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Automatic fire suppression system for 914/911/356 cars?
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Samba Member

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PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2024 10:49 am    Post subject: Automatic fire suppression system for 914/911/356 cars? Reply with quote

Now that prices for 914s are starting to soar off into the stratosphere (emulating their pricier 911/356 relatives), it would seem to me that a good AUTOMATIC fire suppression system would be a very advisable addition to any 914. Further, given the frequency of 914 engine bay fires, it almost seems like a mandatory accessory, if one values one's car even in the slightest!

I am aware of at least three possible options at present: 1) A full-blown race-car type set-up, with a central Halotron type fire bottle, fitted with multiple dispersion heads postitioned in various parts of an engine bay, 2) a small, self-contained system such as the FIRESLAYER and/or BLAZECUT, as is increasingly being fitted to VW Beetles, and 3) the small, JAGOWALL system used in multiples in an engine bay.

The first system, custom 'tailorable' centralised source HALOTRON bottles and available from a number of racecar suppliers, tends to be quite expensive, although very effective. The second and third options are much cheaper, but at least in the case of the JAGOWALL, the system can be actuated by direct flame OR an ambient engine bay temp of 170 degrees F., which could (it seems to me) possibly be unintentionally triggered by a higher-than-usual temp in an air-cooled engine's bay.

Naturally I want the most 'bang for the least bucks' in this matter, (since I'm not driving a Porsche 918 Spyder but I still love my car) so I'm open to input from anyone with sagacious insight into what others may have found to be a good but VERY cost-effective alternative for protecting rear-engine AND mid-engine Porsches.

I keep several smaller HALOTRON hand-held fire bottles in my car already (like any conscientious VeeDub or Poor-she owner would), but as pedant with anal retentive proclivities, the idea of multiple, redundant systems strongly appeals to me.

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1973 Standard Beetle, 1974 VW/Porsche 914-4, 1.8 liter
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:29 pm    Post subject: Re: Automatic fire suppression system for 914/911/356 cars? Reply with quote

OK, regrettably there have been no responses to this posed problem here on the SAMBA, so I did some research on the matter, which included lodging a personal inquiry with our friends at AUTO ATLANTA. Their response (presumably from George, eh, who is the well-spring of all 914 knowledge) suggested that I contact LIFELINE Fire and Safety Systems of Pulaski, VA. They are specialists in automotive fire suppression systems and have cooperated with many professional racers in helping engineer suitable systems for their racecars.

This advice was perfectly 'on-target' (as usual). The options include several types of fire suppression approaches, including a strictly manual system, an electrically actuated system and the one I chose, an 'automatic actuation' system. Given that I do not want to reply on either a manually (cable) activated control or an electrically initiated system, I quickly found a system they designate LIFELINE'S "5lbs Automatic with Control Valve" to suit my demands.

Since you can tailor your LIFELINE system to your perceived needs, I selected braided steel hoses (two, one shorter and one longer), a 5lb pressurised bottle of NOVEC (a chief, current recommended non-corrosive residue liquid replacement for HALOGEN, similar to HALOTRON) and two automatic dispersal nozzle heads fitted with a 200 degree F. frangible bulb, each).

[If needed, several bottle securing clamping systems are also selectable.]

This system actuates automatically in the presence of either 1) a 200 degree F. ambient temperature, or 2) any open/naked flame and my system has its 5lb bottle of NOVEC in the runk (rear trunk), where I secured it to the shared engine bay/runk bulkhead where the OEM/stock tire jack was originally secured. The two dispersal nozzles are directed from the tank's valve to the engine bay immediately in front of the runk, via two small circular openings cut into both left and right circular plastic access opening plugs (see images attached).

This negates the need to cut any holes through the rear engine-bay firewall, making for both a neat installation and one that may be easily removed, should this ever be desirable. Given that 914s are inordinately FOND of engine-fires (particularly the FI equipped cars), having some sort of fire extinguishing system in place supplementing hand-held fire bottles is a VERY good idea, in my opinion.

What amazes me is the fact that while 914 owners seem to not bat an eye at laying down hundreds of rasbucknicks (dollahs, to youse 'Mericanos) for fancy accessories and components, hardly ANYONE seems to worry about losing their precious baby to an unanticipated engine fire! However , that said, Americans have a seemingly HUGE tendency towards favoring misplaced priorities (politically and socially), so perhaps this is not as great a mystery as it might first appear!

If anyone wishes to emulate the above solution, keep in mind that professional automotive fire suppression systems of this kind are most definitely NOT cheap (mine, per above, cost a total of about $1200, out the door). They are, however, an excellent way of assuring peace of mind when you read of some unlucky fellow 914 owner who just suffered the total loss of his car due to a fire.

LIFELINE offers a range of four actuating automatic nozzles, each rated at a specific ambient temperature rating. I chose their 'GREEN' nozzle (200 degrees F.) but you can go higher or lower than that, at your option. The nozzles are not adjustable, so what you select is not capable of up-changing or down-changing temp sensing specs, once installed (unless you buy new nozzles), and I also chose to protect the engine bay with this automatic system, since I keep not just one but two 2.5 lb HALOTRON bottles in my car's cockpit, close at hand. [BTW, when I take a gander at the latest Ford F-250/350 'TREMOR' pickup trucks, with the top of their front hood looming several inches ABOVE my car's 48" roof-top, the sight of those two small cockpit fire bottles is MIGHTY comforting, given the frequency of head-on collisions these days on US roads and freeways...]

And that, as they say, is the sum total of my car's new fire system. I strongly suggest that other 914 (especially those with FI equipped cars) owners take a similar approach, or at least ruminate on this matter a bit.

BTW, I recently heard scuttlebutt at a PCA regional meeting that California's 'Smokey the Bear' CalFire/NFS mascot was spotted driving a 914 on a remote Sierra Nevada road near Donner Summit, so if he has a car, the added fire system is a sure bet on his 914, LoL!

"Remember! Only you can prevent a 914 engine fire!"

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1973 Standard Beetle, 1974 VW/Porsche 914-4, 1.8 liter
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 3:07 pm    Post subject: Re: Automatic fire suppression system for 914/911/356 cars? Reply with quote

Here are a few views of one of the two engine bay dispersion nozzles. Shown is the driver's left-side nozzle that targets that side of the bay in these attached images. The right side nozzle awaits installation, since working in the engine room is a constricted procedure (it's VERY hot here in Sacramento, CA, at the moment, so I'm waiting for a few days and cooler weather before finishing up the right-side dispersion nozzle installation).

The nozzle itself has a red polymeric protector-cap on it at the moment, but under that cap is a roughly one inch long perforated cylindrical unit with frangible heat-sensor core, that is attached to the braided steel cable leading from the NOVEC main supply reservoir cylinder (in the "runk"). The right-side nozzle installation will follow this general configuration but cover the right-side area in the engine bay, once it is installed.

Since fuel leaks under pressure are the CHIEF fire hazard in a 914, having a system such as this in the engine compartment is a prudent risk-mitigation factor. More images follow of the right-side nozzle installation when it is completed (in a few days).

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1973 Standard Beetle, 1974 VW/Porsche 914-4, 1.8 liter
Der Volkswagen ist ein Ausdruck der deutschen Kultur der Allrad Art ...

[The only irrefutable evidence we have that intelligent life truly exists elsewhere in the Universe is the fact that so far it has NOT contacted humanity...]
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:12 am    Post subject: Re: Automatic fire suppression system for 914/911/356 cars? Reply with quote

OK, here's the driver's right-side engine bay fire suppression nozzle installation, shown in three views. Note: These nozzles are 360-degree dispersal and I have mounted them on 1/8th inch x 1 inch flat aluminum bar stock, with the proximal end (attached to the car's metal-work) affixed to the body with a suitable metal screw (in the conventional manner). The bar is strong enough to keep them in the selected position and attitude, but soft enough to bend somewhat so that you can more finely-tune the desired attitude of the nozzle head. This will suffice for my present need until I figure out perhaps a more 'professional-appearing' mount for them.

The nozzles should be kept covered by their red polymeric covers UNTIL you are ready to activate the system for operational use (this is done on the reservoir tank's valve), hence their being 'covered' when these images were taken.

All in all, this LIFELINE system is just about perfect for a 914's engine bay installation and if desired, one may add additional hoses/nozzles to the tank's value for further dispersal coverage points. Total cost is, as remarked earlier, about US$1200 for the system as shown in my images and the installation and mounting of all components is straight-forward and takes little time & labor to complete.

Thanks again to George (Dr. 914) and his AUTO ATLANTA tech people for recommending this particular system. It works perfectly!

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1973 Standard Beetle, 1974 VW/Porsche 914-4, 1.8 liter
Der Volkswagen ist ein Ausdruck der deutschen Kultur der Allrad Art ...

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 11:59 am    Post subject: Re: Automatic fire suppression system for 914/911/356 cars? Reply with quote

PS: Related communication with LIFELINE, indicates that they (LIFELINE) use Loctite 542 threadlocker solution on the threads of the hose fittings, to secure pressure integrity. It is interesting to note the instructions that come with the system do not specifically say that thread sealant should or needs to be used, but since they themselves seal the threads of the systems they assemble on order, it stands to reason that this extra-step would be well worthwhile.

Additionally, they suggest at least a 1-hour 'setting' (drying) time after application before pressurising (activating) a system. The literature that accompanies Loctite 542 sealant states that a 72-hour setting time is recommended before use. Loctite 542 is available in small (1 oz) qualities on-line (such as through AMAZON) for small applications such as this. Loctite 542 is a MEDIUM strength, brownish-colored, high-heat resistance threadlocker that is generally used to seal metal-to-metal hose connections in automotive applications. It is also resistant to aromatic fluids (such as brake fluids, oil, fuel, etc.).

So there you have it, the start-to-finish process for installing an automatic/manual/or electrical system such as are the LIFELINE (NOVEC/HALOTRON) products, in your VW or Porsche.
1973 Standard Beetle, 1974 VW/Porsche 914-4, 1.8 liter
Der Volkswagen ist ein Ausdruck der deutschen Kultur der Allrad Art ...

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