discovered a split second before the smack, lost it into a up hill turn. It couldnt be more my fault the cars wrecked, i am grateful to be recovering. Speed was the main reason for the accident, counting on thst one brake pump into an s turn lol. Happened late after a 15 hr work day, you guys can relate i am sure. Not at all blaming autozone for my wrecklessness. J want to know what can cause a symptom like that, I found it to be 50/50 intermittent after the wreck, no rime or reason. Cant even wiggle some kind of diagnosis out of it, just feels weird. This happened a few monthd back. Im just now able to screen time again without concussion symptoms. #-o #-o |
Schnitzelfuss |
Fri Nov 15, 2024 12:13 am |
Glad everyone is OK. How old are the brake lines? They can visually appear to be serviceable but fail internally and produce your symptoms. If you’re not sure of their age and condition, replace them. |
Cusser |
Fri Nov 15, 2024 8:32 am |
Your picture shows brake fluid in reservoir pretty low, would guess there's a hydraulic leak somewhere. |
zerotofifty |
Fri Nov 15, 2024 11:15 am |
shanered wrote: The problem was discovered a split second before the smack, lost it into a up hill turn. It couldnt be more my fault the cars wrecked, i am grateful to be recovering. Speed was the main reason for the accident, counting on thst one brake pump into an s turn lol. Happened late after a 15 hr work day, you guys can relate i am sure. Not at all blaming autozone for my wrecklessness. J want to know what can cause a symptom like that, I found it to be 50/50 intermittent after the wreck, no rime or reason. Cant even wiggle some kind of diagnosis out of it, just feels weird. This happened a few monthd back. Im just now able to screen time again without concussion symptoms. #-o #-o
Me I have been knocked out cold many times, concussions. Been in car wrecks, bike wrecks, boat wrecks. Busted bones, back, whiplashes, knee, etc... It made me the man I am today, sore, forgetful, and limping.
I now take my time when driving, no more adrenaline rush of speed, it aint worth it.
Get well soon. You only got one body, take this as good advice from an old fart that has been there.
So sad to hear you still suffer the effects, get well soon. |
shanered |
Fri Nov 15, 2024 1:42 pm |
Thanks everyone for the adviceand opinions. I tend to be the slowest driver on the road when I share it, often joking that im the conductor of a caravan of road ragers lol. Not an excuse but I was alone in the dark in a canyon I drive daily. I had a habit of going through the whole car every few years and had just removed my hi po setup after losing my 4th gear, so I went from a fun 90hp to a boggy 50hp 1600sp. Crashed going up an 11 percent grade 8) corner said 15, i admit if no headlights were present id regulary dive into this uphill corner doing 40 mph.. grew up on dirt bikes, just a part of my subconcious. I had a friend whos dad built whathe called "monster quads" which were suzuki quazillas with 3 cylinder rotax snow mobile engines. He told us one time, "some people use drugs, others are into money, success, but adreniline will always be what theyre seeking even if they dont know it"
Yes my fluid is dark and low, which is unusual. 2 months before the accident I installed the fresh gears, and new rear wheel cylinders, disassembled cleanedand re assembled both front wheel cylinders, and flushed out the fluid. Hard to believe its already dark like that. |
my3bugs |
Fri Nov 15, 2024 1:47 pm |
this reminded me of the time i was about 20 years old and wrecked a 67 bug , i lost two front teeth to the steering wheel , your mouth is never the same after stuff like that , im 69 now . i usually drive in the slow lane of the freeways , no need for speed , but i still like a little PEP when ya want it or NEED it ..... and GOOD brakes !!!
i was young n dumb back then !!! |
67rustavenger |
Sat Nov 16, 2024 12:10 pm |
my3bugs wrote: this reminded me of the time i was about 20 years old and wrecked a 67 bug , i lost two front teeth to the steering wheel , your mouth is never the same after stuff like that , im 69 now . i usually drive in the slow lane of the freeways , no need for speed , but i still like a little PEP when ya want it or NEED it ..... and GOOD brakes !!!
i was young n dumb back then !!!
Kindered spirts here. I too totaled my first 67 way back in 1982. In a moment of inattentive driving and I rear ended a Dasher at 35mph. :shock:
I didn't loose any teeth but my head did hit the windshield and I got a cut on one of my fingers from the broken horn ring.
Now a days, if I want to drive extremely fast. I take one of my 67's to the drag strip and do some fun, legal adrenaline producing blats down the strip. :wink:
When I updated my 67 front brakes to disc. I gravity bled them. Surprisingly, it worked and I have great pedal feel. |
Mon Nov 18, 2024 1:47 am |
Thank you OP for giving me a swift kick in the ass with your post. The brakes in my Bug need to be bleed and I keep putting it off and driving it,very cautiously,no more. Gonna bleed those brakes. |
Root_Werks |
Thu Nov 21, 2024 4:59 pm |
Do you think you'll get the Bug back on the road again?
Never totaled a Bug before, but been in a few incidents that required a fender, one I think even a fender and hood. Bugs don't fare well against other cars or objects in general for that matter. |
shanered |
Sun Nov 24, 2024 10:55 am |
I'm definitely eventually going to get it fixed. I picked up the green one for parts, but it's too nice to chop, numbers match etc. You can see where the Taiwan clip separated at the weld from too much heat, so the approach will be different, panels back together w/better equipment and German metal. My front beam is in a different spot now, doors opening is arched so idk. It's pretty bent.. |
shanered |
Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:14 am |
Quick prelude to update, maybe found the culprit I believe.... maybe... The master cylinder although casting is sloppy doesn't seem to have any obvious flaws, it's quite dirty and the mysterious brake switch I had plugged into the front circuit has a millimeter less thread than the one inthe rear circuit and seems to have been bottomed out on the housing not the sealing area.... It was like this a couple years and was not leaking externally but logically seems like it could let air in on the plungers return which me brain thinks may let a bit of air in and not get quite the pump your expecting on the next stop.... :shock: Still not 100 percent but I've got some pics and videos to upload and a new German master cylinder from jbugs on the way which I will install without altering or adjusting anything else and we will see if the problem persists. Thanks again everyone for all of the good advice and perspective, if this helps anyone or prevents any injuries, vw related nose jobs flesh or steel worth all the time spent on the screens right.? |
Cusser |
Thu Dec 05, 2024 10:06 am |
shanered wrote: the mysterious brake switch I had plugged into the front circuit has a millimeter less thread than the one in the rear circuit and seems to have been bottomed out on the housing not the sealing area
Yes, smart to have noticed this and obtaining new parts to fix this. |
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