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Classifieds Index -> Vehicles -> Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
67 camper Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2677771
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67 camper   Price: 4000
67 camper 4000.

roll but youll need a trailer, (i know a tow guy if interested)
67 camper has some interior. cabs, fridge, zbed, windows, etc.

located in 05458 vt.
ask any questions if the pictures dont explain condition.

do your homework on parts fitting your car-no returns. ask any questions upfront.

credit card-paypal or possible other ways to pay, postal money orders accepted.

most prices are flexible.
some items might have ship included.
only a price- we figure out the costs to you.

my shipping,
i will ship daily.
if shipping cost is large a separate, paypal fee might be charged on the shipping.

large heavy items fedex, about a week delivery i go once a week.
might not be till the end of week.

overseas- yes I will ship, no returns on shipping costs if item comes back to me. only item cost minus return cost.
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howardvw Premium Membership
December 15, 2003
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05458, Vermont, USA Map it
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Vehicles - Type 2/Bus - 1949-67

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