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1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:32 am    Post subject: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

Let me introduce you to my '65 Notchback that I've had for a few years. I've had the desire to buff the paint and collect the parts I need to get in order to get this one back on the road. I purchased it in Pekin, ND off of an ad on a local classifieds website that was labeled, "For Sale, VW Bug Like Car." I saw the ad at 3:30pm and I left to go pick it up immediately after I got off work. I owned it by 5:30pm. It was pouring rain when I picked it up. The guy told me what he wanted for it, and I said I'd give him his asking price but he had to help me load it since it was raining so hard.

The back story I got from him was that he bought it off of an auction about 10 years prior for $400. He had never seen one before, so he wasn't sure what to do with it. He put it in the back of his Quonset and there it sat. After he backed into it with his tractor a couple of times, he decided to list it and get rid of it.

There was a title that came with it. I didn't check the numbers in the rain. He said it was the one that came with the car. Once I got it home, I checked the numbers and they didn't match the VIN. *insert sad face* I then looked at the engine number to see if it was still the original engine. Guess what...it not only is the original, that number matched the title.

I sent for the birth certificate to verify everything. The DMV in North Dakota needs verification from the factory that the engine is the original engine with the car in order to switch the number on the title from the engine number to the VIN number. The hassle you have to go through to do the right thing...geesh...

This is a work in progress. I know for sure the motor needs to come out. The exhaust valve on #3 is shot. That will be a weekend project. I am currently cleaning out the gas tank. Lots of crud from over the years. I am using Muriatic Acid to clean out the gunk. It's a slow process, but I'm making progress. It's not horribly dirty, just the area right where the spigot is at. I'll hit it a couple more times and then coat it with a product called RedKoat tank sealer. That should fix me up.

Here it is.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:53 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

That's in really nice shape.
I wouldn't coat the inside of the fuel tank though, as I've seen different types of coatings come off and plug the fuel line before. A better solution would be to swish some soluable oil into the tank until you're ready to start driving it. Then keep the tank full of fuel. In the Blue Bentley, that's what VW suggested for tank cleaning (of rust). Ray Greenwood might be able to tell you what might work as an alternative for sealing the rust as well, as he's been working with different chemical rust treatments.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:05 am    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

WOW! Congrats on finding that "VW bug like car" lol...it looks very original and in great shape. ND is usually kind to sheet metal. I'm looking forward to following along as you make it road worthy and clean it up.

More pics please!
Lind wrote:
I am at the point where I hardly want to own anything that isn't original paint.
campingbox wrote:
I have some other projects I'd like to finish first and I want to drive this bus while I'm working on those to help stay motivated.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:25 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

Beautiful find there. Look fwd on your rebuild and pls post more pics of this car! Congrats!!
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:21 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

I pulled the engine out last night. I need to tear it down far enough to pull the 3/4 head off as the exhaust valve on 3 is busted up. Hopefully it won't be too bad in there. Sadly, I had a set of NOS 1500 domed pistons and I sold them about 2 weeks before I bought this car. Never again am I selling anything! Smile

I am almost 100% sure that this is the first time EVER that this motor has been out of this car. Factory fasteners on everything. No sign of repairs, no sign of anything EVER being messed with. Actually, it's a little refreshing!

I cleaned the gas tank with Muratic Acid. It did an ok job. I think I have another way of doing it that I'm going to try and see how well it works. we'll see. For now, it's ok.

I'm contemplating pulling the whole rear member out of the car with the tranny in tact. The tranny needs new boots and it needs a good powerwashing as one of the boots had been leaking for awhile. I don't know if it's worth all the hassle to pull it all out just to clean it up. I may just put new boots on and call it good.

It'll get all new brake lines, hard and soft. All new axle seals and brake components.

I will smooth out as many of the dents in the body as I can and try to find as nice of used parts locally and on the samba that I can to fix broken parts around the car. Nothing reproduced is going on this car other then some rubber pieces, etc....

I need to get HERMAN to start making up some LHD dashes again. I am in need! I need a new windshield as well. I will go new on that as my safety is worth something, right?

I'll get more pictures this weekend.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:49 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

IMO...cracked original wrap-around dash > repop.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:20 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

Very neat car, congratulations.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:20 am    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

So I'm still trying to get the inside of the tank cleaned out. I've noticed black specs coming loosely once in awhile. Did vw just dip their tanks to paint them? It seems that when I look in the tank, there seems to be some of this still attached to the bottom of the tank. I'm not planning on coating it with anything, but man alive....this stuff will just keep coming loose which will clog a filter. I'll keep working at it, but eventually, I will say enough is enough and just run it as is. Any thoughts?

Btw...it's all original, never been redone.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:38 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

Hey Joel,

Congrats on the sweet looking stock notch. I know you are battling the gas tank, but I am switching topics on you. If you need a title for your notch and the ND DMV gives you too much trouble, I can help you. You may already know this but you can get a title via registering your car in vermont. If you want info, just PM me.

Keep the photos coming, looks like an awesome project.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:40 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

JoelH wrote:
So I'm still trying to get the inside of the tank cleaned out. I've noticed black specs coming loosely once in awhile. Did vw just dip their tanks to paint them? It seems that when I look in the tank, there seems to be some of this still attached to the bottom of the tank. I'm not planning on coating it with anything, but man alive....this stuff will just keep coming loose which will clog a filter. I'll keep working at it, but eventually, I will say enough is enough and just run it as is. Any thoughts?

Btw...it's all original, never been redone.

I had similar particles in there. Aggressively rinsed my tank out twice and still get small to fine particles which I still see in my filter. Might be new trash but doubt it. Have new screens in it as well. Keep pushing on it.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:46 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

Sweet that you are a conscientious owner and preserving it vs. restroying!

I have had good luck throwing a handful of bigger nuts and bolts in the tank,
Along with some fuel,
And swishing and rattling them around again and again to loosen crud.

Have followed that up with a trip to the car wash to blast things out with the pressure wand..

Worked for me.

Love your find here; That's the kind of score we all wish for!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:36 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

yeah, I have a power washer at home. It's about 20-30*F here right now though, so all of that is put away for the winter. I think I have a majority of the crud out of the tank, although there seems to still be some black "paint" that keeps flaking off once in awhile. I would like to get more of this out before I reinstall the tank. Has anyone ever used a sandblaster to get down in there and really get it clean? I know a guy would have to really wash out the tank afterwards, but I know I've done this with small engine gas tanks and it worked well. Just a thought. I'm not sure I want to boil the tank. I'd like to retain the outside paint if I can. I suppose I could just boil it and get it powder coated.....any thoughts?
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:37 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

JoelH wrote:
yeah, I have a power washer at home. It's about 20-30*F here right now though, so all of that is put away for the winter. I think I have a majority of the crud out of the tank, although there seems to still be some black "paint" that keeps flaking off once in awhile. I would like to get more of this out before I reinstall the tank. Has anyone ever used a sandblaster to get down in there and really get it clean? I know a guy would have to really wash out the tank afterwards, but I know I've done this with small engine gas tanks and it worked well. Just a thought. I'm not sure I want to boil the tank. I'd like to retain the outside paint if I can. I suppose I could just boil it and get it powder coated.....any thoughts?

Yeah. Boil it like it should be. Put it in and start the car.
t3kg wrote:

OK, this thread is over. You win.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:23 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

well, success today. After 3 years I finally had all the paperwork together to get the title situation straightened out and submitted. This car now has a good title.

A little back history for those that don't know. When this car was brought to the US, whoever did it used the engine number instead of the actual VIN to title it. It would have worked I guess, but I wanted it right. It'll remain part of it's history I guess.

Time to get steppin' on the engine for this car now. #3 exhaust valve snapped off at some point, so I need to tear down and inspect/fix. We'll see what else needs replacing while I'm in there.

Still looking for a good set of useable front and rear bumpers.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:32 am    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

one area that needs attention on this car is the lower hinge area on both sides of the body. The hinges are fine and not tight from rust anymore. The body where the lower hinges bolt on is cracking and very loose. I would like to strengthen that area without destroying the paint, etc....any ideas?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 1:34 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

Paint the whole car with a local mixed sea sand paint a fender at a time? I've used sea sand & diamond blue from towerpaint.com Their acrylic lacquer BC/CC is shinier/sturdier/chip resistant than their enamel! Twisted Evil
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:47 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

not sure I understand what you're trying to say here......
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Mike Fisher
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:04 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

JoelH wrote:
not sure I understand what you're trying to say here......

Welding up the rusty areas will burn off the original paint & you will have to repaint those areas at the very least? I repainted my diamond blue car exterior entirely & it's a close match to the original interior diamond blue. Idea
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:06 pm    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

that's probably what I'll end up doing. I have only 2 other small areas on the car that have rust on them that will get the same treatment. I'm looking forward to getting this one on the road.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:50 am    Post subject: Re: 1965 L568 Sea Sand Notchback Reply with quote

How often do we see an original type 3 kept in a barn in total hibernation and be given another chance to see the sun shines at the end of the tunnel? Seldom! So your Notchback is one true jewel that truly stood the test of time. CONGRATS buddy.

What about the rust issue? Is it manageable? I don't like to see your type 3 be repainted. The paint, body and interior looks straight to me! A complete cleaning will exposed her true beauty! Cool one!
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