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Big Luni
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:41 am    Post subject: OE style exhaust Reply with quote

Any opinions/experiences w/ the German Motor Works OE-style exaust system for the '74?
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 11:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No experience (never seen one in person) but a couple thoughts I've had as I'm considering one too. You're going to have to remove at least the pipes to drop the motor. $200 is a buttload of money for a stock exaust, would probably be worth ceramic coating inside and out to protect your investment. It would be cool as hell poking out from the bumper, and chicks dig cool. Cost is what's holding me back because I would have to add coating and shipping and I already have an exhaust, but I still keep pulling up their page and peeking.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:45 am    Post subject: German motorworks exhaust Reply with quote

I have a German Motorworks/ Dansk exhaust on one of the 74 THINGs (THING 1) On THING 2, it has the original exhaust on it with the VW logo stamped onto the exhaust with the part number also stamped on the same location of the logo to it on the left.
The difference with the German Motorworks/ Dansk is the exhaust pipes do not bolt to the exhuast muffle, it slips over the fittings, the orginal exhuast pipes botl onto the muffler.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have one of these.
Mine is not ceramic coated. Its year 2, and no rust or problems at all.
The unit fit on easily to a 100% stock U.S. Thing.
Did not effect the engine temp, and an readjustment of the stock 34PICT3 carb was not required.

You can get the unit with all new bolts, nuts, washers and gaskets and just connect it to your Thing - nothing else to buy and no special tools.
In fact, you can follow the instructions in the various repair manuals for a stock exhaust and everything is the same.

Compared to the exhaust systems I was able to put my hands on (2), the tubing and muffler metal seem a lot thicker - certainly more hefty than my original stock unit.

You can get a better performing exhaust, but it will require adjustments to your engine setup.

For a stock, bolt-on exhaust I think it is well worth the money and is hard to tell from the original unit.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just purchased and installed the GMW exhaust when doing a complete engine rebuild. quality is good but I did have to rework the driver side preheating tin as it would not lineup with the hole in pan the hose goes through. my only disapointment is it is louder than I expected.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

C.I.P. has the same muffler on sale now for less than $200.00 .I bought mine 3yrs ago & ceramic coated it, very happy with it.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good tip Tyiii, I just placed an order, And with it, my car will be stock, other than the non-Mexican air on the tires
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just put on the CIP1 model for a '74 and it is horribly loud. Sounds like major exhaust leaks. If I hold towels over the tips it's quiet.
I hate driving it now. Other VW people look at me when I pull up somewhere and ask what's going on with my engine.

As others have said..."Buyer beware". I was warned and should have listened.

Has anyone had any luck making it quieter with a little surgery, like "germansupplyscott"?

Posted by Scott several years ago...
these are a few shots of when i made the repro muffler. i used real tailpipes, a beetle muffler and some waterjet cut pieces. the stubs are brazed and welded to the beetle muffler and extend deeply into it, capped on the insde end and many holes drilled into them. i did not take photos of the parts and pieces used to make the muffler. some day i might get more made. they would be expensive, probably about 400.00 retail. i wasn't able to find anyone who could bend the tailpipes for me, they have to be mandrel bent at a very small radius in small tubing. it can be done for sure, but i just never was able to get it together to make them once my own was done. it looks pretty good, almost original.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

sxuxrxf wrote:
I just put on the CIP1 model for a '74 and it is horribly loud. Sounds like major exhaust leaks. If I hold towels over the tips it's quiet.
I hate driving it now. Other VW people look at me when I pull up somewhere and ask what's going on with my engine.

As others have said..."Buyer beware". I was warned and should have listened.


The CIP1 mffler is an EMPI. I used that one on mine. The GMW unit is now up to $400.00, and the EMPI is at $120..! That was a BIG factor in my decision. I removed the air boxes from the old pea shooter that was on my 74 and modified them to fit the EMPI. I wanted as stock an appearance as possible, and hoses run directly to the heat exchangers through the tin just don't look right to me!

Mine is louder at low speeds than I prefer, but OK at speed. Be sure that the tips "stand proud" of the bumper. If they are flush, the resonance is noisy. I am plannining to use a pea shooter pipe cut in half and install in the EMPI right before the exit curve. I seem to recall in Scott's thread that his was not as quiet without the pea shooters as well.

Re the post above (from 8 years ago). To drop the motor you will need to remove the tail pipes, but you could also just drop the bumper! That gives clearance and also aids in motor "jockeying."

When I get some free time (ha ha) I plan on building my own similar to what Scott did. I'm not totally happy with the EMPI, but it looks OK, and does the job.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The muffler I received had some Euro stickers on it, I think. Definitely not Empi stickers.
It also has the "air boxes" for the fresh air tubes to connect to.

The fit is fine, but the left side hangs lower (not parallel with bumper) due to sloppy craftsmanship. The right tail pipe also sticks out the bumper almost 1-1/2", while the left is flush.

Mine actually sounds better at full throttle. More like a header at that point, but at idle or light revs, it pops and sounds very hollow/tin can-ish (?). I tried fattening the mixture, but no luck. Played with timing as well.

Beetle pee shooters are larger diameter than the Cip1 tips as well, but holding them end to end sounds better.
I think I'll cut open a set, remove the outer chrome, and try to insert them.
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NOVA Airhead
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I got mine from CIP1 with the stock tips. It was made in Denmark.

Fit was fine and sound is fine - a little louder than a stock Beetle exhaust but not much. I would expect it to be a little louder given the pipes have no baffling like pea shooters do.

I had to fiddle with the pipes to get them right - A little bending and bumper adjustment so they stick out about a half inch past the bumper on each side.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sxuxrxf wrote:
The muffler I received had some Euro stickers on it, I think. Definitely not Empi stickers.
It also has the "air boxes" for the fresh air tubes to connect to.

The fit is fine, but the left side hangs lower (not parallel with bumper) due to sloppy craftsmanship. The right tail pipe also sticks out the bumper almost 1-1/2", while the left is flush.

Mine actually sounds better at full throttle. More like a header at that point, but at idle or light revs, it pops and sounds very hollow/tin can-ish (?). I tried fattening the mixture, but no luck. Played with timing as well.

Beetle pee shooters are larger diameter than the Cip1 tips as well, but holding them end to end sounds better.
I think I'll cut open a set, remove the outer chrome, and try to insert them.

Aha! I looked a bit harder and see that CIP1 sells BOTH!

I wish I had seen that when I replaced mine! They are also (the OE style) on sale it seems. $99.00 for the muffler, and $40.00 each for the tailpipes!

Anybody want to buy a slightly used EMPI?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I played around a bit tonight.
Took off the outer bends and looked inside. Surprisingly, there are baffles inside. The 2/4 inlets actually block the outlets, preventing shoving a long perforated tube inside.

I cut up some pea shooters anyway to get the perforated tube out. Once removed from the outer chrome sleeve, I ground the outer flared end down to fit inside the muffler outlet tubing and cut it to about 6". It's only 1" ID, so there was no room for the packing - just the perforation.
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I pounded it in a ways and then put the exhaust tip over the other end to finish seating it.
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It's quieter, but not much. This, with pea shooters over the tips was very quiet.
I'm not read to clamp them on for the dual stinger look just yet, as a big engine and custom exhaust is in the near future. Cool
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I met this guy today who made a similar exhaust using pea shooters and curved conduit pipe. He says hes run it that way for a few years, at least 5,000 miles..he also had it coated

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1. plugged up the original peashooter holes
2. using a one inch hole saw, cut holes on the left and right ends
3. inserted peashooters into these ends (he said they are only in an inch or two)
4. welded them in. (I thin he reused the "flange"
5. attached curved conduit to the other end of the peashooter, welded it in
6. the plumbing conduit is bent at a curved 90, so it goes right through the bumper cutouts

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It sounds great!

Does anyone who has the dansk repro know if you could just shove the peashooter tubes into the sides? Surxfx?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The pea shooters will NOT fit inside the existing tube. Not even close, which is why I cut them apart. You'd have to remove the stub tube and cut a larger hole. Also, the internals are in the way of shoving anything farther than an inch or so inside the muffler body.
Cip1 really should pull this POS from their website.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Of course they wont, everything I try to do that should be simple isnt...I was hoping that instead of modifying a beetle muffler, i could just stick the peashooters in the end and put on the conduit.

Grrr...however, the way the guy explained it, it wasnt that difficult to do the beetle muffler mods, pretty much cut, patch, weld
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

And here is my version of Beetle Exhaust Conversion to OE Style.

Setup before conversion:

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The Conversion:

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For detailed pictures of step by step conversion, please read this post:

1965 1200cc SP Type114 American Spec. German Sedan Deluxe a.k.a. "Patina"
1969 1600cc SP Type224 European Spec. Bay Window Walkthrough Deluxe a.k.a. "Missionare"
1979 1600cc DP Type182 European Spec. Mexican Safari a.k.a. "Elk"
1976 ------ --- Westfalia Essen Trailer (May 10, 1976) a.k.a. "W.E.T"
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

thats cool man! Applause How does it sound?

I'm consistently amazed with how people outside the US "make do" and fabricate stuff (like janaurros stuff in mexico)

trying to get someone in the us to make a bend like that on an exhaust pipe in my area would be like "throwing a rock at the moon"

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

reezvaan wrote:

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What's with the rear apron? Where did that come from?
Walküre Restoration Thread: https://www.thesamba.com/vw/forum/viewtopic.php?t=737492
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yarkle wrote:
thats cool man! Applause How does it sound?

I'm consistently amazed with how people outside the US "make do" and fabricate stuff (like janaurros stuff in mexico)

trying to get someone in the us to make a bend like that on an exhaust pipe in my area would be like "throwing a rock at the moon"

Thanks buddy. It sounds exactly like the WWII era utilitarian vehicles that we are used to hear in any WWII based movies. No more fweeem from the pea shooters and more of a loud resonence, say exactly like how the MUTTs sound at idle or while cruising. I would try and record the video and upload one for the record here on this thread.

Well, unlike Americas/West, we dont have special purpose tools all the time and if we do, they are costly enough for almost all of us to own and put to use. But we definitely have very talented fabricators who have learned to "make do" using the basic tools. If you would follow the link provided in the end of my above post, you'll see the basic tools used by the fabricator to fabricate the elbows. He's best in the trade of exhausts in this locality.
1965 1200cc SP Type114 American Spec. German Sedan Deluxe a.k.a. "Patina"
1969 1600cc SP Type224 European Spec. Bay Window Walkthrough Deluxe a.k.a. "Missionare"
1979 1600cc DP Type182 European Spec. Mexican Safari a.k.a. "Elk"
1976 ------ --- Westfalia Essen Trailer (May 10, 1976) a.k.a. "W.E.T"

Last edited by reezvaan on Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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