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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Water-cooled VW
NOS Dasher / Fox Master Cylinder, FAG, 74-81 Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2217263
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NOS Dasher / Fox Master Cylinder, FAG, 74-81   Price: $125 SHPD
I have an NOS Master Cylinder made by "Fag" . The master cylinder is for Dasher and Fox, 1974-81. It is in perfect condition.
The price includes shipping in the USA.

Thanks for the interest,
Al (909) 226-7234 call, text, or email
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Chino Hills, California, USA Map it
Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:05 pm
Fri Aug 23, 2024 11:27 am
Parts - Water-cooled VW
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