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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Type 1/Bug - through 1957
GHE dash grab handle rubber insert replacement Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2604974
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GHE dash grab handle rubber insert replacement   Price: See ad

for sale is a perfect reproduction of the rubber insert and spacers for the accessory GHE dash grab handle as used in 1952 – 59 bugs.

Finally, you can restore your original handle to as-new condition and replace the old discolored and cracked rubber insert. While the handles come up for sale from time to time, the rubber insert is always in poor condition and cannot be fixed, compromising the look of your entire dash.
The rubber insert replacement had been designed to meet the original shape perfectly and was extruded from a soft polymer to ensure its contour resembles the aluminum part shape. It features the correct hardness and color.
Please note the pics for a comparison of the original and reproduced insert. Instructions for installation as well as a rod will be included to properly tighten the rubber insert and to keep it in position.

The rubber spacers were vulcanized just as the original ones and provide enough elasticity so that they will adapt nicely to the dash upon installation.

The pricing is as follows:
- Rubber insert with the rod: 35 €
- Rubber spacers (pair of two): 25 €
- Complete kit including the rubber insert, rod, and a pair of rubber spacers: 48 €
Worldwide shipping is 5 €.

Please note that the depicted handles are NOT included in the deal.

Thanks for looking!

Always open to trade for vintage speed stuff.

Please note: PayPal is +4 %

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Jan Kricke
June 25, 2015
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Haan, Germany
Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:54 am
Sun Jun 30, 2024 1:15 am
Sun Mar 19, 2023 3:13 am
Parts - Type 1/Bug - through 1957

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