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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Porsche - 356
356/912 Vintage Race engine by Honest Engines!!! Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2665069
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Car is sold!
Car is sold! Quality build!
Car is sold!
356/912 Vintage Race engine by Honest Engines!!!   Price: 25000
356/912 Vintage Race engine by Honest Engines!!! Replacement cost 30K++
Race ready!
Vintage race engine built by Steve Schmidt from honest engines now called RennWagen Motor Company of Costa Mesa, Ca based on the new times. He is a proven race engine and car builder. He is highly sought after with this community. This engine is pristine and ready to bolt in today and race tomorrow. We removed it from our 356 race car as the current decided to make the car an outlaw car for the road. It is available for sale now.

Why wait for your engine and pay even more to have one built today. Please inquire if interested.

We also have a short track and long geared transmission for sale if interested. This was all either removed or set up ready to go depending on which track we were planning to race.

Please check our other ads for more Incredible Cars!
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drew colome
drew m colome
January 22, 2001
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newport beach, California, USA Map it
Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:44 pm
Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:22 pm
Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:24 pm
Parts - Porsche - 356

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