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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
1964 -67 Interior kit for Grey / Grey Mesh Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2575281
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1964 -67 Interior kit for Grey / Grey Mesh   Price: See ad
Here is the interior kits for the Grey / Mesh Grey

Our interiors panels are made ready to install with the correct long panel as it should. Our kit includes all 11 panels needed for the interior of your bus, 9 panels plus the two rear quarter panels. Ours long panels are not cut in half like other the vendors supply.

Bulkhead comes in either a walk thru option or bench model. We pre form the bulkhead panels with the non walk thru model kits. No other suppliers do that. One of the most difficult part of an install is the non walk thru benchwall. We try to make that as easy as we can. If you order your kit with the trim and install we will get that on for you as well.

Also we make the non walk thru and the walk thru aluminum lower trim pieces. These are not the stainless steal garbage that is available. These are like original made out of aluminum. For the non walk-thru 64-67 models they are pre bent to follow the curve of the bulk head panel. As for the walk thru models they are also pre formed and polished. Don't put a brand new interior in and not get new trim pieces.

If you looking for a quality kit ready to install please give us a call.

Complete Front seat cover $820.00
Complete Middle long seat cover $1020.00
Complete Middle short seat cover $820.00
Complete Rear seat cover $820.00
Covers Walk thru Front seat frames $180.00
Complete 11pc door panel set $3,565.00
Bench wall / bulkhead 4 pcs kit set $690.00
Walk Thru panel set $475.00
Extra material for parcel tray and rear gas filler bulge: $100
Complete panel molding set $265.00.
Install molding kit on door panel: $450.00
German Sq. Weave rear carpet $375.00
Sunroof sunroof cover Vinyl $400.00/ Canvas $450.00
Rubber for under Bulkhead (bench) $60.00
Seat Kicks with clips Seat Kicks $710.00
** NEW Aluminum Walk-Thru molding set $200
** NEW Aluminum Non walk thru molding - $110

West Coast Classic Interiors
1052 Commerce Court
Silverton, OR 97381

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Parts - Type 2/Bus - 1949-67

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