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Press Photos -Type 2
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Every image on this page is either scanned directly from the private collection
of Everett Barnes or has been submitted exclusively to TheSamba.com and credited.
Taking any of these images for use on another website without permission is theft.

Type 2

Commercials - Trucks

'53 Barndoor Single Cab

'53 Barndoor Single Cab

'53 Barndoor Single Cab

'53 Barndoor Single Cab

'58 Single Cab

'58 Single Cab with hoops

Binz Crew Cab SO16
Submitted by Thorsten F.

Binz Crew Cab
TIFF Format

'59 Wide bed Single Cab

1959 Single Cab

1959 Double Cab

1959 European Double Cab

'61 Double Cab

'63 Single Cab

'63 Single Cab

'63 Single Cab
'63 Single Cab

Submitted by Thorsten F

Submitted by Thorsten F.

Salesflap SO1
Submitted by Thorsten F.
Submitted by Thorsten F.

Wide bed Single Cab
Submitted by Thorsten F

Wide bed Single Cab - wood
Submitted by Thorsten F.

Double Cab

Single Cab
Submitted by Ed Economy

Hightop Single Cab
Submitted by Ed Economy
Single Cab with hydraulic lift
Submitted by Ed Economy

Single Cab with hydraulic lift
Submitted by Ed Economy

'65 Single Cab

Bucket Truck

Bay Window Double Cab
Submitted by Ed Economy

Bay-Window Crewcab

Bay Window Tipper Single Cab
Submitted by Ed Economy
1968 Double Cab
Submitted by Bill Arute
1968 Single Cab
Submitted by Bill Arute

Kehrmaschinen Doka

Vanagon Single Cab

Syncro Single Cab
Commercials - Panel

'53 Barndoor Panel

'53 Barndoor Panel

'53 Barndoor Panel - Double door


Submitted by Thorsten F.

'58 Panel

'58 Panel

'58 Panel

'59 Panel

'59 Panel

'61 Panel

'61 Panel

'62/'63 Panel - Diaper Service

'63 Panel

'63 Panel
'64 Panel

'64 Panel

'64 Panel

1968 Panel
Submitted by Bill Arute


Vanagon Panel
Commercials - Kombi

'59 Kombi

'60 Ambulance

'60 Kombi

'63 Kombi

'63 Kombi

'63 Kombi

'63 Kombi

'63 Kombi

Bonanza Logo
Passenger Buses - Standard

'58 Standard

'58 Standard

'58 Standard - Interior

'59 European Standard

'59 European Standard

'59 Standard

'60 Standard

'61 Standard

'63 Standard

'68 Bus

'68 Bus

'69 Bus

'73 Bus

'74 Bus

74 Bus
Submitted by Ed Economy

'76 Bus

'76 Bus


1985 Syncro

1985 Syncro

1985 Syncro

1985 Syncro

1985 Syncro
Passenger Buses - Deluxe

Barndoor Deluxe
Submitted by Ed Economy

'53 Barndoor Deluxe

'55 Deluxe

'55 European Deluxe Interior

'60 European Deluxe

'61 23-Window Deluxe

1962 European 23-Window Deluxe
From "The Double Man" movie

'62 15-Window Deluxe
Submitted by Ed Economy

'62 15-Window Deluxe
Submitted by Ed Economy

'62 15-Window Deluxe

'63 15-Window Deluxe

'63 15-Window Deluxe

'63 15-Window Deluxe

'63 23-Window
Submitted by Brik

'65 Deluxe
Submitted by Ed Economy

'65 Deluxe

'65 Deluxe

'65 Deluxe

'66 Deluxe
'66 Deluxe

'67 Deluxe

'67 Deluxe

'68 Bus

'68 Bus

'68 Bus

'68 Bus
Submitted by Ed Economy

'68 Bus

'68 Bus

'69 Deluxe

'69 Bus

1970 Bus
Submitted by Bob E.

1970 Bus
Submitted by Bob E.

'70 Deluxe

'72 Bus

'74 Bus 

'77 Bus
Submitted by Ed Economy

Vanagon Carat

Vanagon Carat

Westfalia Camper

'59 Westfalia

'61 Westfalia

'61 Westfalia
Submitted by Lind

'63 Campmobile

'63 Campmobile

'65 Campmobile
Submitted by Ed Economy

'67 Westfalia

'68 Campmobile
Submitted by Ed Economy

'68 Campmobile

'68 Campmobile

'68 Campmobile

'68 Campmobile

1970 Campmobile interior
Submitted by Bob E.

'73 Campmobile
'73 Campmobile
Submitted by Ed Economy

'74 Campmobile

'74 Campmobile

'76 Campmobile

'77 Bus
Submitted by Albert Heiles

Westfalia Joker

Westfalia Joker

1 Million Bus

Early line-up

Prototype and Bay-Window

1987 Van Jam

VW of Brazil
Submitted by Ed Economy

Barndoor Ambulance
with disaster trailer
Submitted by Christoph Boltze

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