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Random Home Page Photos - Detail
Collections we alternate on the random photo section on the home page center.
Suggestions for new collection ideas are always welcome.

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General Collections

Spring Spring: Flowers, showers, and mist. Spring is blooming. Summer Summer: Beaches, summer camping, flowers, sunny days, green and hot. Fall Autumn/Fall: Reds, oranges, yellows, and browns - trees, leaves in full color. Winter Winter: Snow, frost, and ice; even the cruelest season can be beautiful.
Literature Literature: Inspired by our original collection, images from official literature, manuals, postcards, and other ephemera. Logo Buses Logo Buses: Advertisements for coffee, smokes, food, tea, dairies, cleaners, all manner of repair services, and more. View View: Taken from inside the VW looking out, can be from any window or sunroof. Sylvan Sylvan: Lush trees, verdant forests, alpine camping, green, leafy canopy. Emphasis on green.
Arid Landscape Arid Landscape: Deserts, rocky or sandy vistas. VW may not be the focal point, but it's there. Snowy Landscape Snowy Landscape: Snow topped mountains, glaciers. VW may not be the focal point, but it's there. Green Grassy Landscape Grassy Landscape: Green or gold grassy vistas, trees or meadows. VW may not be the focal point, but it's there. Water Landscape Water Landscape: Near a coast, lake, or river. Also includes misty, foggy, and gorgeous sunlight shots.
Driving Driving: The diverse places you travel, from the driver's point of view. Garages Garages: Showing off what you own, what you store, what you found, and what you are working on. Aerial Aerial: Shots taken from roofs, towers, balconies, cranes, cherry pickers. Individual cars or show overviews. Off-road Offroad: Action shots - jumps, bogging through streams, etc. Sand, mud, water, rocks...
Details Details: Engines, rims, gauges, radios, badges, scripts, and other aspects photographed well. Dash Dash: Overall shots of your dash/cockpit area. So pretty. On Fire On Fire: A sad collection. Check your fuel lines and always carry a fire extinguisher. Patina Patina: That sweet rusty fade to original paint. Dry, linseed oil, or clear coated.
Toy Toys: Models, games, dioramas, die cast, remote-control, tin or plastic, common or collectible. Decay Decay: Rusty, crusty, mossy, mildewed, dumped, discarded, abandoned, but never forgotten. Tattoo Tattoos: Proof of your VW love, right on your skin. Factory Factory: Assembly lines, workers, inspections, inventory, etc. Pictures from Hannover, Wolfsburg, Emden, Kassel, Mexico, and South Africa.
Trailer Trailers: Anything you haul with your VW. Allstate, Puck, single-wheel, flatbed, homemade or show quality. Bicycle Bicycles: Many VW owners love bikes too. Whether they are vintage, road, or mountain, this collection shows off both your passions. Track On The Track: Mostly racing action shots, including rally events, hill climbs, wheelie and burnout contests, drags, circuits, and Formula Vee. Shadow Shadow: The shadows made by your VW, in part or as a whole. Not shadows of the photographer.
Safari Safari: Those cool vintage postcards from wild animal parks, African safari ads, etc. A small collection, but interesting. VW Dogs Dogs and VWs: A chosen few from our Dogs & VWs album on the TS Facebook Page. Since few pictures look good in the 200x150 size, we've been selective. VW Cats Cats and VWs: A chosen few from our Cats & VWs album on the TS Facebook Page. Since few pictures look good in the 200x150 size, we've been selective. Working VWs at Work: Mostly Trucks, some Buses, all performing the work for which they were intended: hauling wood, garbage, landscaping materials, furniture, etc.
Wrecks Vintage Wrecks: Pictures of VWs in accidents, smashed up, crashed into, and bashed in. Black and white only, nothing gruesome, but hard to look at just the same. Select Select: A curated group of interesting pictures we like that may not fit into other collections. There are no rules for this one except that we deem the picture worthy based on personal taste. Potpourri Potpourri: Less common VWs including coachbuilts, special models, emergency vehicles, kit cars and replicas, SP1/SP2, Fridolins, T34s, KDFs, and some modified stuff. VW Businesses VW Businesses: Original sales flap Buses or custom conversions, people using VWs as mobile businesses to sell everything from coffee or cocktails, to flowers, photos, lunch and treats.
Murals Murals: Do you stop for photo ops in front of interesting murals or colorful graffiti? If public art makes the perfect backdrop to your VW, this is the collection for you. Art Art on VWs: Decorated with everything from landscapes and cartoon characters to portraits and graffiti, this collection is for Volkswagens which are just a little bit extra. Dealerships VW Dealerships: Taken from our extensive Dealers and Distributors archive, this collection showcases the huge network of locations which sold and serviced VWs.  


Valentines Valentine's Day: Just like hearts and flowers aren't everybody's cup of tea, pink and purple VWs are rare. Celebrate love on February 14th. St. Patricks Day St. Patrick's Day: A rather rowdy celebration of Irish culture. All green, all the time on March 17th. Easter Easter: Eggs, rabbits (the furry kind), candy, and a few egg logo'd VWs. USA USA: Stars & Stripes, Old Glory, fireworks, and parades. This collection works for 4th of July, Memorial Day, & Veteran's Day.
Halloween Halloween: Pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns carved in every variety of VW for October 31st. Christmas Christmas/Holiday: Wreaths, ornaments, "getting the tree", parades, and winter displays, all near the end of December.    

Minor Holidays (we celebrate with non-VW collections)

Happy Popcorn Day National Popcorn Day:
One of our most popular and oldest snacks, Americans eat about 16 billion quarts of popcorn each year. Celebrate with us on January 19th.
Happy Pancake Day Pancake Day: Also known as Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, and Fat Tuesday, traditionally celebrated on the Tuesday before Lent in February. Happy Cereal Day National Cereal Day:
You can eat pancakes, french toast, or eggs and bacon for breakfast, but cereal is usually the healthier choice. National Cereal Day is March 7th.
Happy Pi Day National Pi Day: Named for the mathematical constant π (pi), we celebrate on March 14 (3/14 in the month/day date format) since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π.
Happy National Puppy Day National Puppy Day: Take a moment on March 23rd to celebrate puppies. But be careful, they poop and pee everywhere! National Beer Day National Beer Day:
When the Cullen-Harrison Act became law on April 7, 1933, it ended 13 years of American Prohibition. Whether you prefer stout, lager, or pale ale, enjoy your favorite beer today to celebrate.
May The Fourth Be With You Star Wars Day: You can find many different days that people celebrate the Star Wars universe, but May 4th is the big one. May the Fourth be with you! Bicycle National Bike to Work Day: May is Bike Month, and Bike to Work Day promotes the bicycle as an option for commuting to work. We celebrate on the 3rd Friday in May.
Happy National Donut Day National Donut Day: Created by The Salvation Army in 1938 to honor the women who served doughnuts to soldiers during WWI. Celebrated on the first Friday in June. Happy Ice Cream Day National Ice Cream Day: Established in 1984 by Ronald Reagan to be celebrated on the third Sunday of July. July is also National Ice Cream Month. Happy National Waffle Day National Waffle Day: Marking the anniversary of the first U.S. patent for a waffle iron in 1869, it's celebrated on August 24th. Mmmm waffles. Eat an Apple Day Eat an Apple Day: September is National Apple Month and there are apple themed holidays spread over the entire year. We've decided to spotlight "Eat an Apple Day" on September 15th.
Happy National Taco Day National Taco Day:
Fish, shrimp, steak, chicken, or pork, add some guacamole, veggies, cheese and beans... Tacos are delicious any way on any day. Celebrate them with us on October 4th.
National Cat Day National Cat Day:
Started in 2005 to encourage feline adoption and the promotion of cats as purrfect pets, celebrate National Cat Day on October 29th.
Happy National Sandwich Day National Sandwich Day:
Everybody has eaten one - pb&j, grilled cheese, po-boy, submarine, cuban, tuna fish, egg salad, grilled veggie, reuben, pastrami, the list is endlessly delicious. Celebrate them with us on November 3rd.
Happy Cupcake Day National Cupcake Day:
Cupcakes were known as "1-2-3-4 cakes" because of their recipe: 1 cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 3 cups of flour, 4 eggs, plus 1 cup of milk and 1 spoon full of baking soda. Celebrate these treats on December 15th.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I see the larger version of a photo I like?
A: No, we don't link to the larger version, but we did add a "see all" page. Click on any collection and it now links to a page with all current images in that collection.
Q: Where do you get these photos?
A: From member submitted photos to TheSamba.com Gallery or Forums.
Q: How do you choose them?
A: We do specific key word Gallery searches (describe your photos!), watch selected Forum threads, and keep on the lookout for interesting photos that fit into a collection.
Q: I know a great picture that you may not be using, can I submit it?
A: Yes, email a link to the full size Gallery photo. I can't guarantee we'll use it, but I'll certainly take a look.
Q: Can I contribute an idea for a new collection of random photos?
A: Sure, just contact me with your idea. We have discarded a lot of ideas for various reasons (sometimes the 200x150 photos just don't look good).
Q: Can I get a list of the VW Facts that also show randomly on the home page?
A: No , but thanks for asking.
Q: Why do you have some non-VW related collections (waffles, donuts, etc.)?
A: We observe some major and minor holidays for the sake of diversity and as an excuse to mix things up a little on the home page. And who doesn't like donuts?

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