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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
[WTB] Wanted Early Barndoor Interior Door '50 - Feb.'52 Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 1398035
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[WTB] Wanted Early Barndoor Interior Door '50 - Feb.'52   Price: $$$
Looking for this very hard to find Rear Interior Pull Up Door on all Pre Feb. '52 Barndoor Busses.
These stopped at Chassis # 20-022301

I am looking for one of these out of a Standard Microbus with Headliner material on it like what is pictured in the photos.

I would take one out of a Kombi or Panel as well, but these won't have material on them.

Whats also most important is the Handle/Latch as well pictured on the ground in above photo.
I would BUY this piece seperate as well if someone had it

I will Pay Stupid money for this, I also will BUY a entire bus just to get this piece. Worldwide, location doesn't matter

Many MANY Barndoor Parts to trade that are in my personal collection that are not advertised if someone has this item and wanted rare parts in exchange. Including hard to find Deluxe only items .

Please see my "Other Ad's" for other more Interesting Rare, Collectable and Unusual Parts and Memorabilia for both Old Porsche and Old VW BUS.

We ALWAYS have Old Porsches & Old Busses FOR SALE.

47+ Years of Porsche Mechanical Service

Barndoor Enthusiast since '94
Porsche 356 for Life
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March 10, 2001
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Napa Valley, California, USA Map it
Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:49 pm
Sun Jul 07, 2024 2:03 pm
Sun Jul 07, 2024 2:03 pm
Parts - Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
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