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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Type 2/Bus - Vanagon
1980 Vanagon Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2670447
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1980 Vanagon   Price: $350
parting out 1980 VW Vanagon. no motor or transaxle. other parts that have already been taken are rear hatch, sliding door, rear bumper, front seats, front grill, etc. it does still have a good windshield, the middle and rear seats, and the body is in pretty good shape. no visible signs of wreck damage. message me for info on parts not visible in pics, or to get a price on any remaining parts. or take the whole vanagon for $350.00. tires will hold air for a while if need to load on trailer or tow.

will ship usps.
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greg davis
July 12, 2006
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VALDOSTA, Georgia, USA Map it
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Parts - Type 2/Bus - Vanagon
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