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Ghe Happich Accessory Pull Out Ash Tray Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 1475729
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Ghe Happich Accessory Pull Out Ash Tray   Price: $150
Don't know anything about this Part.....

I believe is GHE Happich and is seen on some Cabriolets and Coachbuilts have even seen then once i awhile on a 356

What you see is what you get

Please see my "Other Ad's" for other more Interesting Rare, Collectable and Unusual Parts and Memorabilia for both Old Porsche and Old VW BUS.

We ALWAYS have Old Porsches & Old Busses FOR SALE.

47+ Years of Porsche Mechanical Service

Barndoor Enthusiast since '94
Porsche 356 for Life
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Mark Merz
March 10, 2001
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