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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
Westfalia SO42 curtain tape Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2441570
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Westfalia SO42 curtain tape   Price: 6 GBP
This tape is correct for westfalia SO42 buses . It is for the cab curtains .

It has tiny little loops at the top of the tape to fit the correct little glider into. Check out my other ads if you need these as well.

Price is per meter.

USA and Europe shipping is 4 gbp per order.
UK shipping is 1.5 gbp
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Dolly Daydream
February 19, 2009
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S.YORKSHIRE, United Kingdom
Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:57 am
Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:29 am
Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:58 am
Parts - Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
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