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Reamed body
Reamed body
This kind of reamer is needed
Oversize trottle shaft for Solex 26 and 28 carbs Price: $40 / 33 euro each
Finally available oversize trottle shaft for Solex 26 VFI / VFIS and 28 PCI carbs. The dia is 0.2 mm oversize the standard.
Plated zinc black passivated.
Worn carb body can reamed, and it's tight again with this new shaft. No bushings needed, easy job to do.
Reamer with centering guide is needed for the work. Reamer with center cone is needed. Available for example here:
I also have a new Hunger rearmer for sale.
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EU private persons add your country vat % to the price.
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Beetle restoration panels: