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Classifieds Index -> Vehicles -> Type 2/Bus - Vanagon
1990 Syncro (Wasted Veggie Oil/Diesel, 3 knobs) Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2676724
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1990 Syncro (Wasted Veggie Oil/Diesel, 3 knobs)   Price: $45000
Diudiu Bus is a 1990 Ex-German border control syncro with 3 knobs. The engine is a 1.9 TD AAZ rebuilt in October 2023 by Dr. Bjorn's Auto on Vancouver Island. The engine rebuild, new turbo, changed all the belts, all gaskets, even worked on the clutch, in total cost us around $10,000, and it should be good for the next decade without major works, but you need to know those old van always have something goes wrong… so be prepared for misc. repairs. I’d prefer to sell to someone knows what they are gonna deal with.. {Money Pit if you are not handy}.

Dr. Bjorn also did the veggie oil conversion, making it an environmentally friendly van. You can save a lot of money on gas by filtering your own fuel from restaurant waste oil. We're including the filter system with the van.

Diudiu Bus has a Reimo hightop. It's built with a bunk bed in the roof for guests to sleep over, or you can use the space to store your stuff. The van comes with a full kitchen where I've cooked numerous meals. It also has a diesel heater that keeps my family warm even in -12°C, as well as a ventilation fan. The batteries are new from August 2023. There's also a voltage converter installed, so you can blend your smoothies.

The technical details are all sorted out. You need to pick up the van in Canada. It's BC registered. The price is in Canadian dollars. We've spent more than $50,000 on this van. Asking for $48500 CAD and a handy mindset prepared VW owner.
I'll add more photos. And you can email me for more photos as well.

Now, feeling part of the VW family, I feel compelled to share some of our memories with Diudiu Bus.

------------------------------Feel free to ignore more memos about Diudiu Bus below----------------------

My husband and I are both documentary filmmakers. When our daughter was born, we struggled to adjust our lifestyle with a baby. We fought a lot over little things and big things in life, so we decided that if we were going to fight, it would be on the road, to see the wonderful world and meet people. Maybe we could find a solution for our marriage. Another filmmaker from Vancouver was selling this van that he had lived in full time. We bought it, and we are the 2nd owners of the van since it immigrated to Canada.

We took our 8-month-old girl, Diudiu, on the road for an around-the-world trip in autumn 2019. We named the van after our little girl, Diudiu. We only did a bit of North America due to Covid striking at the beginning of 2020. Did vanlife fix our marriage? Yes, we were too busy figuring out life on the road with a VW van and a baby. We no longer had time to fight with each other and actually learned how to be partners and parents.

With Covid, we lived in the Canadian Rockies for 3 years, and our second son arrived in 2022. Same old story, back to fighting over little things and big things, so we decided to live on the road again. This time we went to Vancouver Island and had Dr. Bjorn rebuild the engine for us, so we wouldn't be stuck in the VW's endless fixing loop.

We drove our van all the way to Mexico and hoped to ship it to the UK to continue our journey in Europe. We first moved to the UK for two months, with our van stuck at a port in the US. Life in the UK with my job wasn't easy. It seemed like a dream job but ended up being a nightmare, with the boss making sexist jokes and taking pride in partially destroying the environment for work purposes. I quit. Now, with a family of 4, we sold everything in the UK that we had just bought two months ago and moved back to Canada.

The move between countries has been a significant financial strain on us. We love our van, but unfortunately, we need to sell it to pay our bills. Also, this past couple of years of adventurous life has been tiring. We're ready to settle down in a small town to raise our kids. Though our van is part of our family, we can't live in debt with young kids.

It's a hard decision to sell the van. We hope you are the right person to continue this adventurous lifestyle! We can't express how grateful we are to have met so many wonderful people through this VW van. We've been to lots of places with the van throughout the US, and it never really broke down. Like any old van, it needs lots of TLC. Though we rebuilt the engine, it's still a three-knob syncro, so we hope you know what you're getting yourself into. It's a life of adventure. You can find DiudiuBus on Instagram to see its past journey or what I cooked in the van.

I've written long enough. We don't want to sell it as just a commodity; we want to find the right person to continue the adventurous journey. We hope you're the special one. And we also need the money to restart life, settle down, and find day-to-day jobs to support us in documenting the stories we feel are important.
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
2 - Very Good
Wed Apr 03, 2024 7:37 am
Sun May 12, 2024 10:16 am
Sun May 12, 2024 10:16 am
Vehicles - Type 2/Bus - Vanagon

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