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Windscreen Wiper Wind Deflectors Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 1335373
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Windscreen Wiper Wind Deflectors   Price: 19.99
They not only look cool but have a true function as the wind pushes down on the deflectors to help give additional force onto the the wipers to help clear the windscreen. They really make a difference and are made from fully polished stainless steel and simply clip onto the arm of the wiper.

Sold as pairs

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1. See all our accessories on our website.

2. Easy to estimate the shipping costs worldwide! – just add items to basket – go to checkout – and click ‘Estimate Shipping’

3. full details www.aircooledaccessories.com

4. Any questions just email us.

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Aircooled Accessories
March 19, 2007
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Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:07 am
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Vendors - New Parts - Accessories
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