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Volkswagen Canada, Ltd. - Toronto, Ontario
(Canadian Factory Branch)

Dealer photo - 1954 VW Information magazine (Issue Nr. 20)
"First ever Volkswagen Canada Head Quarters; 1360 Yonge Street"

Current photo - VW Canada Headquarters #1
1360 Yonge Street
*Note: The original building at 1360 Yonge Street was demolished in the 1990s,
and replaced with this condo/small shops building that takes up the entire block.

Current photo - VW Canada Headquarters #2
75 Ashtonbee Road - Currently Centennial College - Ashtonbee Campus for Automotive Service Training

Current photo - VW Canada Headquarters #3
1940-1944 Eglinton Avenue East - Currently the HSBC Canada HQ

Dealer folder

Dealer folder / packet

Dealer Materials
"VW portion of Willie Schinder's estate.
He was a factory trained VW technician who was trained & worked at this location.
He enrolled in the program in 1953 & graduated in 1957. "

Dealer logo buses

1961 Confidential Price List for Dealers

Click to see 1958 Price List in literature section

Information on color photos below, thanks to Scott B.:
"This is the second Volkswagen Canada Headquarters, located on the Golden Mile. The building in the picture is now Centennial College - Ashtonbee Campus. The address is 75 Ashtonbee Road, at Warden Avenue, one block north of Eglinton Avenue East, in the borough of (and former city of) Scarborough (now Toronto). The reason Eglinton Avenue in that stretch (from Victoria Park Avenue until approximately Birchmount Avenue) was called the Golden Mile was due to various machinery factories, from weapons and ammo to auto parts manufactories, were set up for WWII purposes; later, it developed into various shopping plazas and dealerships and repair shops."
More Information on the Golden Mile from Wikipedia

Dealer photo - 1963 Flotter Transporter magazine
(Click for full size)

Dealer photo - 1963 Flotter Transporter magazine

VW Canada article
From III/1959 VW Information magazine

Spare Parts Shop
From III/1960 VW Information magazine

Dealer photo - IV/1961 VW Information magazine


Dealer stamp






Oval Window Beetle Brochure with dealer stamp 

Receipt - Dealer materials

Dec. 17, 1956 Parts Bulletin 

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