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Abscate Fri Jan 14, 2022 6:13 am

pop.pop1955 wrote: Imagine stuck in that snowstorm in Virginia in an electric vehicle, charge runs out they can't bring a charging station. You're being towed, to say nothing of blocking the road until s tow truck comes

When those storms hit in non-storm capable , everyone is being towed , not just EVs. I will say if you run out of juice in a Tesla, your own situational non-awareness is to blame

There was two days warning in the I95 storm

oprn Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:12 am

My question in those situations is how many of the people that get stuck in a snow storm really NEEDED to be out there? Not many I suspect...

A big part of being a good driver is knowing when to stay home! This entitled attitude is not recognized or respected by the weather. Sorry!

gt1953 Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:02 am

I am not totally against electric cars. WE need to do more research into this.
Take a look at this....internal combustion engine came and we were still using horse and buggy, it was a transition time. Finally the horse and buggy went by the way side and that will eventually happen with petrol powered vehicles. An apartment complex with 200 electric cars all plugged in at the same time and charging Oh boy what a drain on the grid...NO A/C tonight.

Mickey bitsko Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:03 am

It's fun/interesting watching in (real time) the evolution of man
and machine... even though ev's have been around for quite some
time, there is still a long way to go.. maybe the problem is with
the consumer. :-k

Chickensoup Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:06 am

Im not seeing why this is an issue.

Electric RC aircraft are preferred when flying to the edge of space... because an electric motor doesnt need oxygen.

If anything, yall should be happy. Now we can fly higher "easier".

67ctbug Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:10 am

Space has nothing to do with me driving from CT to Vermont or down the street to O’Reillys. We physically couldn’t handle it if everyone swapped their gas car for an electric one.

jspbtown Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:16 am

Quote: Oh boy what a drain on the grid...NO A/C tonight.

Thats what drives innovation on "the grid" right? :D

Abscate Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:19 am

Zone 1 EV charging is comparable to a space heater. The power grid demands drops 25-35% at night , perfect time for charging. If you need to recharge for 200 miles per week , that’s a once a week event.

Do the math on this, don’t just speculate qualitatively.

Zundfolge1432 Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:46 am

67ctbug wrote: We physically couldn’t handle it if everyone swapped their gas car for an electric one.

I’m thinking much of the resistance to electric vehicles (pun intended)

is mental. People cannot conceive of something they don’t understand. My dad told me a story of his grandparents reaction to the first DC3 taking off at their airport in 1938. it was a big deal for people born in the 1800s. They had seen some WW1 biplanes but were skeptical of metal being able to fly. Imagine the changes that occurred within their lifetimes.

Abscate Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:30 am

Zundfolge1432 wrote: 67ctbug wrote: We physically couldn’t handle it if everyone swapped their gas car for an electric one.

I’m thinking much of the resistance to electric vehicles (pun intended)

is mental. People cannot conceive of something they don’t understand. My dad told me a story of his grandparents reaction to the first DC3 taking off at their airport in 1938. it was a big deal for people born in the 1800s. They had seen some WW1 biplanes but were skeptical of metal being able to fly. Imagine the changes that occurred within their lifetimes.

Totally, myself included.

If I were in Tesla marketing , I would push out a Vesla app that would let you experience the state of charge of a Tesla as you drive around in your ICE VEHICLE. I bet I would see it would work well for me 95% of the time or more and ease my cognitive bias.

Q-Dog Fri Jan 14, 2022 4:30 pm

gt1953 wrote: I am not totally against electric cars. WE need to do more research into this.
Take a look at this....internal combustion engine came and we were still using horse and buggy, it was a transition time. Finally the horse and buggy went by the way side and that will eventually happen with petrol powered vehicles. An apartment complex with 200 electric cars all plugged in at the same time and charging Oh boy what a drain on the grid...NO A/C tonight.

30 years ago there was a man who lived around the corner from me who still used horses to plow his field and pull a wagon through town to peddle vegetables. I don't think he ever owned a car. It could not have been easy to use horses and a wagon to get around in the car-centric world he was living in. but that is what he was comfortable with. He grew up on a farm and was used to hitching up the wagon to "go into town" once every week or two.

You don't have to change if you don't want to. But you shouldn't expect the rest of the world to wait for you to get out of the way either.

oprn Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:27 pm

Chickensoup wrote: Electric RC aircraft are preferred when flying to the edge of space... because an electric motor doesnt need oxygen.
Interesting! I have been in the RC hobby for over 30 years and never met or heard of anyone flying thier models at the edge of space. The average model is at the edge of human visibility at 1500 feet... the edge of space is about 364,000 feet! That's 243 times higher than we could see a model.

But... if it could be done you would be correct!

ach60 Sat Jan 15, 2022 2:24 am

To me there is no liking or not liking the electric car, just a simple question, does the electric car get me from point A to point B in the same manner as the car it is replacing.
Back in the 70's & 80's if you bought a VW Diesel, it came with a book that told you were every gas station that you could buy diesel was located.
But also, years ago the electric companies were asking us to conserve electricity because
the growth in usage was greater than they couldn't build new power plants to provide for the projected growth in usage.
I'm not sure what happened, but the electric companies don't seem to have an issue with the growth that will come from moving to electric from internal combustion power.
I believe that electric cars are currently more efficient than Internal Combustion, so just like steam was replaced by internal combustion, internal combustion may be replaced by electric,
but it will truly have to be more efficient for a complete transformation.
The unanswered question is Commercial Vehicles that are in service 24-7, the time to charge can be no more than the time to refuel and perform required maintenance.
Or the increased efficiency must be so great as to pay for additional replacement equipment used while the original equipment is charging.
Will electric be to internal combustion, like internal combustion was to steam, or will it turn out to be MTBE,
the magical additive that California had to have UNTIL they figured out it was contaminating the water supply.

djkeev Sat Jan 15, 2022 3:54 am

Zundfolge1432 wrote: 67ctbug wrote: We physically couldn’t handle it if everyone swapped their gas car for an electric one.

I’m thinking much of the resistance to electric vehicles (pun intended)

is mental. People cannot conceive of something they don’t understand. My dad told me a story of his grandparents reaction to the first DC3 taking off at their airport in 1938. it was a big deal for people born in the 1800s. They had seen some WW1 biplanes but were skeptical of metal being able to fly. Imagine the changes that occurred within their lifetimes.

My Grandmother was born in the 1800's on a farm IN New Yotk City.
Horse and buggy days.
She died after Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.

I have a photo of my Grandfather aboard his Baker Electric about 1910.

You talk about living in a changing world!


Abscate Sat Jan 15, 2022 5:48 am

Those who have grown up In the abundant generations, as a rule , struggle with change and adaptation. It’s ironic because they like to say we old farts are set in our ways. Remembering the 70s when we had gas shortages, odd even gas station rules, etc. it isn’t hard to adapt the current grid to adopt the load for charging. Will you have a Constitutional right to charge your car whenever and wherever you want? No.

Will the vast majority of people be able to commute 200 miles a a week and charge their cars routinely? Yes, on todays grid.

Bonesberg55 Sat Jan 15, 2022 5:59 am

The math is pretty simple. If your vehicle gets 25-30 mpg, just the cost of gas is 12-15 cents per mile. I'm reading that recharging an electric vehicle is in the 3-5 cent per mile range. I know the initial cost of an electric vehicle can be higher but nowhere can the cost differential be recouped based on the figures above. It seems to be a no-brainer to me and I'm an old-timer. Anyone want to try the new math?

oprn Sat Jan 15, 2022 6:15 am

Is anyone considering the power losses when transmitting that power thousands of miles from the generating stations to your car charger? Does than not become part of the overall efficiency equation?

djkeev Sat Jan 15, 2022 6:30 am

VW has been playing with electric propulsion since the 1970's.......


finster Sat Jan 15, 2022 7:32 am

Porsche since 1898...including hybrid technology

HereToGo Sat Jan 15, 2022 8:14 am

Why is this an all-or-nothing choice? This is still a reasonably free country, right?

I'll be damned if some government muppet is going to tell me what I can or cannot drive or how far I can drive.

If you want an electric car, go buy one. If you want to keep your ICE, then keep your ICE. Freedom of choice.

Most pro-electric people live in warm climates and never had to deal with sub-freezing temps draining their battery. Maybe we can get access to some of that 1969 NASA battery/charger tech, the type that allowed the moon buggy to putter around the lunar surface at -250° to -454°. That three day trip from earth to the moon would have tested the mettle of any battery in those low temps.

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