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Ratback - Shawn Kolbe - [email protected]
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Viewing feedback for: Ratback
Email: [email protected]
Last Visited: February 21, 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pretty much chalking this one up as a loss. Payment was cleared in late December for a 1971 Type 3 passenger side door handle and Type 3 VW script. Heard from someone representing the seller a week or so after that, nothing since. It's been almost two months now. I've tried numerous email and PM attempts, and I see the seller has been on the Samba several times since me making those attempts.
1973 Squareback, AT, A/C, FI
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jesus. Grow up. Don't sit here and lie about shit. Payment was sent on the morning of the third; we both know it. Not my fault you don't take PayPal like 95% of the others do. Boo hoo, you had to wait for the payment, I had no choice. On my email on 8/13; I asked if you received payment. You did in fact reply on 08/14 and email me saying “I’ll drop by the post office tomorrow (sat. the 15th) and get your Hot Wheel in the mail to you.”

After over a week of waiting for this, yes, I emailed you to ask what if you indeed did send the box, because normally it doesn’t take this long. When you didn’t email me back, 2 days later, I re-emailed you; saying I still didn’t receive anything; and the following next night. I was getting frustrated with you not responding and to me not receiving the box that you supposed to have sent on the 15th, but didn’t. I never emailed you daily. I emailed you three times after you emailed me on 8/14. You never emailed me back once; most likely because you knew you screwed up by not sending the box and wanted to just deny the fact.

Regardless, I received the box on Thursday, August 27th with a post mark of it being dropped off at the post office on Saturday, August 22nd - A WEEK after you told me you were going to send it out.

So yes I posted feedback on bad communication on your part. If you need a tissue, I'll mail you one. Point of the matter is that I received the car, yes, it was shipped priority mail, as which I paid for. However it was shipped a week later than which you had told me and never replied to any of my emails after the 14th until I posted this feedback. I’m just letting other buyers have a fair warning from you to beware that you don’t ship as fast as you say you do and that in my opinion, yes, you lack communication.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:59 pm    Post subject: "vw addict" is a pain the... Reply with quote

"vw addict" needs to get a life and should remember;
"Do unto those, as you would have them do unto you"
Please note that by "vw addict's" own admission, It took almost two weeks for his payment to arrive @ my home. I have his envelope with a 08-07-09 postmark. He contacted me on Sunday the 2nd and said "payment would be in the mail the next day". That would have been Monday the 3rd. Well, he waited 5 days to send payment! He didn't send payment untill Friday the 7th. A whole work week. Did I complain or e-mail him daily asking where his payment was? No, I did not.
But get this, "vw addict" complains about, me not shipping it the next day...
Which he did! After daily e-mails starting on Tuesday the 11th, asking if I received his payment. I would e-mail him back each night, stating that I had not received anything and that I would let him know when I did. Which finally happened on Friday the 14th. After my e-mail that Friday night letting him know I had received his payment (almost 2 weeks later). "vw addict" e-mailed me back Friday night telling me to make sure I "get to the post office in the AM".
Talk about nerve.
Talk about rude!
You know what "vw addict", Bite me!! And that's putting it nicely for Samba.com...
After your e-mail reply on Friday the 14th, I decided to wait the same 5 days you did and then sent out the Hot Wheel out using Priority Mail as I said I would...
I gave you the same courtesy, that you extended me...
And I didn't have my "friends" e-mailing someone, about your dumb Hot Wheel. Talk about a pest...
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let's assume he missed getting it out in the mail last weekend but dropped it off this weekend. I don't know him but I usually give sellers a few weeks before I get nervous as many of them only ship on the weekend and life happens. Also I see he has been on the site in the last few days, check to see that your 'outbox' is empty, for proof he has read your messages.
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VW Addict Premium Member
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:44 am    Post subject: Ratback - Shawn Kolbe - [email protected] Reply with quote

Bought a hotwheels VW car from him on 08/02/2009. He emailed me on 08-13 and said he recieved my cash payment and would send it out priority mail asap.

I have not recieved this and I have not heard from him. I have emailed him 3 times and also PM'd here on here. Bad communication with this seller.
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