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Cousin of a Porsche
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:33 pm    Post subject: 67 restoration/post fire project Reply with quote

I officially have a project car again Crying or Very sad After driving hame from a vw show my car turned into a flame thrower. My car has been finished for over 5 years now and I was starting to look for another project, well my search is over. I decided to do a frame off restoration/rebuild/customization this time. Here are some pics after the fire and what I'll be starting with.
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As you can see the damage isn't that bad and the insurance company gave me enough to cover the damages. After the adjuster left I began tearing it down. I started with the engine. Believe it of not the engine was fine Very Happy I even started it and it started right up. I pulled it out and other than the air filter being toast everything else looked fine. I'm still going to tear it down and check everything.
67 Bug w/2110
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well that sucks... good luck with the new adventure.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What caused the fire?
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Cousin of a Porsche
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is the second time I've had a fire in this car and it was from the same issue. Basically the car isn't using all the fuel and some got on the air filter. then filter caches fire. I fixed the problem the fires time by putting in a Mallory HiFire ignition. The extra spark caused all the fuel to burn and all was good. Well until I was driving home from the Mill's Pond show, the ignition box that boosts the spark died. I was only about 15 miles from home so I bypassed the box. The car started right up and I drove home with no problem. When I got home I opened the garage to put the car away but it had kids toys everywhere(the kids love to take over the garage when I'm away). I cleaned out the garage and went in the house to say I was home. Then I went out the put the car into the garage. Pulled the car in and turned it off and got out. I went to close the garage and go into the house and that is when I noticed the smoke. I went to open the deck lid and CRAP FIRE. I quickly pushed the car outside and grabbed the extinguisher. I ran to the back of the car and tried to open the deck lid but the fire was too hot. I frantically started to find something to open the deck lid with and grabbed a broom. I used the handle and lifted the deck lid and put out the fire in the engine area then I went to put the fire out that got into the inside, I guess the fire got in through the broken rear window. Well the damn fire extinguisher wouldn't work and it was still half full. I ran and got the hose and put the rest of the fire out. Needless to say I was devastated but I felt very lucky. I usually just walk in the house with out looking back, if iI would have done that my car would be gone and possibly the house too.

Well after all this I had to get the car into the garage. I got in the car and the dang thing started right up. I drove it into the garage and called the insurance company.
67 Bug w/2110
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Cousin of a Porsche
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here are some pics before I began the tear down/clean up.
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67 Bug w/2110
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Most of that will buff out, right? Thankfully, neither you nor your family members were injured. Engine fires usually show no mercy, but you were lucky to have caught it so quickly. 4 members of my extended family have lost cars to fires over the last many years.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe its time to rethink your air filter set up.

Lucky you were able to get it out of the garage and get it stopped before things got really ugly!
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Cousin of a Porsche
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here are some pics of the progress so far.
My son and I started pulling the interior out.
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We separated the pan from the body.
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Removed the pans and installed new ones.
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Getting ready to use Master Series Sealer. I used the medal prep solution then the 2 coats silver primer/sealer, seam sealer, 2 coats chassis black and then bed liner paint. This better last another 45 years.
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As you can see I also painted the suspension parts too. I should have the front end together soon but I have to wait on the rear, I'm trading spring plates with someone that wants stock plates and he is going to give me adjustable ones.
67 Bug w/2110
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Cousin of a Porsche
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

drscope wrote:
Maybe its time to rethink your air filter set up.

Lucky you were able to get it out of the garage and get it stopped before things got really ugly!

I was thinking of just using velocity stacks, I change the oil every 1000 miles or so and I am running a full flow with an oil filter so I should be ok without the tiki torches/air filters.
67 Bug w/2110
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cousin of a Porsche wrote:
drscope wrote:
Maybe its time to rethink your air filter set up.

Lucky you were able to get it out of the garage and get it stopped before things got really ugly!

I was thinking of just using velocity stacks, I change the oil every 1000 miles or so and I am running a full flow with an oil filter so I should be ok without the tiki torches/air filters.

Damn, that sucks.
I still wouldn't go without air filters, though.
Why does the fuel get up out of the carbs in the first place? That doesn't seem right.
Fuel pressure? Backfiring?
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...dont pay no attention to Culito,he's a cornhole..
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Cousin of a Porsche
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Floor pans are done and the 4 inch narrowed beam has been rebuilt. I also installed new bearings. Just need to install the tie rods and then set the alignment camber and toe so it is as close as possible. I also rebuilt the steeling box and that will go on too.
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I stripped the deck lid and am attempting to fix the dents that I put in when I was frantically trying to put out the fire. The dents are hard to see but one is on the body line on the bottom just above the "T" handle hole and the other is just above the license light on the body line. Of all the places to get dents, the hardest areas to fix. I hope I can make it right.
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67 Bug w/2110
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Cousin of a Porsche
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Culito wrote:
Cousin of a Porsche wrote:
drscope wrote:
Maybe its time to rethink your air filter set up.

Lucky you were able to get it out of the garage and get it stopped before things got really ugly!

I was thinking of just using velocity stacks, I change the oil every 1000 miles or so and I am running a full flow with an oil filter so I should be ok without the tiki torches/air filters.

Damn, that sucks.
I still wouldn't go without air filters, though.
Why does the fuel get up out of the carbs in the first place? That doesn't seem right.
Fuel pressure? Backfiring?

It must have backfired but I didn't hear it. I am not sure why it is spitting fuel. I am going to post the problem in the performance forum, maybe someone will have an idea.
67 Bug w/2110
1980 911sc looks faster than it is!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Glad your car didn't end up a pile of ashes...I'm sure it'll be better than

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Cousin of a Porsche
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 7:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll try Tom. Ant was really working me today at the Miami cruise. As he put it, this is the perfect opportunity to change everything, I think he is refering to the color Crying or Very sad. I am looking at different colors and making a few changes. Going the fix the luggage tray and putting a permanent rear apron rather than the removable one. Also putting on a new front apron because it has been fixed too many times and has a crack. And of course I need to fix the radio hole so it is back to stock with a delete plate.
67 Bug w/2110
1980 911sc looks faster than it is!
I can't help it I am what I am.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cousin of a Porsche wrote:
I'll try Tom. Ant was really working me today at the Miami cruise. As he put it, this is the perfect opportunity to change everything, I think he is refering to the color Crying or Very sad. I am looking at different colors and making a few changes. Going the fix the luggage tray and putting a permanent rear apron rather than the removable one. Also putting on a new front apron because it has been fixed too many times and has a crack. And of course I need to fix the radio hole so it is back to stock with a delete plate.

I like me a more stock beetle...except stance. What color was the car originally?

btw: How was the Miami cruise?

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Cousin of a Porsche
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cruise was nice and HOT.

The car was Java Green. I'm not too keen on that color but I was looking at the VW color charts. I might make it a stock color, time will tell.
67 Bug w/2110
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry to see that happen, what a bummer! My wife and I saw a 67 burn to the ground in a mall parking lot, totally sucked for the kid who owned it. Just curious, how is this a 67 when it doesn't have 67 door handles, apron or decklid?
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Cousin of a Porsche
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

surfbeetle wrote:
Sorry to see that happen, what a bummer! My wife and I saw a 67 burn to the ground in a mall parking lot, totally sucked for the kid who owned it. Just curious, how is this a 67 when it doesn't have 67 door handles, apron or decklid?

Well, someone hit my deck lid about 7 years ago and that is why I have the louvered one now. The apron was toast too do to an old hit on the apron without bumpers before I got the car. As for the doors, they had the usual rust and I found a pair of late doors that were rust free so I went with them. It is really hard to find good parts here in South Florida and if you do people thing its made of gold. Rolling Eyes
67 Bug w/2110
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Der Bugmeister
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cousin of a Porsche wrote:
Culito wrote:
Cousin of a Porsche wrote:
drscope wrote:
Maybe its time to rethink your air filter set up.

Lucky you were able to get it out of the garage and get it stopped before things got really ugly!

I was thinking of just using velocity stacks, I change the oil every 1000 miles or so and I am running a full flow with an oil filter so I should be ok without the tiki torches/air filters.

Damn, that sucks.
I still wouldn't go without air filters, though.
Why does the fuel get up out of the carbs in the first place? That doesn't seem right.
Fuel pressure? Backfiring?

It must have backfired but I didn't hear it. I am not sure why it is spitting fuel. I am going to post the problem in the performance forum, maybe someone will have an idea.

Fuel pressure set too high?
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Cousin of a Porsche
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Der Bugmeister wrote:
Cousin of a Porsche wrote:
Culito wrote:
Cousin of a Porsche wrote:
drscope wrote:
Maybe its time to rethink your air filter set up.

Lucky you were able to get it out of the garage and get it stopped before things got really ugly!

I was thinking of just using velocity stacks, I change the oil every 1000 miles or so and I am running a full flow with an oil filter so I should be ok without the tiki torches/air filters.

Damn, that sucks.
I still wouldn't go without air filters, though.
Why does the fuel get up out of the carbs in the first place? That doesn't seem right.
Fuel pressure? Backfiring?

It must have backfired but I didn't hear it. I am not sure why it is spitting fuel. I am going to post the problem in the performance forum, maybe someone will have an idea.

Fuel pressure set too high?

Not sure yet but I'll put it on the check it list. I'll be doing a lot of checking on things like that when I put it all back together. I may even do away with the 2110 and put in a 1600, Shocked no that won't happen I like the power Twisted Evil
67 Bug w/2110
1980 911sc looks faster than it is!
I can't help it I am what I am.
Alte Schule Vintage and Performance VW club
BKC #022 (Well at least that is what the jacket says)
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