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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Type 1/Bug - through 1957
Split VW Bug Porsche 356 Blaupunkt Frankfurt Radio Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2683990
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Split VW Bug Porsche 356 Blaupunkt Frankfurt Radio   Price: 2999
Split VW Bug Porsche 356 Blaupunkt Frankfurt Radio

!!!!!!!! ITS VERY RARE!!!!!!!

This is an original German BLAUPUNKT Radio radio with FM band.

The radio is FULLY restored with modern transistory FM technology!! 6 OR 12 Volt. It comes with the original faceplate, which was typical for your Porsche 356 or VW bug/beetle on, but the radio is also fit in the most European vintage cars.

It comes Incl BLUETOOTH and Adaptercable for MP3, iPod, iPhone…. Samsung….

!!!Two Days UPS shipping time from Germany to USA!!! If you have further questions please ask, see my feedbacks of sold vintage radios. --- Registered shipping to the US is US$ 69,00, no additional fees. I accept cashier checks and PAYPAL. Thank you for looking. PS. If you look for another radio, you write to me. I have to sell approx. 1000 radios.
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Senden, Germany
Tue May 14, 2024 9:26 am
Fri May 17, 2024 12:58 am
Parts - Type 1/Bug - through 1957
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