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Gerson Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:53 pm

Don't get your panties in a bundle dude, all my customer know, what I do, and how I do it, I do not need to explain it again........ all my bus customers know that once I BUY, and REBUILD a BD using all my replacement metal, all that is left is a few body pieces, and a VIN, no secret there, actually that's what my customers love about the whole concept, a NEW BD, no rust, no bent up metal, just brand new shiny 20 gauge.... :D :D :D, no deception, no "creative" descriptions, no pictures taken at angles that do not show the real condition of the vehicle.....nothing fake about what I do.......BTW, say hello to Mr. Alberto for me would you, now there is another bus "expert" selling BDs...... :D :D :D :D

Gerson Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:14 pm

Quote: gerson & sjmgielen are pretty much business partners!
you guys should be on each other xmas card list!

Hey RockStock, your'e kidding right????you must be!!!!!

Rich's 50 Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:47 pm

Gerson wrote: Quote: gerson & sjmgielen are pretty much business partners!
you guys should be on each other xmas card list!

Hey RockStock, your'e kidding right????you must be!!!!!

I know Gerson and they are far from partners :!: Get your facts straight homie 8)

RockStock Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:08 pm

yeah, joking guys. back to it

Gerson Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:18 pm

I'm going home to my wife and kids, I 'm tired......there is no sense beating a dead horse.......remember guys, buyer beware, there is no such thing as "a free lunch", when it comes to these old buses :!: :!: :!: :!: .....Rich, what's up????I'll give you a call in a couple of days, take care.. :D :D :D

49barndoor Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:11 am

Why is there such animosity between you two guys in Bogota?

Both in to barndoors in a big way and in the same town I dont get it but it is obvious that rockstock was making the same point :?

sjmgielen Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:22 pm

49barndoor wrote: Why is there such animosity between you two guys in Bogota?

Both in to barndoors in a big way and in the same town I dont get it but it is obvious that rockstock was making the same point :?

Well 49barndoor,

You should ask that to Gerson. He started with all the animosity on this forum towards me. I have never talked bad about him, only when he started talking about me on this forum . I have so far only reacted to statements from him towards me (as I am doing on this thread as well....). You cannot find a single bad comment I started about him on this forum/ website. Gerson cannot say the same.....

I can only guess about what Gerson`s problem is with me. We have never done business together, so that cannot be a reason. You should ask him for his reason.

My point of view: If you step on me I will bite.

Gerson knows much more about barndoors and cars etc. then I do. I have no problem in admitting that (and I already did that once on this forum). Hooray for Gerson.

I founded my company on April 24th in 2004 and was exporting barndoors even before Gerson found his first bus. Hooray for me...
Maybe he has a problem with that (speculating). Or maybe he wants to be the only one in Colombia that`s into the barndoor business....again, speculating.

I only worry about my own business....maybe Gerson should do the same. This thread was started by someone that wanted to know what had happened to the barndoors I have far nobody responded. Nobody has said something bad, and nobody has said something good. Nobody has put up pictures either. Gerson says that I have let many people down......let THEM speak up...So far just one guy came up with a complaint about me (Sam Cocker)...and I have never sold a bus to that person. He bought it from someone I had sold it to....??? (you can read about this on this thread).

So, everybody (or at least Gerson and Sam Cocker) hates Sander, that`s okay. I will keep on buying and selling barndoors anyway. That is, as long as there are buyers ofcourse....and there are.

Gerson has been shouting on this forum that I know nothing about barndoors and that I take angled pictures, and that I try to con clients....well, I have sold over 40 barndoors world wide already (not all are on my website) so if there are people that I have conned LET THEM SPEAK UP PLEASE!!!!!!!! don`t let Gerson do the talking.....let them do the talking.....

I said before on this forum that I don`t hate Gerson are anything. Don`t even have a problem with him. But he has problems with me. Unfortunately, but not that important.

Maybe I will send him a Christmas Card this year........

paneldave Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:23 pm

mr gielen, so whats up with them kids you sold buses to and squeezed them into a smaller container (to save on shipping) and when they opened the doors they were mangled!!!!
i have seen a bus you sold to a guy in the crewe/nantwich area and believe me mr g it was far from "an easy fixer" or some other remark to seal the deal.
if i had been a customer of yours and had a steaming pile of vaguely vw barndoor sat on my drive that i had paid my hard earned for......
believe me this site is the last place i`d be whining about it!!!!!!!!!

just my opinion- its worth nothing...

Barndoor Mafia Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:02 pm

RockStock wrote:
gerson & sjmgielen are pretty much business partners!
you guys should be on each other xmas card list!

Linda, I know you're taking the piss!!! No comparison. One is Tea Leaf Pikey! The other bloke is a Robin Hood mate!

Them Pikey Caravans down there cattled mate!

Speaking of Pikey's.........Simon & the Fake Linda, any progress on these imaginary deluxes you two guys keep referring too? You guys having a bubble on these Yanks? Might as well do them photoshop tricks the real Linda does?? right, right, right.

Simon........good seeing you over at Argle's place for Fish & Chips, at Yorkshire. Now I'm gonna do a Vincent Van Gogh mate! Cheers!

Sorry lads if you don't understand me kind cockney words. REALLY!
Any hoot, up the Apples and Pears to Bedfordshire for this bloke.

Please note: the entire above mentioned was said in NewCastle accent. REALLY!

49barndoor Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:22 am

sjmgielen wrote: 49barndoor wrote: Why is there such animosity between you two guys in Bogota?

Both in to barndoors in a big way and in the same town I dont get it but it is obvious that rockstock was making the same point :?

Well 49barndoor,

You should ask that to Gerson. He started with all the animosity on this forum towards me. I have never talked bad about him, only when he started talking about me on this forum . I have so far only reacted to statements from him towards me (as I am doing on this thread as well....). You cannot find a single bad comment I started about him on this forum/ website. Gerson cannot say the same.....

I can only guess about what Gerson`s problem is with me. We have never done business together, so that cannot be a reason. You should ask him for his reason.

My point of view: If you step on me I will bite.

Gerson knows much more about barndoors and cars etc. then I do. I have no problem in admitting that (and I already did that once on this forum). Hooray for Gerson.

I founded my company on April 24th in 2004 and was exporting barndoors even before Gerson found his first bus. Hooray for me...
Maybe he has a problem with that (speculating). Or maybe he wants to be the only one in Colombia that`s into the barndoor business....again, speculating.

I only worry about my own business....maybe Gerson should do the same. This thread was started by someone that wanted to know what had happened to the barndoors I have far nobody responded. Nobody has said something bad, and nobody has said something good. Nobody has put up pictures either. Gerson says that I have let many people down......let THEM speak up...So far just one guy came up with a complaint about me (Sam Cocker)...and I have never sold a bus to that person. He bought it from someone I had sold it to....??? (you can read about this on this thread).

So, everybody (or at least Gerson and Sam Cocker) hates Sander, that`s okay. I will keep on buying and selling barndoors anyway. That is, as long as there are buyers ofcourse....and there are.

Gerson has been shouting on this forum that I know nothing about barndoors and that I take angled pictures, and that I try to con clients....well, I have sold over 40 barndoors world wide already (not all are on my website) so if there are people that I have conned LET THEM SPEAK UP PLEASE!!!!!!!! don`t let Gerson do the talking.....let them do the talking.....

I said before on this forum that I don`t hate Gerson are anything. Don`t even have a problem with him. But he has problems with me. Unfortunately, but not that important.

Maybe I will send him a Christmas Card this year........

Sounds fair enough, I think buses from down your way are pretty much as bad as each other no matter if they came from Gerson or yourself.

I have picked up on the grapevine over the years good and bad said about both of you when it comes to selling buses.

Granted I have never come across you slagging off Gerson or anyone else in the forums.

Try the xmas card as it could be thats the problem in the first place :wink:

mrsherbie Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:48 am

Gerson wrote: Quote: gerson & sjmgielen are pretty much business partners!
you guys should be on each other xmas card list!

Hey RockStock, your'e kidding right????you must be!!!!!

Thats just our very dry British humor for you :D

I'm not really into BDs at all, but just from reading this forum it is clear to me that Mr Gerson is a proper seriously passionate about BDs type of guy who is giving a huge amount back to the scene worldwide. Not just exporting a few buses around to make a fast $.

All many of us in UK see, is numerous god awful mess vw's on ebay constantly, being sold direct from South America/ Thailand or similar aimed in particular at UK buyers, like we are idiots and dont know any better. A few of these catch less knowledgeable people out and the reputation is earned for a 'whole country' which is a pity when there are both good and bad people and cars everywhere.

sjmgielen wrote: so if there are people that I have conned LET THEM SPEAK UP PLEASE!!!!!!!!
As we all know, rarely do people who have been conned or bought a lemon have the balls or wish to speak up about it, for fear that they will seem a foolish buyer rather than the seller being a crook/lied about the vehicle's condition, or just because the whole saga leaves them feeling sick and angry and they just want to get on and put it behind them asap.

As a dealer you earn your reputation on your genuine honesty of the sales you make especially to overseas buyers irrespective of the vehicle's condition, scrappy project or immaculate just as long as its honestly described. Apologies if I am being obvious.

Barndoor Mafia Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:37 am

mrsherbie wrote: Thats just our very dry British humor for you :D

Mate, it took me a while to sort out what you were sayin?? You basically expressed your opinion in the language the "Colonies". And not in the Queens Proper English. REALLY! When me UK mates contact me about this sort of malarkey, I always tell them to be weary of a certain tea leaf Pikey! REALLY!

Hope all is well.....

Rusting Hulk Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:18 am

Barndoor Mafia wrote: RockStock wrote:
gerson & sjmgielen are pretty much business partners!
you guys should be on each other xmas card list!

Linda, I know you're taking the piss!!! No comparison. One is Tea Leaf Pikey! The other bloke is a Robin Hood mate!

Them Pikey Caravans down there cattled mate!

Speaking of Pikey's.........Simon & the Fake Linda, any progress on these imaginary deluxes you two guys keep referring too? You guys having a bubble on these Yanks? Might as well do them photoshop tricks the real Linda does?? right, right, right.

Simon........good seeing you over at Argle's place for Fish & Chips, at Yorkshire. Now I'm gonna do a Vincent Van Gogh mate! Cheers!

Sorry lads if you don't understand me kind cockney words. REALLY!
Any hoot, up the Apples and Pears to Bedfordshire for this bloke.

Please note: the entire above mentioned was said in NewCastle accent. REALLY!

Too much Guinness again?

rwong55 Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:50 pm

here's one tonythehat might get on the road.

and the world's worst barndoor ever being resurrected, according to daprofessor.

damn haoles :wink:

rwong55 Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:54 pm

paulsvw wrote: LowriderMike MoneyMike wrote: Whos that kook with the wahine board?

Oh Snap....


Money Mikes in Da house!!!! "I cant talk right now!!!!"

I guess his new name is Kuipo?

RockStock Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:07 am

Anyway, back to it
These Columdonesian BDs need tracking...

Did this one originate in Columbia?
It had that look about it


Barndoor Mafia wrote: imaginary deluxes you two guys keep referring too? Photoshop tricks
i'll come back to that, son!

mrsherbie wrote: rarely do people who have been conned or bought a lemon have the balls or wish to speak up about it, for fear that they will seem a foolish buyer or because the whole saga leaves them feeling sick
X2. You wouldn't exactly shout it from the rooftops, would you

bubba Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:20 am

RockStock wrote: Anyway, back to it
These Columdonesian BDs need tracking...

Did this one originate in Columbia?
It had that look about it


Barndoor Mafia wrote: imaginary deluxes you two guys keep referring too? Photoshop tricks
i'll come back to that, son!

mrsherbie wrote: rarely do people who have been conned or bought a lemon have the balls or wish to speak up about it, for fear that they will seem a foolish buyer or because the whole saga leaves them feeling sick
X2. You wouldn't exactly shout it from the rooftops, would you Looks Columbian to me. It turn out better than i ever thought it would. Finally a happy ending!

Gerson Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:43 am

the 2 buses pictured above are different cars, the two tone orange bus is a type 27, it went to Europe(Belgium I think), a while back...... it was found here in Bogota....
the other bus is a 53, type 22, or 23..... I think this bus is owned by a guy named Frederic in Montpellier France....
here is a link to his website showing the kombi, and the ambulance.....the ambulance probably found it's way down to france also.....

RockStock Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:53 am

ok, thanks, my mistake (is there a before pic of the blue one?)
not many Owners piping up....come on us how you're getting's it been Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:59 am

bubba wrote: It turn out better than i ever thought it would. Finally a happy ending!

Picture I took at last years Budel Show:

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