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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
Big Top Tent canvas 65-67 era Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2678671
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Big Top Tent canvas 65-67 era   Price: $1000
This tent is for the person who wants to own a well used piece of history. I've tried my best and at this moment I couldn't find a single listing for any vw tent like this. I assume it is quite rare.I acquired this tent in 2016. It came with one 1980 baby blue Volkswagen Westfalia. I've since sold the van, i was never able to get it going well enough to justify keeping it. This tent came with the 1965-1967 era SO42 Westfalia camping package. This tent though. She may be old, with some wear and tear, but by golly she's a trooper. Ive used this tent many times at music festivals mostly. She's seen all kinds of weather mostly sun but rain and wind too. Always has been such a joy, definitely sad to let her go. Everything on the tent works, maybe not perfectly, but all works and i trust will continue to work if treated with care. please contact me if you are interested.
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Ezekeal Ayo
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Parts - Type 2/Bus - 1949-67

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