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Classifieds Index -> Vehicles -> Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
RHD 1966 SO42 Westfalia Camper Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2663455
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RHD 1966 SO42 Westfalia Camper   Price: $80K US
1966 model Westfalia camper, it has 82,000 original miles and has not been restored and has never had rust, it is an original RHD van, not a conversion.

The outside has been repainted about 30 years ago in the original colour, it still looks good but does have some marks from use.

The interior is all original, even the original Westfalia curtains from 1966.

Mechanically the van has been updated with front disc brakes and a bolt on IRS kit so it is much better and safer to drive, it can be easily returned to stock if required.
The engine is a 1500 that I rebuilt using original VW parts and it runs very well, gearbox is a late 12 volt box with a 4.375 ring and pinion, the stock 1500 engine is matched perfectly and it will sit on 60 mph all day except for some hills!!, the original gearbox and brakes will be included with the van.

I have the original VW and Westfalia owners manuals, brochures, VW birth Certificate and original Tourist delivery paperwork.

Price is $80k US happy to help with shipping
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Dave Becker
October 16, 2003
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NSW South Coast Australia, Australia
2 - Very Good
Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:15 pm
Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:16 pm
Wed Jan 24, 2024 1:15 pm
Vehicles - Type 2/Bus - 1949-67

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