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How to ID your camper (westy and non-westy)
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:49 pm    Post subject: How to ID your camper (westy and non-westy) Reply with quote

Moderator note:
Please PM EverettB if you have any additions, updates, or corrections to this thread.
Or post at the end of the thread.

There seems to be a lot of folks coming into the forums wondering what type of camper they have.
Perhaps this post will be of some help to those in that situation. This is by no means the final word
on any of this, just an attempt to pass on some information, most of which I think is accurate. YMMV

FYI: Westfalias came first, so they’re covered first. All other camper kits are covered down below.


The earliest campers were made by Westfalia, and the Westfalia kits were the only
campers officially sanctioned by VW.

This is where it all began. Westfalia #1. Current whereabouts unknown.
Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

If your bus was made in the 1950's, it is probably a Westfalia (AKA: Westy).
If it's not a Westfalia but the bus was made sometime in the 1950’s, it was probably
converted to a camper at some point later in it's life (in which case, see
the other types of campers noted below).

Here is an excellent website that will show you the differences between the various
camper kits Westfalia produced from 1954 to 1958. FYI, none of these campers were
walk-thrus, and most of them had “subhatchs”. http://www.westfaliaregistry.com/alist.html

Example of a 1954 Westy: (easily identified as it is a Barndoor – only two REAL ones are known
to survive)
Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

There were two types of kits available from 1955 to 1957. One is known as the Export
(AKA: Deluxe) Camping Box and the other the Standard Camping Box. (The former is
also known as a spring frame kit.) I’ve read that Camping Box interiors (standard I believe??)
were available by special order up until around 1960.

Example of Standard Camping Box from the '55 to '57 era:
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Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

Keep in mind that the bus shown above was converted at the Westfalia factory specifically
for their museum sometime in the late '60's I'm told. The kit pictured is reportedly one of
the later style camping boxes referred to above. For our purposes here however, this
should give you a general idea of what the standard camping box kit looked like in
'55-'57. This kit is also referred to as the SO-22 kit I believe.

Example of Export Camping Box from '55-'57 era:
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Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

Example of the 1958 Westy: (A one-year only model. The last of the Westfalias with
pressed bumpers. Note this bus has wrong bumpers on it.)
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Here is an overview of the campers produced by Westfalia between 1958 and 1967, it is a
good starting point for what’s to follow, it has a few errors but is a nice primer:

Another good overview of the later model split screen Westy’s can be found at:

http://perso.wanadoo.fr/olivier.d/historique.htm (If you’re not fluent in French, right
click on the page and you should be able to translate it into English. If that doesn’t work,
don’t worry, the numbers (eg. SO-23) are easily seen and clicked on.)
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In the model year 1959, Westfalia introduced the SO-23 kit. These campers were almost
all made in 1959, 1960 & 1961 (although a few mayhave been produced in the 1958
model year...). With the exception of one (known) vehicle, all SO-23’s are non walk-
thru’s, and nearly all of them had the “subhatch” seen in most pre’65 Westys.

Example of the SO-23 Westy:
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Available 1962-1964 ('61 & '65 MAY also exist...), this kit is very similar to the SO-33 (see below)
and is commonly referred to as the MOSAIK kit. It could be bought aftermarket through the
dealer for installation in any bus, and could also be ordered through westy/vw. It was typically
seen on standards and could be easily removed by means of quick release clamps on the
cabinets. Seats also were easily removed like the SO-33. Cargo door panels and the long
panel were not supplied. Look for no subhatch and 2 tone stock interior panels.

Example of the SO-22 Westy MOSAIK
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Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

See here for more info:
Also see this page:


The SO-33 was available 62-64 ('61 & '65 MAY also exist...), about the same time as the SO-22.
Both the SO22 /33 are considered the less seen SO kits in the 60's, with the SO22 being harder
to come by. The SO33 kit came with a subhatch and was more prevalent in ’63 and ’64. While
the cabinets could be removed relatively easy, they were attached more permanently with
wood screws and etc. This kit was similar in many aspects to the earlier so23 kit, minus things
such as the tumblers, the gold trim, and the red plaid.

Example of the SO-33 Westy:
Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

More SO-33 info can be found in this thread
Also see this page:
SO33 Registry


From late in the 1961 model year through early 1965, Westfalia produced the SO-34 and
SO-35 campers. The SO-34 is easy to identify, as it is the only camper produced by
Westfalia with a white laminate surface on all of the camper cabinets in the rear. I
believe the bulk of these kits were available in 1962 and 1963, the other years appeared
to be special orders only. (The SO-35 was the same as the SO-34, only they had pear
wood cabinets instead of white laminate. I believe the SO-35 was only available in parts
of Europe.) These campers were also called “wide walk thrus”, and to the best of my
knowledge they all came with the “subhatch” option.

Example of the SO-34 Westy:
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Example of the SO-35 Westy w/ incorrect upholstery:
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More info. can be found at the following sites:


Keep in mind that if you have a Dormobile (AKA: Dormie) top with a Westfalia interior,
you have what is called an SO-36. I have seen Dormobile roofs married w/ SO-34 and
SO-42 interiors, a poster to this thread has one with an SO-44 interior, and I've
heard of one married to a SO-45 as well. There were probably SO-35's produced
in this configuration as well.

Here is a good example of an SO-36 Dormie w/ a SO-42 Westy kit:
Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.


In 1965, Westfalia started creating the SO-42 campers and continued to do so until
production on the split screen ceased at the end of the 1967 model year. This would
prove to be the most common type of camper (in my experience). These came in walk-
thru and non walk-thru options. Most of them had pop-tops, but not all of them.

Example of the 1965-1967 SO-42 Westy w/poptop:
Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

Go here for more so42 info


Westfalia also introduced the SO-44 camper in 1965. This was sold in Europe, and was
only available as a non walk-thru. Most, if not all of these, had pop-tops. These also
continued through 1967.

Example of the 1965-1967 SO-44 Westy:
Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

Additional information on this type of camper can be found at:


In 1967, Westfalia introduced another MOSAIK option – this one was called the SO-45.
I believe this was also a Euro-only option – it is very similar to the SO-42 only it is made
with a real wood finish.

Example of the 1967 SO-45 Westy MOSAIK:
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This kit was supposedly made in San Diego, some folks think '67 only, others say they started
much earlier. Here is a link to one with pictures that is being restored:

I believe the kit in this picture has been rebuilt or remanufactured, unsure how true to the OG
design they were.

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Many of them supposedly came w/ this type of screen, which I've also seen on a westy
(and know others have as well):

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Thread discussion:

More information needed! Please post in the thread if you can help, also post labeled pictures in
the gallery please.


This is a rarely seen kit that was manufactured by Travel Equipment Corporation of
Indiana in conjunctin with VWOA in the early 60's. The kits were shipped over to Germany
and installed in panels, the presumably most if not all were shipped back to the U.S. These
kits were apparantly made in conjuncton w/ the Canadiana, which is featured down below
in the non-U.S. section.

There are links to factory literature on a couple of these years below. Unlike other U.S.
based camper companies, these guys appeared to do a lot of research and development.
Their kits evolved a LOT from the early pictures seen in the '62 brochure through the kits TCE
was making as seen in their '67 brochures. The pictures of '65s, below under the Sportmobile
name were different as well. It's conceivable they changed every year. According to Travel
Equipment Corporation, they started in 1961. They ran up until '63 or
'64 before parting
ways w/ VWOA and making campers (from VW's still) on their own.
Their later campers
were called Sportmobiles and are shown below.

This sticker would be found on the closet, unsure if it continued into the Sportmobile era or not...:

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Interior Pictures:
- coming soon -

Literature from '62 and '63:

Thread discussion:


These were supposedly made beginning in 1960 or so, but most of them seem to be 1964's.
They were a predecessor to the Sundial, supposedly made by members of the same extended
family (as were E-Z campers). They had a round-ish gold decal above the closet door stating
the bus was a Caravelle, I believe it had a ship on it.

Interior pictures:
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Thread discussion:
http://www.thesamba.com/vw/forum/viewtopic.php?t=196646&highlight=caravelle (includes brochure pics)


These were made by the same extended family as the Carvelle and Sundial were, and
predate both of them I believe.

Interior pictures:
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Possible differences explained by earlier and later versions?

To see if you have a E-Z camper, click here:


Another model was called the Freedom Camper, fittingly nicknamed the "snowtop" due
to the large originally white fiberglass roof extension (easy to identify due to roof.) I've seen
several types of interiors in these, some of which had really gorgeous woodwork. Unsure
if there was more than one type of interior, or if some of those were "homebrews".

“Snowtop” picture w/ main distinguishing feature:
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Thread discussion:


This one was made in California as well I believe. Note the KK initials in the magazine rack
on the driver's side in the rear, unsure if they all came w/ this or not.

Interior pictures:
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Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

Thread discussion:


I've only heard of a couple of these, two are mentioned in this thread. Unfortunately, the
pictures of the one that were posted are now gone. More information on this kit is needed,
wondering if this was also referred to as the Coleman camper by some?

Note larger than normal tent mounts:

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The only M.W. parts in the following pic are on the front cargo door - table and
paneling - the rest was replaced.

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Photos of a Montgomery Ward Camper from this thread:
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These came out of the Riviera VW dealership in Oregon. Almost all Riviera’s came with
a long window on the driver’s side, an easy identifying characteristic.

http://www.geocities.com/[email protected]/rivieraregistry/ (includes a
“Do I have a Riviera?” section)

Riviera exterior showing the Riviera long window, the easiest distinguishing
feature (95% of the time). Also note that the poptop, found on some but not all Rivieras,
is similar to the so-42 ones but it has a lower profile.

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Note that there is another long window w/ louvres on each end, that is NOT a Riviera

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Interior pictures:
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Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

Also see:
Riviera or Sportsmobile?


Unfortunately, the site that did contain confirmed pictures of one along w/ the idenfying I.D.
tag is now down... (www.ezcamper.com)

Interior pictures?:
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Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

More information needed! Please post in the thread if you can help, also post labeled
pictures in the gallery please.


This is the later camper kit made by Travel Equipment Corporation of Indiana. After
their deal w/ VWOA ended, sometime around 1964?, they continued to make campers
for VW buses, calling them Sportmobiles instead. Like the Campmobiles, their kits continued
to evolve. The Sportmobile literature from 1967 shows a much different kit than seen in the
'65s below. Most of the Sportmobiles I've seen (not very many) were '65s.
Some (most? all?) of these had a white formica covering on the walls instead of wood.
There were possibly other finishs available however. These appear to be the only non-westy
interior to have "clamshell" lights. Their kits from '65 resembled the so-42 very closely,
begging the question of who came up with the idea first - the guys in Indiana or the guys in

Interior pictures:
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Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

Thread discussion:

Also see:
Riviera or Sportsmobile?


For years, most non-westy campers were referred to as Sundials. If people didn't know
what they had for sure, they defaulted to calling it a sundial it seems. The gallery is full
of mislabled non-westy campers unfortunately, thus part of the reason for this post.

As stated above, members of this family also made the Caravelle and E-Z Campers as
well. It seems the Sundial came after the E-Z and Caravelle.

Sundial Camper wrote:
In 1961 John Nixon began distributing EZ Camper conversions
in southern california. EZ camper was owned by his sister and her husband. EZ camper
split into Caravelle and EZ when John's sister divorced her husband. John continued to distribute
the Caravelle campers until about 1963 when he decided to split off and retained southern
California. 1963 is when Sundial first started.

Interior pictures:
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Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

Note the different spice racks on the rear cargo doors, unsure how to explain this.
It is probably an incorrect door added to a correct spice rack. YMTC.

To see if you have a Sundial, click here:
http://www.sundial-camper.com/ (not working as of 10/06, click to see if back online though.)

It seems odd this site doesn't have a Sundial brochure, can someone step up since the
sundial site is down? More pictures would be nice too!


Westfalia’s were not officially imported into the UK during much of the 1960’s, for reasons
unknown to me. As a result, companies such as Martin Walter (Dormobile) Devon,
Cantebury Pitt and Danbury were drawn into the fold over there.

There were also camper conversions made in Australia and Brazil, along with the Canadian
camper featured below. The Campers that were available in Brazil were made by Kharman.


These are reportedly very low production models, from somewhere in mainland Europe
I believe.

Note the unique roof:
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The interiors are simply amazing.
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In the early 60's VWOA supposedly came up w/ an idea to compete w/ the U.S. camper
conversion companies, they supposedly had one version for the U.S. and version for Canada.
I believe this is the only one currently known to survive. Do a search for "Canadiana"
in the gallery and you'll find a lot more pictures along w/ lots of literature.

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Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

1964 brochure:


Like Westfalia and Devon, I believe Pitt campers were available with or without a Dormobile

Interior picture:
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Danbury is probably the least well known conversion in the U.S., of which little is known by
me. I believe the following photo is of one however. Note the unique roof!

Interior picture:
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Another of the U.K. camper conversion companies was Devon. They sometimes added
dormobile tops to their conversions, but not always. There had different models over the
years, such as the Caravette, etc. I believe all of them got tags on the doors, both on the
outside and inside depending on the door. (Outside on Cargo, inside or outside on Cab?)

Interior pictures:
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Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

1964/65 Devon Brochure:


Although the dormobile roofs found there way onto many other conversions (e.g.
Westfalia, Devon, etc.), the Martin Walter company also had a conversion of their own, the
"official" dormobile.

Interior pictures:
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Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

1961 Dormobile - Martin Walter Interior - Brochure:
1963 Dormobile - Martin Walter Interior - Brochures:

- - - - -

This is not an all-inclusive list, but it should help most folks (who aren’t too lazy to do a bit
of research) figure out what kind of camper they have.

(If the language in this post is confusing to you, go to the excellent dictionary available
on this website - http://www.thesamba.com/vw/archives/dic/.)

Speaking of research, a good resource is the vintagebus listserv archives – found at:
http://www.type2.com/archive/search-vintagebus.html - this is where the bus fiends hung out
(some still do) prior to the advent of the forums.

You can also search through the forums here on the samba for a wealth of information, in
addition to the gallery pictures. Don’t forget to check out the brochure section either, lots
of good camper pics in there. Lastly, www.vintagebus.com is another goldmine of pictures
and information. Hope this helps!

Additional information is certainly welcome and encouraged! Anything people can add to
the non-westy sections would be great, my knowledge of years, etc. isn’t very good on those.

In closing, David Eccles has written a book on various camper conversions over
the last 50 years, it is worth purchasing to further your quest. It is entitled:
Vw Camper—the Inside Story: A Guide to the Various Camping Conversions And
Interior Layouts Used for Vw Campers 1951-2005

Disclaimer: I reserve the right, as always, to be wrong! lol Also, I wasn’t born with any of
this knowledge, and were it not for the old listservs, the websites noted above (and the
www in general) and other camper nuts like yourselves, my mind would still be a blank
slate… (and still is sometimes… <g>)
hugheseum wrote:
dont cut it up

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, that's an impressive amount of information in one place! I'd vote to make that a sticky if it's half as accurate as it looks. Thanks dieselnut!
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cris torlasco
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 11:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you, thank you. Great to have all this in one place, I vote for the sticky status as well. Have you used Susan Crandall's (now Dolvin) Westy articles in your research? They might add even more info.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Allow me to add another source for early Riviera info: http://www.geocities.com/[email protected]/rivieraregistry

It also has a very handy "how to" when it comes to figuring out if you have a Riviera camper or not.

9th Owner of a 1971 Tintop Westy

"Eventually, we sold to a guy for $500 who towed it away to live in it in his parents' driveway. We didn't think it would ever avoid the junk heap on that day." -The 3rd Owner, 1995
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've got some caravelle info and a brochure on my site too.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


i was wondering if you have pictures of the infamous walk-through SO23? where did they put the water cooler? do you know what westfalia trim package it came in? (A23, B23, C23, D23) this is the second time i have heard mention of this SO23 but have not been able to find pics
These are not the New Old Stock parts you are looking for...

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for your feedback guys. Chris, there is a link to Susan’s page included. Thanks for the info. NorCalRiviera and Sundial, I’ll edit the post and include your links when time avails. Would also like to put “spot-on” interior pics of the non-westy stuff in there as well for helping folks ID things quickly. Oval, sent you a PM.
hugheseum wrote:
dont cut it up
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

oval_addict wrote:

i was wondering if you have pictures of the infamous walk-through SO23? where did they put the water cooler? do you know what westfalia trim package it came in? (A23, B23, C23, D23) this is the second time i have heard mention of this SO23 but have not been able to find pics

I have a few pics of that bus, here are a couple:

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Idaho VW license plate frames or other dealership items.
VWoA literature and early dealership or distributor literature/pictures/information
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cris torlasco
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

oval_addict wrote:

i was wondering if you have pictures of the infamous walk-through SO23? where did they put the water cooler? do you know what westfalia trim package it came in? (A23, B23, C23, D23) this is the second time i have heard mention of this SO23 but have not been able to find pics

http://www.so23westfalia.com/index.htm, look under "Special Models".
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a great thread and long overdue.

Some corrections and further info re Dormobiles:

The Dormobile pop-top was made by the English company Martin Walter (not Walter Martin).

Martin Walter made the original Dormobiles. They converted very many vehicles, mostly Bedfords. They made comparatively few VW Dormobiles on split and baywindow buses. The pic above of the Martin Walter Dormobile is of my bus. You can see more pics of my 1963 Martin Walter Dormobile here:

The Martin Walter Dormobile was characterised, apart from the Dormobile roof, by the Dormatic seats in the back. Dormatic seats were mechanical marvels that could fold flat to make two single or one double bed, as well as swivel on their bases to face each other or fold up against the sides of the bus to open up floor space.

They had sheet metal cupboards and kitchen over the engine compartment, although I have also heard of Martin Walter Dormers with wooden cabinets.

Here are some pics:
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Kaapse Kombi Kult

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

that is a really cool bus, any idea what the total number of pre 67 dorms were produced? also any idea if there is a book just about campers?
These are not the New Old Stock parts you are looking for...

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

David Eccles (UK) is doing a VW camper book. He's the author of the Microbus Specification book. It should be a good one. I contributed some photos of my friend Jim Phillip's early Westy. I don't know when exactly the book will be out though. I'll put out the word as soon as I know.

Here's a teaser image:
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow this is long over due, nice job.

I think the 55-57 spring frame hatch top type were called deluxe not standard.
The standard was the one with the removable bed camping unit like in the first pic.
The green /white 55 standard in the pic started life as a deluxe spring frame but when it was restored they used a early 60,s camping box kit so yes one 60's kit has surfaced.
The standard also came with out the wood ceilng and side panels I think.
The yelow tan westfalia I have was also a deluxe spring frame but sadly lost it orig interior it sports a 57-58 interior now
anyone have a spring frame kit for sale.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

oval_addict wrote:
where did they put the water cooler? do you know what westfalia trim package it came in? (A23, B23, C23, D23) this is the second time i have heard mention of this SO23 but have not been able to find pics

The water tank is in the same place, under the front bench seat. The interior is A23 so no cold box. They fitted the spare wheel where it would go in a deluxe.
The new http://so23westfalia.com now online!

http://so-23.com The SO-23 Westy Registry...125 SO-23s and counting.

Wanted: 55-57 Bubble taillights, Grey Kombi Bench Seat.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

oval_addict wrote:
that is a really cool bus, any idea what the total number of pre 67 dorms were produced? also any idea if there is a book just about campers?

Thanks. I have no idea how many Dormers were made, but the Martin Walter Dormobiles seem to be very rare. Mine is the only one I've seen.

Michael Steinke wrote a book called VW Campingwagen 1951-1991, published by Schrader. It's in German and deals mostly with Westfalias. Lots of great pics though, reproduced from original westy brochures.
Kaapse Kombi Kult

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 7:49 pm    Post subject: campmobile kit Reply with quote

Did volkswagen make these, or were they contracted out to another company? Would this camper be considered a campmobile?


Any help would be appreciated.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My 66 Westy is an SO-44 with a Dormobile top.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

does anyone know if all the SO23's had pop-out windows ifor the last set closest to the back?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

anyone have any info on my bus?

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Kevin77westy has the same bus as i do, but his is a 65. we are thinking maybe a Montgomery Ward camper? there is no tags at all on the bus, but the icebox says Trav'ler i believe.
josh, AKA "the infamous josh"

1973 Transporter "Floyd"

****Wheres my old bus?! 1967 Montgomery Ward Camper****

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:47 pm    Post subject: Re:Westy or Not Westy Reply with quote

Nice job man! Lot's of info. I've got a '59 "passenger" bus according to the title. Sometime in the '80's it was rolled over onto it's top. Whoever had it then decided to cut out the damaged area and replaced it with a Dormie. The interior is '70 campmobile. Is there a way to find out if the top and interior were from the same bus? The tag on the interior says it was manufactured in W. Germany, Campmobile 70. Are there any identifying characteristics on the top to tell whether they match or not? The interior consists of a rear bench seat that folds to a bed, storage area on 1 side and nothing on the driver side rear. There is a half bench facing rear with homemade flip up table between. It has 2 brand new cots also. Whoever had it did alot of creative "adjustments", so I was also wondering if I'm missing anything. The bus gets alot of looks and questions.
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