  View original topic: Any other 'GAIJIN' VW lovers in Japan???
thingchick Wed Sep 08, 2004 6:21 pm


I was just wondering if there are any other foreigners living in Japan who are into VWs. I recently hooked up with a VW shop close to my 'home town' -bought a mid 90's Mexican Beetle off of them (it's all I could afford -vintage is pricey here) and they've invited me to cruise with them to shows across the country. If there's anyone out there who is interested in joining, I'd love to have another English speaker along for the ride!

Here's a link to some photos of my first Japanese 'VW Meeting':


Gripdolly Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:10 am

Hi there,

Seems like you posted this some years ago, maybe 2008! I'm in Tokyo, but have a place out on the beach with a couple of split-screenType 2s!

Let me know if you're still around.

All the best,


EverettB Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:16 am

I noticed this person has not used the site since 2010 so they may not see your post.

BannisteR Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:58 pm

I got excited seeing this post, and then saw it was resurrected from '08
I'm stationed out here in Japan. My bug is in the states and awaits parts and attention. It is cool to stumble upon older VW's out here though.

VWLover77 Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:38 pm

In 2004, I sold my 79 Bay to a broker in Gardena, California named David Kakazu who owned an export company called SeaCal Trading. He was exporting a lot of ACVWs to Japan at that time, and mine was one of them.

I've always wondered how it has fared there and was curious if anyone here has connections with the ACVW scene in Japan and may have seen it.

It was an automatic, with working dealer-added A/C, original paint, and 63K miles when sold.

mark tucker Mon Jan 24, 2022 2:08 pm

I used to buzz around in a oval windo bug on okinawa in the mid 70's, dont remember the year of the was red...well sort of. he said it was a 25 hp. it could idle up any hill you came to with 4 people in it.

97Mexi Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:47 am


I know Thingchick is long gone but I am here!

I have a '96 Mexican that I'm fixing up.... the car, not a person, that would be cruel. I've replaced the engine wiring harness because of a short and burn out (luckily no fire, though). I got the wiring harness from Antonio Trejo in Mexico. Great guy, great service, fast shipping.

Currently doing a few more "updates" to the Vocho in preparation for some cruising this summer.

Any other VW gaijins around Tokyo/ Saitama area? I'm not far from Seibu Amusement Park.

I'm also looking for friends who have Mexican Beetles. There are a few things that are quite different from the other Beetles and it would be good to have someone to toss around ideas with.

Shonandb Fri Jan 05, 2024 9:38 am

I lived in the Shonan area (Kugenuma Kaigan) of Kanagawa for 12 years and get back at least once a year to see family. There is a healthy ACVW following and collectors in Japan and a fair number of gatherings every year.

Here are a couple pics of a local VW repair shop near my father in law's house near Zengyo, Kanagawa.

And a beautiful Bug on the way to our friend's house in Kugenuma Kaigan.

Shonandb Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:38 am

One of my sons is visiting family in Kanagawa Japan and came across another VW Shop in Fujisawa. It's called Flower Auto and has a good selection of ACVWs being worked on. My wife and I are heading back in July and I definately stop by this shop to check it out.

MuzzcoVW Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:32 am

Great to see some ACVW info from Japan. We're hoping to visit there in a couple years and look forward to checking out the scene. This fall we're heading to Thailand and would love to meet up with a couple local VW people when we're in Bangkok for a few days, but so far I haven't heard back from anyone

Shonandb Fri Jul 19, 2024 10:00 pm

In Japan (Kanagawa & Tokyo) visiting family for a few weeks. Went to Kusatsu Onsen and found some VW related things.

Shonandb Mon Jul 22, 2024 12:30 am

Stopped by my local VW shop (Jack Up) in Zengyo Fujisawa again to say hi and see what they were working on. They cleared out their parts cars & Buses and are now growing vegetables in the lot. The owner said that there are fewer and fewer customers due to the 38 to 40 degree C summer temps but he has enough builds to keep his doors open. He had a Splitty mostly disassembled and a couple Bugs as well as a couple early 2000 water cooled VWs in the shop.

He lives down the street and has a few drivable Bugs and a Splitty under cover and even a late 80s Volvo in his parking lot.

Shonandb Tue Jul 23, 2024 4:17 pm

Came across a used vehicle website in Japan selling T1, T2, and Vanagons. A few Bay Window Westies for 5m yen (US$35k).

Shonandb Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:16 pm

Visited another VW shop in Fujisawa named Flower Auto. Talked with the owner and he let us take a look around. A mix of Bugs, Splitties, a few Late Bays, a Ghia, a Golf Cabriolet, and a Vanagon with a Subaru swap.

Shonandb Thu Jul 25, 2024 12:52 am

Met some friends in Kugenuma Kaigan, Fujisawa for lunch and went surfing for a few hours. It was waist to head high due to some Typhoon swell wrapping into Sagami Bay. Out of shape but caught a few good rights and had fun.

Saw a dark green Late Bay Westy drive by when we stopped for some food and drinks at 7-11 and then came across this small VW shop near Fujisawa Police Station. Beautiful Buses and a couple nice Bugs too.

Saw this newer Scirocco driving in front of us too. I didn't know that they made a modern model.

udidwht Thu Sep 12, 2024 5:27 pm

I'm back and forth between Fujieda and Renton, Wa. Wife and I own a home in Fujieda and will be moving once the younger of our (2) is a bit older. We're back and forth several times each year.

Shonandb Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:27 pm

udidwht wrote: I'm back and forth between Fujieda and Renton, Wa. Wife and I own a home in Fujieda and will be moving once the younger of our (2) is a bit older. We're back and forth several times each year.

Nice! I lived in Kugenuma Kaigan in Kanagawa for 12 years when I was working in Tokyo and we go back at least once a year to visit family and friends. My father in law is in his early 90s and still genki so after my wife retires in 5 years, we'll probably spend winters there and summers in Canada. My 3 kids were all born in Japan and are still pretty fluent in Japanese.

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