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Classifieds Index -> Vehicles -> Type 2/Bus - Bay Window - 1968-79
73 Riviera Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2590556
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73 Riviera   Price: 11,500
Riviera pop-top camper with clean and clear paper
Upright engine with engine tin kit
Mostly solid but does have typical rust on battery tray but nothing too serious..
Small damage on driver side panel...Comes with sheet metal from a donor bus..

Shipping quote to Europe please contact West Coast Shipping in Richmond , CA

In US shipping call or text me with zip code a quote

-Shipping available.
-Worldwide shipping available through West Coast Shipping in Richmond, CA.
-Buyer must pay for all fees.
-Paypal payment add 4% or Service fee on top!
CASH or Bank wire transfer accepted.
-All for sale in "AS IS" condition, unless warranty was implied.

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SEATTLE / Bonney Lake, Washington, USA Map it
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Vehicles - Type 2/Bus - Bay Window - 1968-79
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