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Classifieds Index -> Vehicles -> Type 1/Bug - 1958-67
1966 deluxe beetle - Matching numbers NEW PRICE Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2670160
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All working wipers + turn lights
Un-hit original paint and metal
June 1966 original invoice 3 previous owners
How nicer can this be ?
Matching original motor
!00% super nice 1966 interior
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1966 deluxe beetle - Matching numbers NEW PRICE   Price: $22900 usd
*** All tune-up, new battery, Ready to Go. More photos and videos available upon request***

All original black interior, all original paint (!!) never restored, Matching numbers April 1966 (Chassis, Motor, Transmission...) Only 39,500 miles. Nice rare Sea Sand beige L568 color.

Sadly, I have to sell, no more space in the warehouse....Clear Quebec registration in hand, no issues. California Black plates are included with the car.

The beetle is now in Moncton NB at my mechanic's place, will be shipped from there. All 100% original matching number, not modified beetle from the 60's !!

Finding one like this today is getting difficult... California car, no rust....ready to drive to car shows or on a Sunday morning for coffee with friends.

Ask me questions by emails, I have extra photos for serious buyers. Thanks all !
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
116 746 007
1 - Excellent
Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:37 am
Sat Aug 17, 2024 3:39 am
Sat Aug 17, 2024 3:39 am
Vehicles - Type 1/Bug - 1958-67
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