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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Porsche - 911/912/914
914 engine oil temp sender sump cover taco plate Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 1251577
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914 engine oil temp sender sump cover taco plate   Price: £38
Type 4 sump plate for mounting VDO oil temperature sender (M14 x 1.5mm thread)

Fits all type IV (4) engines including Type 2 (T2) bay windows 72-79, Type 25 (T3) Transporter / Vanagon 80-83, Porsche 914s and of course VW Type 4's (Tunacan)

Precision Machined high-strength aluminium.

Complete with fitting hardware.

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Worldwide shipping no problem


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West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Parts - Porsche - 911/912/914
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