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Classifieds Featured Ad

Would you like to give your ad greater exposure on TheSamba.com?  Of course you would! For a small fee, your photo ad will be given premier placement on TheSamba.com, consisting of:

• Your ad will be displayed at the top of your selected Classifieds category (see sample above)
• Your ad will be displayed on the TheSamba.com Classifieds main page
• Your ad will be displayed, in a random manner, on the TheSamba.com home page
• Your ad will be highlighted in the listings with a light blue background
• Your ad will be displayed on the All Featured Ads page
• Your ad will be shown at the top when people search the ads using the Classifieds Search
• Featured ads can have double the amount of photos in their ad!

By paying a $35 fee through PayPal, your ad will be displayed as a Featured Ad for 30 days, enjoying maximum exposure and selling your VW-related item(s) much quicker.

Note: No Paypal account is required, payment can be made by credit card through Paypal without creating or using an account.

To make your ad a Featured Ad, simply place an ad as you normally would with the Place an Ad form. On the ad completion screen, click on Make this a Featured Ad.  To upgrade existing ads, use the Manage screen to view all of your ads, then select Feature under the ad you wish to feature.

Ad completion screen

Manage screen
Click pictures above for larger versions

VW and Porsche ads only, please.
(We do not allow Featured ad non-VW/Porsche parts or vehicles).

TheSamba.com reserves the right to display the featured ads in any way throughout the site.  This may include a random display of a subset of the featured ads to conserve bandwidth.

Featured Ad payments can also be paid by money order to:
Everett Barnes
PO Box 17255
Fountain Hills, AZ 85269-7255

Questions? Contact me at [email protected]

Thank you.

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