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Classifieds Index -> Vehicles -> Type 2/Bus - Bay Window - 1968-79
1972 Westfalia Camper Bus Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2670277
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1972 Westfalia Camper Bus   Price: 17500
1972 Westfalia, with most of the work done. Body shell in excellent shape and the previous owner provided a lot of pictures of that work. Most of what's left is reassembly. Chips in pop top are patched and the fiberglass is ready to be painted or gelcoated. Reupholstered seats, cabinetry rebuilt. Engine block is original according to VW birth certificate, and was checked by a mechanic by the previous owner. All the major parts are here, including a new tent, two of the overhead child's cots, the front seat cot, front door cards, and so on. A new set of Brazilian taillights as well. Life has intervened and I can't invest the time to finish this out. Full wiring harness kit included along with a new fuel tank, new paint on the one-year bumpers, and loads of parts from a couple of donor buses. If you want more pictures, I have a lot more. There's far too much to fit into the allowed nine pictures. Oklahoma title.
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Lindsay, Oklahoma, USA Map it
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Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:51 am
Vehicles - Type 2/Bus - Bay Window - 1968-79
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