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Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D
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The Pilch
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:08 pm    Post subject: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

Hello guys. I'm not new, I've been hanging around here for a few years now, I have a Vanagon that me and the Mrs are working on (over in the Vanagon forums if you're interested) thanks for taking time to read my posts. Hope you're all well and enjoying doing the things you love with the people you love.

This thread starts with a bizarre yet righteous piece of weirdness...

For about 8 weeks now, I've had some money burning a hole in my pocket, and I've been looking for a '67 and earlier bug, project, not full resto, running, not a complete dogs breakfast, but definitely 67 and earlier (just my preference, no elitism or anything). Nothing, nada, zip within my tight budget.

Last week a friend of mine sort of agreed to sell me his 67. It was all a bit flaky but I thought positive, and hoped this weekend would be the time, but no.

Still feeling positive, I messaged my other friend Craig, after he asked me to keep him up-to-date on progress, telling him "I found a bug, hopefully it'll work out soon!"

It was about twenty minutes later that I realized I'd messaged a completely different friend Chris by complete accident (or stupidity), who replied, and talked about a bug he has. He didn't care much for his bug, so after a few hours....

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A '61. Within my budget. With almost no rust. That runs. What the hell just happened?

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I'm not a religious man, but that was a weird and rather splendid day that blew my mind in an inexplicable way.

So, I'm very excited to post progress and share my little 61 with you, that fell into my life completely randomly. I can't wait to get digging into it.

Many updates to come. Thanks fella's!
'85 Vanagon GL, weekender package, 1.9 wbx named Freddie/ '61 Beetle named Ringo/ '78 Dodge Monaco which is nothing like the Bluesmobile so please don't cast that oily rag upon it.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:16 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

Nice score, some things are just meant to be. Applause
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The Pilch
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:18 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

mukluk wrote:
Nice score, some things are just meant to be. Applause

I guess so! Thanks man, I'll take it!! Smile
'85 Vanagon GL, weekender package, 1.9 wbx named Freddie/ '61 Beetle named Ringo/ '78 Dodge Monaco which is nothing like the Bluesmobile so please don't cast that oily rag upon it.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 5:20 am    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

That's a car a guy could love. It was meant to be!
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 5:32 am    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

New car day is ALWAYS a good day!!

What's the plan?
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The Pilch
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 6:34 am    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

haha thanks guys ^^^ Very Happy

Last night, in SLC there was a "shortage of AAA tow trucks", so the 61 sat at my friends house for one more night. This morning, in a minute, we are going to go get it, this time AAA should have a few drivers. Once it's back here at my house we are going to poke around, dig about, fiddle, fondle, and generally caress and things of the sort, to establish what it needs, wants and stuff.

I'll definitely paint it. Probably keep it as stock as possible, however I do have an inkling for doing an homage to my 67 from a few years back. Time will tell.

First things first, get it home, dig around, drink coffee, be happy.

Happy Sunday you guys!
'85 Vanagon GL, weekender package, 1.9 wbx named Freddie/ '61 Beetle named Ringo/ '78 Dodge Monaco which is nothing like the Bluesmobile so please don't cast that oily rag upon it.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 2:22 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

How cool is that?! Obviously you're living right- the Wheel has turned and this was your time and place. Pretty amazing. Keep us informed- with lots of pics! : Applause
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 7:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

A perfect starting point, afaic.

I wouldn't paint it. I'd buff it out with my ROP and some Meguiars No.7 to start. If enough shine came up I'd wax it.
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The Pilch
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 8:34 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

tcoop1100 wrote:
How cool is that?! Obviously you're living right- the Wheel has turned and this was your time and place. Pretty amazing. Keep us informed- with lots of pics! : Applause

Thank you Tim - it really was, and continues to be, amazing to me. I am so grateful. I have some more pics from today, which began as a debacle but it worked out in the end. Hold tight...
'85 Vanagon GL, weekender package, 1.9 wbx named Freddie/ '61 Beetle named Ringo/ '78 Dodge Monaco which is nothing like the Bluesmobile so please don't cast that oily rag upon it.
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The Pilch
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:10 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

So, got in my 99 Camry, and the starter motor went out. So we took wifeys mini van. 35 mins back to Chris' house to get the bug. Called AAA on the way, they said 45 mins to get to the bug. After 1.5hrs, they said another 45 mins. Went to Auto Zone to pick up the Toyota starter motor. After that, we called for an update and the tow truck company (not AAA) said their driver was at least two hours away. So I spat and seethed and we canceled it and I will just have to figure it out myself.
Two minutes from home the tow truck people said they were 30 mins away. And then another 30 mins after that, (once Chris had kindly helped the tow guy actually grab the right car) the glorious sight of our 61 greeted us outside...

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We pushed the 61 inside, and went to Auto Zone because guess what....the permed-haired, cocky over confident moronic little f**kboi gave me the wrong starter. Not even close. I didn't have the core so I couldn't compare, I simply assumed these inept morons can read a six digit number and...well, you know.

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Starter replacement went perfect, those old Toyota's are a wizz to work on.

Later that day I got to looking around the bug.

Channels and floors solid.

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Front firewall solid...

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Tunnel and rear parcel area (I pulled the carpet back to inspect) solid...

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I noticed the needle in my speedometer was broken off hahahhaa

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...and the turn signal stalk...

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Needs a headliner but it's oh so dry up there...

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...and there's a bunch of front end things that are new, brakes, shocks, some bushings.

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I didn't get pictures but it has brand new heater boxes, some new engine tin and a new muffler. I mean, whatever I did, must have been good. I just can't believe it.
There's a few body mount bolts missing, but as a whole this car is incredibly dry and clearly well taken care of.

I put the 6v on trickle charge. However, my buddy tells me if it's been sat over the winter, dead (which I believe it has) then it's most likely toast and won't come back around. Tell me your thoughts?

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Still blown away. Still grateful and thoroughly excited. Thanks for looking guys, I hope I can translate my thrilled optimism into this here thread.

Bug tucked away until tomorrow evening... thanks fella's!

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'85 Vanagon GL, weekender package, 1.9 wbx named Freddie/ '61 Beetle named Ringo/ '78 Dodge Monaco which is nothing like the Bluesmobile so please don't cast that oily rag upon it.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:33 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

The Pilch wrote:
... the glorious sight of our 61 greeted us outside...

...I put the 6v on trickle charge. However, my buddy tells me if it's been sat over the winter, dead (which I believe it has) then it's most likely toast and won't come back around. Tell me your thoughts?

Way to go, that car looks like a really fantastic place to start!! The little stuff is easy to fix as you go.
Discharged batteries have a higher freezing point than fully charged batteries. If the electrolyte freezes, the battery is no longer any good after that, but your battery doesn't look swollen like a previously-frozen-battery looks, so you might be okay.
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The Pilch
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:42 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

scrivyscriv wrote:
The Pilch wrote:
... the glorious sight of our 61 greeted us outside...

...I put the 6v on trickle charge. However, my buddy tells me if it's been sat over the winter, dead (which I believe it has) then it's most likely toast and won't come back around. Tell me your thoughts?

Way to go, that car looks like a really fantastic place to start!! The little stuff is easy to fix as you go.
Discharged batteries have a higher freezing point than fully charged batteries. If the electrolyte freezes, the battery is no longer any good after that, but your battery doesn't look swollen like a previously-frozen-battery looks, so you might be okay.

Thanks Robert!! - the battery definitely doesn't seem swollen. I'll trickle charge it tonight and test it with my multimeter, see what it's doing. A new one at the dreaded Autozone is £120 so it's not the end of the world I suppose. Thanks for your input brother.

'85 Vanagon GL, weekender package, 1.9 wbx named Freddie/ '61 Beetle named Ringo/ '78 Dodge Monaco which is nothing like the Bluesmobile so please don't cast that oily rag upon it.
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Blue Baron
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 10:41 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote


A factory BLACK '61!

That thing would go back to black so fast if it was mine!

Nice car, and looks like it's going to a great home.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 11:54 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

Wow. 180* from that ʻ66 you were working on, eh? Iʻm green (only
a little!). Amazing bones. Enjoy this one.
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stale air
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:05 am    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

Nice! Looks like a very sold car. Love the factory black as well. Looks like the passenger door has been replaced for a red one, probably why they changed the outside color to red, but I would do my best to strip it back to the factory black.
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The Pilch
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:16 am    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

Blue Baron wrote:

A factory BLACK '61!

That thing would go back to black so fast if it was mine!

Nice car, and looks like it's going to a great home.

Right? Thanks mate. Black is on my mind for the repaint, but so is my average bodywork hahaha eeeek!
'85 Vanagon GL, weekender package, 1.9 wbx named Freddie/ '61 Beetle named Ringo/ '78 Dodge Monaco which is nothing like the Bluesmobile so please don't cast that oily rag upon it.
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The Pilch
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:18 am    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

tcoop1100 wrote:
Wow. 180* from that ʻ66 you were working on, eh? Iʻm green (only
a little!). Amazing bones. Enjoy this one.

Thankyou brother - yes it's a million miles from the 66, you are right! I ended up selling that for what I was into it (minus my own labor of course) to a friend who as so happy to get it, it was a righteous deal, and as you say, this one is 180, other side of the world in comparison. Thanks!
'85 Vanagon GL, weekender package, 1.9 wbx named Freddie/ '61 Beetle named Ringo/ '78 Dodge Monaco which is nothing like the Bluesmobile so please don't cast that oily rag upon it.
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The Pilch
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:20 am    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

stale air wrote:
Nice! Looks like a very sold car. Love the factory black as well. Looks like the passenger door has been replaced for a red one, probably why they changed the outside color to red, but I would do my best to strip it back to the factory black.

That's my initial idea too, spot on! I will try and get the red off, for sure.
'85 Vanagon GL, weekender package, 1.9 wbx named Freddie/ '61 Beetle named Ringo/ '78 Dodge Monaco which is nothing like the Bluesmobile so please don't cast that oily rag upon it.
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The Pilch
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:03 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

The weather here in central Utah is brutal. I am blown away how people can stand the heat down south, NM, AZ, even St George Utah has a significant temp increase, and that's only 3hrs from here. South Americans have my respect for dealing with climate another 20F more than the 100F here. Be careful out there.

So with that, I am going to fiddle around with the bug, on little things that I can take inside where I have the AC. I'm going to take the speedo in and see what I can do with the needle, take the radio and clean it up real good, basically disassemble the dash and have a relaxing, cool Monday night. Yup.

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'85 Vanagon GL, weekender package, 1.9 wbx named Freddie/ '61 Beetle named Ringo/ '78 Dodge Monaco which is nothing like the Bluesmobile so please don't cast that oily rag upon it.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:13 pm    Post subject: Re: Messaged the wrong person, acquired a '61 :-D Reply with quote

Love that car, nice score. I too would try to strip it back to black. Maybe blend in some areas if it needed it. But that red passenger door, it’s saying “paint me black on the outside, but keep me red on the inside please!”
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