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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Type 1/Bug - through 1957
NOS Bosch Headlight Ring/Rim Split Oval Beetle 356 Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 1989959
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NOS Bosch Headlight Ring/Rim Split Oval Beetle 356   Price: £111.88
Beautiful Bosch headlight ring.

Fantastic condition, compare to other N.O.S. ones available, this is probably the best.

Usual Bosch/ VW part number stamp, has adjusting holes at 9 o clock and metal wing spacer which doesnt drop off like plastic versions

For early Split, Oval Beetles and Porsche 356

Happy to ship Worldwide

Paypal please add 4% (U.K.) 5% (Rest of world)

Please view my other parts here http://www.thesamba.com/vw/classifieds/search.php?...ton=Search

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Ringwood, United Kingdom
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Parts - Type 1/Bug - through 1957

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