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Classifieds Index -> Vehicles -> Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
1965 11 Window Camper Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2685797
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1965 11 Window Camper   Price: $28,500
1965 kombi/camper
Rebuilt engine ( dual port 1641) and transaxle by local shop.
New brakes, shocks, Hancook LT tires and clutch cable.
Runs, drives, stops. Includes new camper conversion ( built by JB Woodworking ) with Limba/Birch cabinets and bench which makes out to a bed.
Lights and horn work, wipers not working.
Swr / beige grey.
Mostly original paint other than previous lower nose repair and lower driver door. Driver door shuts a little rough.
Some rust at battery tray, short rocker, front floor, and bottom edge of 1 cargo door. Includes new window seals.
Original wall panels, new wood ceiling.
Windshield has new seals
32k no trades.
Serious inquiries only!
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John Bowers
April 09, 2009
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Boise, Idaho, USA Map it
Sat May 25, 2024 1:52 pm
Fri Jul 05, 2024 6:39 am
Fri Jul 05, 2024 6:39 am
Vehicles - Type 2/Bus - 1949-67

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