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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Porsche - 911/912/914
Porsche 930 GT45 turbo exhaust system Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2647571
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Porsche 930 GT45 turbo exhaust system   Price: $2500
CUSTOM SS header for 3.4 930 turbo. 800HP. NEW: dyno runs only. GT45(T4) turbo. Tial 46mm wastegate. 40mm exhaust ports. Enlarged oil return to right chain housing cover. Hot side turbo fiberglass cover. Misc V band clamps. This system fits with a JARVIS twin plug distributor(not included).
Sold as-is. FOB 89445.
See my other Porsche LOT sales on the SAMBA!
I have tons of air cooled 911 parts. PLEASE INQUIRE!
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c thomas woodford Premium Membership
tom woodford
October 13, 2013
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Parts - Porsche - 911/912/914
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