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Coolest thing I think I've ever seen in my split
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:54 pm    Post subject: Coolest thing I think I've ever seen in my split Reply with quote

I've logged 5,000+ KM on my split in the past 6 years, drove it to and from Solvang, and countless other trips. I thought I had seen it all from the old '52.

Until tonight.

I had recently installed a very original, working, rear view mirror clock. The clock still had the hands with radium paint that glow in the dark (and are probably awful for any nearby DNA). I took the camera into the garage to take a pic or two of the clock in total dark, when I noticed something else glowing.

I have always been quite happy that I was able to acquire a Telefunken Blitz radio with all original knobs. The paint on the main power knob was not like anything else, even the repros. There is a red smear in the groove, but a green/yellow blob at the top. Turns out that green/yellow blob is the same kind of radium paint that glows in the dark.

The glow from the Telefunken knob has to be 10X the brightness of the mirror clock. Looking at it now I can't believe I haven't noticed it before. I'm pretty stoked, it's cool.

So next time you're at a show, and some guy bragging about his "perfect split" shows up, ask him if his knobs glow in the dark Smile

And no, I don't have "the perfect split". I just drive the hell out of mine.


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Grant Reiling
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:36 pm    Post subject: Re: Coolest thing I think I've ever seen in my split Reply with quote

oldsplitvw wrote:
I've logged 5,000+ KM on my split in the past 6 years, drove it to and from Solvang, and countless other trips. I thought I had seen it all from the old '52.

Until tonight.

I had recently installed a very original, working, rear view mirror clock. The clock still had the hands with radium paint that glow in the dark (and are probably awful for any nearby DNA). I took the camera into the garage to take a pic or two of the clock in total dark, when I noticed something else glowing.

I have always been quite happy that I was able to acquire a Telefunken Blitz radio with all original knobs. The paint on the main power knob was not like anything else, even the repros. There is a red smear in the groove, but a green/yellow blob at the top. Turns out that green/yellow blob is the same kind of radium paint that glows in the dark.

The glow from the Telefunken knob has to be 10X the brightness of the mirror clock. Looking at it now I can't believe I haven't noticed it before. I'm pretty stoked, it's cool.

So next time you're at a show, and some guy bragging about his "perfect split" shows up, ask him if his knobs glow in the dark Smile

And no, I don't have "the perfect split". I just drive the hell out of mine.


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Very interesting; it would be great knowing more about that paint.Idea ...and even greater if more things 'show themselves' next time you're in the dark and observing intently! Exclamation
So does that make Telefunken's paint "Ten times better" than whoever supplied the mirror clocks? (and certainly awful for any nearby DNA)? Question
Thanks for sharing this Will.
Glad you are enjoying it as it was originally intended! Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I recently saw a special on the the women that painted the dials of the first watches to use radium paint back in the Twenties... or somewhere around then. They all died from various forms of mouth or throat cancer because the radium is radioactive. They were using little brushes to apply the paint... and "pointing" their brushes by giving them a little lick every now and then. Eventually Radium was outlawed due to this radioactive quality.

Cool to see your knob detail.
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D. Haviland
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So Will, Are you saying that Gary's don't glow. Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

overrestored wrote:
I recently saw a special on the the women that painted the dials of the first watches to use radium paint back in the Twenties... or somewhere around then. They all died from various forms of mouth or throat cancer because the radium is radioactive. They were using little brushes to apply the paint... and "pointing" their brushes by giving them a little lick every now and then. Eventually Radium was outlawed due to this radioactive quality.

Reminds me of the "Death Clocks" circa 1830. Made in France, the clock is the result of a timeworn Artisan technique practiced in the 19th century using Mercury Amalgam; they’ve been dubbed “death clocks” because the clockmakers usually died by the age of 30 from Mercury poisoning. These clocks can still be purchased in the $10k range
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2024 3:20 pm    Post subject: Re: Coolest thing I think I've ever seen in my split Reply with quote

Super cool detail! Thanks
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