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Classifieds Index -> Vehicles -> Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
1956 SO30 Ambulance RHD Semaphore 11 Window Bus Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2665791
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1956 SO30 Ambulance RHD Semaphore 11 Window Bus   Price: £15000
1956 RHD 11 window Ambulance


Model 274 - Cargo Doors Left, Right Hand Drive

Located in the UK, can assist with worldwide shipping and provide references

Never restored

Been stored for last 10 years or so, rescued from Zimbabwe

German built

Chassis number dates to July 1956

only 586 Ambulances were built in 1956, which would have been circa 58 in right hand drive..... won't be many left !

Some nice original Ambulance parts still there.
Rear Hatch
Fan switches
Divider Glass

Apart from the engine lid, the rest of the body doesn't appear to have been cut or modified.

Currently in dry storage, and difficult to photo, you can see from the images what it is.

Gutters good, arches good - but will need the usual.

No engine, don't believe original beam or gearbox.

Hard to find Right Hand Drive semaphore projects now

Any questions call or message on WhatsApp +447971050040

Happy to assist with shipping worldwide, references available.
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Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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Vehicles - Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
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