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1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 2:04 pm    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

stale air wrote:
Any updates?

Sorry for slow reply, I have been away in Europe traveling for some time. The car still sits under covers, awaiting time and finances to get stuck into it so no updates yet.
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stale air
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2024 11:33 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

Any updates?
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:41 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

RudeGuy wrote:

There were many offers for the car over the years, including a couple of high 4 figure amounts! I purchased it via the family after the owner passed. Will definitely be keeping it as original as possible!

Timing is everything. Looks like it went to a good home. If I see the car around San Mateo, or a local show, I'll be sure to say hi!

+1 on San Mateo Lock Works. They did the same for me many years ago, and have always been the place to go for key needs.

Keep up the good work!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:15 pm    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

Thanks again for all the great info and recommendations y'all! The car had it's first major expenditure, had the original high top gas tank boiled and coated (not the el-cheapo red stuff!) as they don't make this shape anymore it seems. Found a couple of alternatives (and they were much less expensive) but decided to stick with the plan of keeping it as original as possible. The tank as I understand it should be a gray/blue color for originality, its currently black so I will address that issue soon.
I still need to source a new gas cap gasket and the fuel fitting/filter at the bottom of the tank and also do a clean and check on the original in car gas line as well as clean/rebuild both the fuel pump and carb, oil change and air filter service before we try for main engine start.
I would also like to give a shout out to San Mateo Locksmith services for cutting new keys (I didn't get any with the car) as they nailed the shape first time so I can now lock my doors etc!

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stale air
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:10 pm    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

RudeGuy wrote:
Rome wrote:
Remarkably solid car despite the torn sunroof.

The rubber tunnel mat appears to be solid, without obvious wear points near the pedals nor along the top at the openings for the shifter and e-brake. I suggest removing it "very" carefully if you want to inspect and clean the tunnel. The rubber has likely become brittle over the decades. Before you remove it, try applying a synthetic-based rubber softener so that when you do flex it during the removal, the rubber will bend and not break.
Do you plan to undent the fenders with hammer & dolly, and unbend the creased edge at the right front fender? Polish the bumpers with 0000 steel wool and a fine metal file for the rust pockmarks? Could also try spraying full-strength CLR onto the chrome surfaces of the bumper and letting the fluid work down the worst of the rust. Scrub with a brass bristle brush (not steel bristles which will scratch the remaining good chrome). But wear sturdy gloves, since those rust blister edges could cut your skin.

Thank you for the great advice, I really appreciate it. Do you have any recommendations for rubber softeners? I am concerned that it will split and break if I try to lift it up. As to the dents, yes I will be taking them off and getting the dents out to make it more presentable and tidier. I hadn't touched the bumpers but with your advice I will be taking them off and cleaning them up with the method you have suggested and yes I know all about sharp bits of chrome cutting skin!

VW glued the tunnel mats down pretty good, and if I were you, I would try and clean it up, and then use a quality rubber conditioner on it first. Thats what I did with mine, scared that it would brake apart if i tried to remove it. In the end it cleaned up really nice, and I still get to run the og mat. Cool

The correct colored square weave carpet would have been T109 anthracite in the front and T110 silver grey in the rear. Wolfsburg west makes qreat square weave carpet kits, that would look great in that car.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:35 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

Do you have any recommendations for rubber softeners?

No, I've not used any other than the German product from Wurth for rubber door seals named GummiPflege (German words for rubber care, sounds like goomy-pflay-geh). It was in a small plastic container such as a roll-on deodorant which you rubbed onto the seal with the applicator head. But I never tried that on a larger rubber surface.

You should avoid petroleum-based products because those will break down rubber with prolonged use. Silicone-based or even vegetable oil-based might be best options.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:22 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

Rome wrote:
The new rag top covering and floor/carpets I will do myself.

This might be too far into the future, but have you thought about what color sunroof and what material? Dark red or black; vinyl or canvas?

Carpet: Many kits have a big 1-piece for the front. If you use that style, consider cutting it along the base of the tunnel so that the original rubber tunnel section is maintained. Your tunnel section can be cleaned up, preserved, and be another indicator of its originality. Original carpet style for that era had long strips that covered the heater channel, then separate rubber mats for each of the 4 floor sections. There was no carpet on the floors nor over the tunnel. But there was a thick pad glued to the tunnel at each floor section for sound deadening, as well as to level out the floor from the rib pressings so that the rubber mats sat flat.

I was thinking I would go back to the off white/cream color it was originally, but in a canvas type material for longevity. I like the idea of showing the original rubber on the tunnel, great suggestion! I removed all the old sound deadening material as it had become crusty and was flaking dust everywhere. One area where I will be deviating from original is by adding modern sound deadening throughout the car.
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Samba Member

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:18 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

Rome wrote:
Remarkably solid car despite the torn sunroof.

The rubber tunnel mat appears to be solid, without obvious wear points near the pedals nor along the top at the openings for the shifter and e-brake. I suggest removing it "very" carefully if you want to inspect and clean the tunnel. The rubber has likely become brittle over the decades. Before you remove it, try applying a synthetic-based rubber softener so that when you do flex it during the removal, the rubber will bend and not break.
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Do you plan to undent the fenders with hammer & dolly, and unbend the creased edge at the right front fender? Polish the bumpers with 0000 steel wool and a fine metal file for the rust pockmarks? Could also try spraying full-strength CLR onto the chrome surfaces of the bumper and letting the fluid work down the worst of the rust. Scrub with a brass bristle brush (not steel bristles which will scratch the remaining good chrome). But wear sturdy gloves, since those rust blister edges could cut your skin.

Thank you for the great advice, I really appreciate it. Do you have any recommendations for rubber softeners? I am concerned that it will split and break if I try to lift it up. As to the dents, yes I will be taking them off and getting the dents out to make it more presentable and tidier. I hadn't touched the bumpers but with your advice I will be taking them off and cleaning them up with the method you have suggested and yes I know all about sharp bits of chrome cutting skin!
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:11 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

Rome wrote:
If you decide to remove the fenders for easier rework/undenting, know that the fender bolts have 14 mm heads. That style was used thru IIRC the 1960 model year, with the '61 changing to 13 mm heads. Bolt threads remained at M8 x 1.25. So- make sure you don't lose those original bolts! You can't get new replacements with 14 mm heads- only with 13 mm heads. You can put them into a jar of rust converter to clean them up. I've recently had very good experience with Evapo-Rust, soaked for a day.

Thank you for the info, another reason why I appreciate this forum so much. I have used evaporust in motorcycle restoration projects with great success. I'm thinking I will indeed remove the fenders to try and "massage" the dents out as good as I am able. I just purchased a body work repair kit with multiple hammers and dollies. Not looking for perfection but hopefully something tidy and presentable.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:08 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

cloval wrote:
Do you mind sharing the details on how you found the car and were able to purchase it?

Between 2013 and 2015 I was working as a contract employee for PG&E. My circuit inspection that day allowed access to the storage facility where this car was parked. I was thrilled to see the car, as it is somewhat of a rare spec with the coral red color and a sunroof. These early '58s are basically a very late oval window. It was obviously original and complete, but had some minor sun-baking of the paint and a flat tire or two.

After completing my inspection, I spoke with a lady at the front office, gave her my business card and contact info, explained my VW interest, and asked her to please put me in touch with the owner or their family, as I would be very interested in purchasing the car. I figured it was an older person who had the car stored there.
I never heard from anyone. My guess is she never forwarded my info, as she had mentioned keeping the privacy of the owner, which is understandable.

The car was in very good condition 10 years ago, and I really wanted to get it out of there and back on the road. I was born and raised in the same town, and know that the constant fog and proximity to the bay would not be kind to the car. Enjoy the car, have fun with it, but please do try to keep as original as possible, it survived this long after all.

There were many offers for the car over the years, including a couple of high 4 figure amounts! I purchased it via the family after the owner passed. Will definitely be keeping it as original as possible!
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:26 pm    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

That looks awesome. I love it!
Robert in Memphis
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 9:34 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

If you decide to remove the fenders for easier rework/undenting, know that the fender bolts have 14 mm heads. That style was used thru IIRC the 1960 model year, with the '61 changing to 13 mm heads. Bolt threads remained at M8 x 1.25. So- make sure you don't lose those original bolts! You can't get new replacements with 14 mm heads- only with 13 mm heads. You can put them into a jar of rust converter to clean them up. I've recently had very good experience with Evapo-Rust, soaked for a day.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 9:28 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

The new rag top covering and floor/carpets I will do myself.

This might be too far into the future, but have you thought about what color sunroof and what material? Dark red or black; vinyl or canvas?

Carpet: Many kits have a big 1-piece for the front. If you use that style, consider cutting it along the base of the tunnel so that the original rubber tunnel section is maintained. Your tunnel section can be cleaned up, preserved, and be another indicator of its originality. Original carpet style for that era had long strips that covered the heater channel, then separate rubber mats for each of the 4 floor sections. There was no carpet on the floors nor over the tunnel. But there was a thick pad glued to the tunnel at each floor section for sound deadening, as well as to level out the floor from the rib pressings so that the rubber mats sat flat.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 9:14 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

Remarkably solid car despite the torn sunroof.

The rubber tunnel mat appears to be solid, without obvious wear points near the pedals nor along the top at the openings for the shifter and e-brake. I suggest removing it "very" carefully if you want to inspect and clean the tunnel. The rubber has likely become brittle over the decades. Before you remove it, try applying a synthetic-based rubber softener so that when you do flex it during the removal, the rubber will bend and not break.
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Do you plan to undent the fenders with hammer & dolly, and unbend the creased edge at the right front fender? Polish the bumpers with 0000 steel wool and a fine metal file for the rust pockmarks? Could also try spraying full-strength CLR onto the chrome surfaces of the bumper and letting the fluid work down the worst of the rust. Scrub with a brass bristle brush (not steel bristles which will scratch the remaining good chrome). But wear sturdy gloves, since those rust blister edges could cut your skin.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:05 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

Do you mind sharing the details on how you found the car and were able to purchase it?

Between 2013 and 2015 I was working as a contract employee for PG&E. My circuit inspection that day allowed access to the storage facility where this car was parked. I was thrilled to see the car, as it is somewhat of a rare spec with the coral red color and a sunroof. These early '58s are basically a very late oval window. It was obviously original and complete, but had some minor sun-baking of the paint and a flat tire or two.

After completing my inspection, I spoke with a lady at the front office, gave her my business card and contact info, explained my VW interest, and asked her to please put me in touch with the owner or their family, as I would be very interested in purchasing the car. I figured it was an older person who had the car stored there.
I never heard from anyone. My guess is she never forwarded my info, as she had mentioned keeping the privacy of the owner, which is understandable.

The car was in very good condition 10 years ago, and I really wanted to get it out of there and back on the road. I was born and raised in the same town, and know that the constant fog and proximity to the bay would not be kind to the car. Enjoy the car, have fun with it, but please do try to keep as original as possible, it survived this long after all.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:52 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

my59 wrote:
What is under the floor pans securing the eye bolts used to anchor aftermarket/later year seat belts?
I've seatbelt end simply bolted thru pans with a collection of fender washers. Had the state inspector note no seatbelts as they were not required in '59, and I'm not trusting them to save my life.

The door cards are nice, clean em up, and keep the interior stock. Don't lose the headliner bows, and stripping out the cloth headliner you might want photos of it prior to to get the folds and seams located. Two tone seats, sweet. I've the optional all red seats with white piping (now hammered to death)

Not a lot actually. Looks like bolt with washer. That will be rectified properly!
Yep the door cards are good but the backing boards will need replacing as they are bowed but easy enough job to do. As to the headliner, I'm going to purchase the liner and have it installed by people who know what they are doing to save myself any frustration. The new rag top covering and floor/carpets I will do myself.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:06 pm    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

What is under the floor pans securing the eye bolts used to anchor aftermarket/later year seat belts?
I've seatbelt end simply bolted thru pans with a collection of fender washers. Had the state inspector note no seatbelts as they were not required in '59, and I'm not trusting them to save my life.

The door cards are nice, clean em up, and keep the interior stock. Don't lose the headliner bows, and stripping out the cloth headliner you might want photos of it prior to to get the folds and seams located. Two tone seats, sweet. I've the optional all red seats with white piping (now hammered to death)
my59: Well son, my grandfather died before I got to drive it, so does that answer your question?
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:17 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

If you get the WW Okarasa kit make SURE you have the heads flycut. If they haven't changed the design yet they leave you less than 8:1 compression.
Get the street CAM from them also, flycut heads a few thou .00" and its'a HUGE difference.

Also, I would LOVE some of your old interior (door panels?) if you end up not using them. I have a good passenger seat I could trade, but I'm up the coast in Washington so a little shipping would be involved.
hitest wrote:
Had a girlfriend once who shall we say, nearly arrived at the mere sight of a semaphore in action- easy to please she was...
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:09 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

Hey all. Thanks for the welcomes and comments on the car and the info about the Wolfsburg Okrasa engine upgrade kit, I wasn't aware of that until now but it looks like a great way to go!
Anyways, after I got back from overseas I gave the car a good scrub down with some 5:1 mixture CLR and some green scotch pads and then preserved the patina with a boiled linseed oil/mineral spirits mixture. It's probably not everyone's taste, but my wife and I like it.

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I also ripped out the stinky, moldy interior in readiness for a complete interior replacement.

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I discovered the passenger seat had a very dodgy repair so I am now looking for a replacement.

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PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2024 11:56 am    Post subject: Re: 1st time bug owner - found a '58 ragtop. Reply with quote

pondoras box wrote:
Check out Wolfsburg West’s Okrassa kit for the 36 horse engine before putting a big engine in.
Awesome find!

What a great find!
Just dreaming it was mine:
I'm an admirer of stock(ish) VWs myself. I had a '60 Käfer with a stock 36hp engine. Drove it like the gas pedal was an on-off switch and it lasted forever. Couldn't kill that engine. If not stock, that vintage Okrassa hot rod kit is the way I would go for power. You don't see one of those at every VW meet. I would add a dual master cylinder and LED lights and drive the wheels off of it.
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